Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

LDE Notifications

S.No. Title Publish Date File Type / File Size Download
1 Schedule of LDCE/LDE examination for promotion to the post of Principal/ Vice-Principal/ PGTs w.r.t. notification dated 15.03.2024. 20-03-2025 NA/ NA
2 Subject Specific Syllabus for promotion to the post of PGT(MIL-Manipuri) w.r.t. Annexure-'A' of LDCE/LDE notification dated 15.03.2024. 20-02-2025 NA/ NA
3 Subject Specific Syllabus for promotion to the post of PGTs w.r.t. Annexure-A of LDCE/LDE notification dated 15.03.2024 14-02-2025 pdf/ 7872KB
4 Annexure-I and II with reference to LDCE/LDE notification dated 15.03.2024 for promotion to the post of Principal, Vice-Principal & PGTs 13-02-2025 pdf/ 1297KB
5 Schedule of Skill (Typing) Test i.r.o. qualified candidates for promotion to the post of JSA (HQ/RO) Cadre and JSA (JNV) Cadre under LDCE-2023 24-10-2024 NA/ NA
6 Notice regarding promotion to the post of Section Officer (Admn.) through LDCE-2023. 18-06-2024 NA/ NA
7 Interview Schedule for promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) through LDCE 2023 11-06-2024 NA/ NA
8 Click to fill online application form for promotion to the post of Principal, Vice-Principal and PGTs under LDCE/LDE w.r.t. notification dated 15.03.2024 27-05-2024 NA/ NA
9 Notice for opening/closing of portal to invite online applications for promotion to the post of Principal, Vice-Principal and PGTs under LDCE/LDE 27-05-2024 NA/ NA
10 Notice regarding link to download call letters for personal talk (interview) for promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) through LDCE. 17-05-2024 NA/ NA
11 Click here to download call letter to attend Personal Talk(Interview) for the post of Assistant Commissioner(Academics) under LDCE 2023. 16-05-2024 NA/ NA
12 Schedule for Personal Talk (Interview) for the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) through LDCE 13-05-2024 NA/ NA
13 Link for inviting objections(s) in respect of any question(s) and its provisional answer for the Computer Based Test (CBT) held on 27.03.2024 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts under LDCE 01-04-2024 NA/ NA
14 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Principal, Vice-Principal and Limited Departmental Examination for promotion to the post of Post Graduate Teachers in NVS 15-03-2024 NA/ NA
15 Click here to download E-admit card to appear CBT for LDCE for promotion to the Non-Teaching post 15-03-2024 NA/ NA
16 Notice regarding download E-admit card to appear Computer Based Test of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) with reference to notification(s) dated 05.12.2023 15-03-2024 pdf/ 83KB
17 Notice regarding Computer Based Test of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) with reference to notification(s) dated 05.12.2023 15-02-2024 pdf/ 82KB
18 Click here to fill online application form for promotion to the post of Cook 29-12-2023 NA/ NA
19 Notification for Skill Test for promotion to the post of Cook (JNV CADRE) 28-12-2023 pdf/ 269KB
20 Click here to fill online application form for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE)-2023 for promotion to various non-teaching posts HQ/RO & JNV Cadres 11-12-2023 NA/ NA
21 Notice for inviting on-line applications under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE)-2023 for promotion to the various non-teaching posts 11-12-2023 pdf/ 66KB
22 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination For Promotion To The Post Of Assistant Commissioner(Academic), Assistant Commissioner(Administration), Section Officer (Administration), Section Officer (Finance And Accounts), Assistant Section Officer, Senior Secretariat Assistant And Junior Secretariat Assistant Of Nvs Headquarters/ Regional Office Cadre 05-12-2023 pdf/ 826KB
23 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination [Computer Based Test] For Promotion To The Post Of Junior Secretariat Assistant (Jnv Cadre) 05-12-2023 pdf/ 296KB
24 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination [Computer Based Test] For Promotion To The Post Of Office Superintendent & Senior Secretariat Assistant (Jnv Cadre) 05-12-2023 pdf/ 347KB
25 Notice regarding E-Admit Card for appearing in Skill Test for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant under LDCE -2022 and LDE-2018 30-01-2023 pdf/ 98KB
26 Notice regarding conduct of Skill Test for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant under LDCE -2022 and LDE-2018 13-01-2023 pdf/ 102KB
27 Notice regarding tentative schedule for Skill Test for the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) and Stenographer under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 as well as Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre) and Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) 21-11-2022 pdf/ 116KB
28 Click here to apply for various Teaching posts on promotions (LDE/LDCE) of existing NVS employees, notified vide notification dated 29.06.2022 04-07-2022 NA/ NA
29 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Principal and Vice-Principal and Limited Departmental Examination for promotion to the post of Post Graduate Teachers in NVS 29-06-2022 pdf/ 2962KB
30 Notice for inviting objection(s) in respect of any question(s) and its provisional answer for the Computer Based Test (CBT) held on 11.05.2022 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts under LDCE. 17-05-2022 pdf/ 162KB
31 Link for inviting objection(s) in respect of any question(s) and its provisional answer for the Computer Based Test (CBT) held on 11.05.2022 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts under LDCE. 17-05-2022 NA/ NA
32 Notice on issue "examination centre at two different places" for LDCE (CBT on 11.05.2022) for promotion to the various non-teaching posts. 29-04-2022 pdf/ 155KB
33 Link for downloading Admit Card for LDCE (CBT on 11.05.2022) for promotion to the various non-teaching posts. 26-04-2022 NA/ NA
34 Notice for downloading Admit Card for LDCE (CBT on 11.05.2022) for promotion to the various non-teaching posts. 26-04-2022 pdf/ 112KB
35 Notice regarding schedule of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) with reference to notifications published on 27.01.2022. 13-04-2022 pdf/ 118KB
36 Click here to apply for Non-Teaching posts on promotions (LDCE) of existing NVS employees, notified vide notifications dated 27.01.2022 28-02-2022 NA/ NA
37 Last date to apply for promotions (LDCE) is 29.03.2022 28-02-2022 NA/ NA
38 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Section Officer, Assistant Section Officer, Personal Assistant & Senior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO cadre) in NVS 27-01-2022 pdf/ 384KB
39 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Office Superintendent & Senior Secretariat Assistant (JNV cadre) in NVS 27-01-2022 pdf/ 322KB
40 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO cadre) in NVS 27-01-2022 pdf/ 261KB
41 Notification for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV cadre) in NVS 27-01-2022 pdf/ 265KB
42 Click here to apply for skill test for promotion of regular eligible Mess Helpers to the post of Cook (JNV Cadre) in NVS 03-01-2022 NA/ NA
43 Notification for promotion of regular eligible Mess Helpers to the post of Cook (JNV Cadre) in NVS 31-12-2021 pdf/ 514KB
44 Link to download admit card for examination for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant 07-12-2021 NA/ NA
45 Conduct of LDE for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant 06-12-2021 pdf/ 69KB
46 Departmental test for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant is scheduled to be conducted on 11.12.2021 15-11-2021 pdf/ 858KB
47 Eligible Stenographers for appearing in departmental test for shorthand/typing speed for promotion to the post of personal assistant. 29-09-2021 pdf/ 942KB
48 Notice regarding Promotion to the post of Vice Principal under LDCE-2019 19-02-2020 pdf/ 43KB
49 Notice and List of Facilitation Centers for LDCE-2019 to be held on 03.10.2019 30-09-2019 pdf/ 866KB
50 Link for downloading Admit Card for LDCE-2019 for promotion to the post of Principal and Vice Principal 24-09-2019 NA/ NA
51 Notice for downloading of Admit Cards for LDCE-2019 for promotion to the post of Principal and Vice Principal 24-09-2019 pdf/ 134KB
52 Schedule for examination (LDCE) for the post of Principal and Vice Principal 20-09-2019 pdf/ 57KB
53 Click here to fill online application form for LDCE-2019 for promotion to the post of Principal and Vice Principal 23-08-2019 NA/ NA
54 Notice for inviting on-line application for LDCE-2019 for promotion to the post of Principal and Vice Principal 23-08-2019 pdf/ 182KB
55 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion to the Post of Principal & Vice Principal 02-08-2019 pdf/ 571KB
56 Online Link for inviting online objections, if any, on question and provisional answer keys of LDE-2018 28-09-2018 / KB
57 Notice for inviting online objections, if any, on question and provisional answer keys of LDE-2018 28-09-2018 pdf/ 203KB
58 Facilitation Counter for L.D.E.-2018 06-09-2018 pdf/
59 Download Admit Card for LDE 2018 03-09-2018 /
60 Modification of syllabus for Limited Departmental Examination in respect of promotion to the post of UDC in NVS (HQ) / RO Cadre-reg 23-08-2018 pdf/
61 Schedule for Limited Departmental Examination 13-08-2018 pdf/ 218KB
62 Click here to fill online application form for Limited Departmental Examination(LDE)-2018 18-05-2018 /
63 Notice for inviting on-line application for Limited Departmental Examination (LDE)-2018 17-05-2018 /
64 Notification regarding conduct of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Section Officer (SO) 18-04-2018 /
65 Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Promotion to the post of Assistant and UDC, NVS, Hqrs/RO Cadre 27-03-2018 /
66 Limited Departmental Examination for Promotion to the Post of Principal / PGTs / Office Superintendent / Upper Division Clerk (JNV Cadre) 27-03-2018 /