Promotion Orders
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

Promotion Orders

S.No. Title Publish Date File Type / File Size Download
1 Promotion Order to the post of Deputy Commissioner i.r.o. Smt. Manju Rani Sharma, AC (Acad.), NVS RO Bhopal 27-03-2025 NA/ NA
2 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Satish Kumar Kansal, ASO, NVS Hqrs to the post of Section Offficer (Admn.) 04-03-2025 NA/ NA
3 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri S. P. Borse, Principal, JNV Ahmednagar to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) 04-03-2025 NA/ NA
4 Office Order regarding promotion of Smt. Babita Rajput, PA NVS Hqrs Noida. 01-01-2025 NA/ NA
5 Promotion order i.r.o. Shri Praveen Chandra, PA, NVS Hqrs to the post of Private Secretary reg. 12-12-2024 NA/ NA
6 Promotion order i.r.o. Smt. R Stella Hebzi Bai, Principal, JNV Ernakulam to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad) reg. 11-12-2024 NA/ NA
7 Promotion order i.r.o. Shri S C Joshi, Principal, JNV Bilaspur to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad) reg. 11-12-2024 NA/ NA
8 Promotion order i.r.o. Shri Gurjinder Singh, Principal, JNV Patiala to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad) reg. 11-12-2024 NA/ NA
9 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri O. M. Pankajakshan, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 25-10-2024 NA/ NA
10 Promotion order of Smt. Sukhraj Kaur, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) on regular basis 12-09-2024 NA/ NA
11 Office Order regarding promotion of Smt. Savita Batra, ASO, NVS, RO Chandigarh to the post of Section Officer (Admn.) 30-08-2024 NA/ NA
12 Office Order in respect of Shri TVS Prakasa Rao, Principal [Presently working as I/C AC (Acad.), NVS RO, Shillong]. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
13 Office Order in respect of Dr. E. Umapathi Reddy, Principal [Presently working as I/C AC (Acad.), NVS RO, Hyderabad]. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
14 Office Order in respect of Shri R. Prem Kumar, Principal [Presently working as I/C AC (Acad.), NVS RO, Pune]. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
15 Office Order in respect of Shri Sanjay Shukla, Principal [Presently working as I/C AC (Acad.), NVS Hqrs, Noida]. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
16 Promotion Order in respect of Dr. V. Muniramiah, Principal (presently working as I/C, AC(Acad), RO Bhopal. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
17 Office Order in respect of Shri Vikram Joshi, Joint Commissioner (Personnel) NVS, Hqrs. Noida. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
18 Office Order in respect of Shri Gyanendra Kumar, Joint Commissioner, NVS, Hqrs. Noida. 25-07-2024 NA/ NA
19 Promotion order (Smt. Abha Gupta, Principal, JNV Jammu-II) 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
20 Promotion order (Smt. Beena Bhattacharya, Principal, JNV Jhabua-I) 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
21 Promotion order (Dr. Rathnakaran KO, Principal, JNV Mahe) 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
22 Promotion Order (Sh. M.S Balvir, Principal, JNV Bhandara) 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
23 Office Order in respect of Smt. Neelam Pani, AC(Acad.), NVS, RO Patna. 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
24 Promotion order (Sh. C Ramakrishnan, Principal, Presently I/c (Acad),NVS,RO Hyderabad) 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
25 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Satyanand Tiwary, Junior Translation Officer, NVS Hqrs Noida. 01-07-2024 NA/ NA
26 Office Order in respect of Smt. Trishna Rani Patnaik, JSA, NVS, Hqrs Noida. 25-06-2024 NA/ NA
27 Promotion order of Shri Shashi Bhushan Sharma, Junior Sysytem Analyst, NVS, Hqrs. Noida 21-06-2024 NA/ NA
28 Promotion order of Shri, Azad Singh, STO, NVS, Hqrs. 21-06-2024 NA/ NA
29 Office Order of Shri Ajay kumar DC (Acad.) NVS Hqrs Noida. 13-06-2024 NA/ NA
30 Office Order of Shri Raghuvendra kumar DC (Admn.) NVS Hqrs Noida. 13-06-2024 NA/ NA
31 Office Order of Shri Gireesh kumar DC (F&S) NVS Hqrs Noida. 13-06-2024 NA/ NA
32 Office Order regarding Promotion of various SSA and Computer Opterator to ASO. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
33 Office Order regarding Promotion of Smt. Geetika Sharma, AC(Acad.), NVS RO Bhopal. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
34 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Raghuvendra Kumar, AC(Admn.), NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
35 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Jitendra Kumar, JSA, NVS Hqrs, to SSA, NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
36 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Gireesh Kumar, AC(Acad.), NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
37 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Ajay Kumar, AC(Acad.), NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
38 Office Order regarding Promotion of Ms. Reena Shakuja, JSA, NVS, RO Lucknow. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
39 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Promila Rani, JSA, NVS, RO Chandigarh. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
40 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Poonam, JSA, NVS, RO Chandigarh. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
41 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Nirmala Dangwal, JSA, NVS Hqrs, to SSA, NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
42 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Madhu Rana, JSA, NVS Hqrs, to SSA, NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
43 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mr. Shankar Lal Verma, JSA, NVS, RO Jaipur. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
44 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mr. Satish Kumar, JSA, NVS, RO Lucknow. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
45 Office Order regarding Promotion of Mr. Daya Kishan, JSA, NVS Hqrs, to SSA, NVS Hqrs Noida. 06-06-2024 NA/ NA
46 Dr. V Muniramiah, Principal, JNV Anand is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Bhopal untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
47 Sh. E Umapathi Reddy, Principal, JNV Mandya is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Hyderabad untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
48 Sh. H N Pandey, Principal, JNV Kishtwar/Shimla is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Lucknow untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
49 Ms. Sukhraj Kaur, Principal, JNV Amritsar-II is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Jaipur untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
50 Sh. T V S Prakasa Rao, Principal, JNV Yanam is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Shillong untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
51 Sh. R Prem Kumar, Principal, JNV Chikkamgaluru is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Pune untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
52 Sh. C Ram Krishnan, Principal, JNV Kottayam is hereby deputed as incharge Assistant Commissioner (Acad.) at NVS, RO Hyderabad untill further orders. 15-05-2024 NA/ NA
53 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri O P Lakhani (SSA), NVS Hqrs NOIDA. 29-12-2023 pdf/ 319KB
54 Office Order of Shri Sanjay Shukla, Principal JNV Champawat regarding. 28-11-2023 pdf/ 251KB
55 Office order regarding promotion of Smt Archana Bhalla, Stenographer, NVS RO Jaipur, to the post of Personal Assistant 16-11-2023 pdf/ 439KB
56 Office order regarding proforma promotion to Shri Tek Ram Sharma, Assistant Section Officers , to the post of Section Officer 15-11-2023 pdf/ 222KB
57 Office order regarding promotion of Smt Palvinder Kaur, Senior Secretariat Assistant, NVS Hqrs. Noida to the post of Assistant Section Officer 15-11-2023 pdf/ 230KB
58 Office order regarding promotion of Smt Susheela Sharma, Senior Secretariat Assistant, NVS Hqrs. Noida to the post of Assistant Section Officer 15-11-2023 /
59 Office order in respect of Mrs. Mausumi Nag, Principal, JNV Nadia (WB). 07-11-2023 pdf/ 503KB
60 Office order in respect of Shri S J Annaserry, Principal, JNV Idduki (Kerela). 07-11-2023 pdf/ 523KB
61 Officer order in respect of Shri Sanjay Shukla, Principal, JNV Champawat. 07-11-2023 pdf/ 515KB
62 Officer order in respect of Shri Suman Kumar, Principal, JNV Kanpur Rural. 07-11-2023 pdf/ 493KB
63 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri R.K. Khurana (SSA), NVS Hqrs,Noida. 25-10-2023 pdf/ 321KB
64 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Atul Sharma, ASO, NVS Hqrs, Noida. 23-10-2023 pdf/ 328KB
65 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Satish Udiwal, Stenographer, NVS, RO Bhopal. 05-10-2023 pdf/ 344KB
66 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Seema Arora, Stenographer, NVS Hqrs Noida 05-10-2023 pdf/ 307KB
67 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Gireesh Kumar, DC, NVS Hqrs Noida. 21-09-2023 pdf/ 278KB
68 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Tekram Sharma, Assistant Section Officer, NVS Hqrs. Noida to the post of Section Officer (Admn) 20-09-2023 pdf/ 405KB
69 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Jai Kumar Gupta, Assistant Section Officer, NVS RO Patna, to the post of Section Officer (Admn) 20-09-2023 pdf/ 348KB
70 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Sanjeev Rana, Assistant Section Officer, NVS Hqrs. Noida to the post of Section Officer (Admn) 20-09-2023 pdf/ 376KB
71 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. M. Sathimani, SSA, NVS, RO Bhopal. 31-08-2023 pdf/ 347KB
72 Office order regarding acceptance of promotion of Sh. Gireesh Kumar, Deputy Commissioner(Adhoc), NVS, Hqrs, Noida 28-08-2023 pdf/ 377KB
73 Office order regarding acceptance of promotion of Smt. Kirti Panwar, Deputy Commissioner, NVS, Hqrs, Noida 28-08-2023 pdf/ 356KB
74 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms Lata Sehgal, Stenographer, NVS, RO Lucknow. 24-08-2023 pdf/ 309KB
75 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. S.L. Mishra, Stenographer, NVS, RO Lucknow. 24-08-2023 pdf/ 293KB
76 Office order regarding promotion of Mr. Aditya prakash Singh, Deputy Commissioner (Incharge), NVS, RO Shillong. 18-08-2023 pdf/ 412KB
77 Office order regarding promotion of Mr. Gireesh Kumar, Assistant Commissioner , NVS, Hqrs. Noida 18-08-2023 pdf/ 373KB
78 Office order regarding promotion of Mrs. Kirti Panwar, Deputy Commissioner (Incharge), NVS, Hqrs. Noida 18-08-2023 pdf/ 403KB
79 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri Nihar Dey, Audit Assistant, NVS, RO, Bhopal. 31-07-2023 pdf/ 590KB
80 Promotion Order of Ms. A.P. Lyngdoh, ASO, NVS, RO Shillong 31-07-2023 pdf/ 264KB
81 Promotion order of Sh.Daniel syiemlieh, ASO, NVS, RO Shillong 31-07-2023 pdf/ 368KB
82 Promotion order of Mrs. Preeti Saxena, Senior Secretariat Assistant, NVS, RO Lucknow 31-07-2023 pdf/ 352KB
83 Promotion order of Shri Akhilesh Pal, Senior Secretariat Assistant, NVS, RO Jaipur 31-07-2023 pdf/ 366KB
84 Promotion order of Smt. Supriya purkayastha, Senior Secretariat Assistant, NVS, RO Shillong 31-07-2023 pdf/ 370KB
85 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Ayesha M Tinmaker, Stenographer, NVS, RO Pune. 27-07-2023 pdf/ 489KB
86 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Jayashree VK, Stenographer, NVS, RO Pune. 27-07-2023 pdf/ 549KB
87 Office order Sh. K.D Mohan, Audit Assistant, NVS,RO Patna 18-07-2023 pdf/ 291KB
88 Office Order regarding Promotion of Sh. Anil Sharma, Audit Assistant, NVS RO Jaipur 18-07-2023 pdf/ 344KB
89 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Harkishan ASO, NVS Hqrs Noida. 14-07-2023 pdf/ 457KB
90 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Sanjay Kapoor, Assistant Section Officer, NVS Hqrs Noida. 14-07-2023 pdf/ 454KB
91 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri S.L Maurya, Assistant Section Officer, NVS, RO Jaipur. 14-07-2023 pdf/ 437KB
92 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri S.K. Kansal, Assistant Section Officer, NVS Hqrs, Noida. 14-07-2023 pdf/ 449KB
93 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Kamal Babu, SSA, NVS Hqrs Noida. 10-07-2023 pdf/ 600KB
94 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Neeraj suri , Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant. 07-07-2023 pdf/ 319KB
95 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Sangeeta Bajaj, Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant. 07-07-2023 pdf/ 422KB
96 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Kusum Malviya, Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant. 07-07-2023 pdf/ 406KB
97 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Baljinder Kaur, Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant. 07-07-2023 pdf/ 352KB
98 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Sudha Nair Steno, NVS, RO Pune 07-07-2023 pdf/ 389KB
99 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. Harish Kumar Gurbani, SSA, NVS , RO Jaipur 07-07-2023 pdf/ 391KB
100 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. A.K Srivastava, SSA, NVS, RO Lucknow 07-07-2023 pdf/ 470KB
101 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. Kushal Kumar Sharma, SSA, NVS Hq, Noida 07-07-2023 pdf/ 394KB
102 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. D.S Bhandari, SSA, NVS Hq, Noida 07-07-2023 pdf/ 457KB
103 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh.Kuldeep Sharma,SSA,NVS,RO Chandigarh 07-07-2023 pdf/ 453KB
104 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Barnacle T Sohtun, Stenographer to the post of Personal Assistant. 07-07-2023 pdf/ 425KB
105 Office Order regarding Promotion of Shri B. K. Sinha, AC NVS RO, Patna. 15-06-2023 pdf/ 355KB
106 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri M.S. Balvir, Principal, JNV Bhandara (Maharashtra). 22-05-2023 pdf/ 678KB
107 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Manju Negi, ASO, NVS Hqrs Noida. 08-05-2023 pdf/ 517KB
108 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. K. Sagarika, Principal, JNV Kurnool. 26-04-2023 pdf/ 549KB
109 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri B.K. Sinha, AC, NVS, RO patna. 21-04-2023 pdf/ 57KB
110 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Geetika Sharma, AC, NVS, RO Bhopal. 21-04-2023 pdf/ 61KB
111 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Charanjeet Kaur, Stenographer, NVS, HQ NOIDA 19-04-2023 pdf/ 48KB
112 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Ghanshyam Dass, Stenographer, NVS, Hqrs. NOIDA 19-04-2023 pdf/ 50KB
113 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Sushil Kumar Bansal, Stenographer, NVS, Hqrs. NOIDA 19-04-2023 pdf/ 50KB
114 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Arvinder Singh, Stenographer, NVS, Hqrs. NOIDA 19-04-2023 pdf/ 52KB
115 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri M. Shreedhar, Stenographer, NVS, RO. Hyderabad 19-04-2023 pdf/ 56KB
116 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Shrikant Yadav, Stenographer, NVS, Hqrs. NOIDA 19-04-2023 pdf/ 51KB
117 Office Order regarding promotion of Mrs. Savita Batra, Assistant Section Officer, NVS, RO Chandigarh. 12-04-2023 pdf/ 52KB
118 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. T. Jayasree, Principal, JNV, Prakassam-I (Andhra Pradesh). 03-04-2023 pdf/ 493KB
119 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh. Ch. Shekhar Babu, Principal, JNV, Haveri (Karnataka). 03-04-2023 pdf/ 500KB
120 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Abha Gupta, Principal, JNV Mohali (Punjab). 03-04-2023 pdf/ 498KB
121 Office order regarding withdrawal offer of promotion of Ms. Geetika Sharma, Assistant Commissioner, NVS, RO Bhopal 28-03-2023 pdf/ 335KB
122 Office order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Kalpana Khattar Stenographer, NVS Hqrs, Noida 20-03-2023 pdf/ 504KB
123 Office order regarding Promotion of Mrs. Pushpa Stenographer, NVS Hqrs, Noida 20-03-2023 pdf/ 477KB
124 Office order regarding Promotion of Shri P. Jagdeesh Kumar Stenographer, NVS, RO Hyderabad 20-03-2023 pdf/ 493KB
125 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Nirmala Dangwal, JSA, NVS, Hqrs. 03-03-2023 pdf/ 55KB
126 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Rockystar Kharbudnah, MTS, NVS, RO Shillong. 01-03-2023 pdf/ 53KB
127 Office order regarding non acceptance of promotion by Sh. O.P. Mudgal, Principal, JNV Jaisalmer 24-02-2023 pdf/ 409KB
128 Office order regarding non acceptance of promotion by Ms. Beena Bhattacharya, Principal JNV, Barwani, MP 24-02-2023 pdf/ 394KB
129 Office order regarding promotion of Ms. Geetika Sharma, AC, NVS, RO Bhopal 24-02-2023 pdf/ 567KB
130 Office order regarding promotion of Shri S.K. Tyagi, Deputy Commissioner(Adhoc), NVS Hqrs 24-02-2023 pdf/ 503KB
131 Office order regarding non acceptance of promotion by Shri Sudhir kumar jaglan ASO, RO Chandigarh 21-02-2023 pdf/ 439KB
132 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Janak mahto, ASO RO Patna to SO, RO Shillong 21-02-2023 pdf/ 499KB
133 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Vidhu Bajpai DC (Adhoc), NLI Udaipur to DC (Regular), NLI Udaipur 08-02-2023 pdf/ 55KB
134 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Geeta Gauri Audit Assistant, NVS Hqrs to Section Officer, NVS Hqrs 08-02-2023 pdf/ 54KB
135 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri S.K. Tyagi AC, NVS Hqrs to DC, NVS Hqrs on Adhoc basis 08-02-2023 pdf/ 54KB
136 Office order regrading promotion of shri O.P. Mudgal, Principal, JNV Jaisalmer is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis 20-01-2023 pdf/ 519KB
137 Office order regarding non acceptance of promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner by Ms. C. Kannamma, Principal, JNV Bastar 20-01-2023 pdf/ 501KB
138 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Sudhir Kumar Jaglan, ASO RO Chandigarh to SO RO Shillong 04-01-2023 pdf/ 140KB
139 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. D.P. Kulshrestha as Assistant Commissioner in NVS Hqrs Noida 28-12-2022 pdf/ 100KB
140 Promotion of Ms. Vidhu Bajpai, AC to the post of DC on adhoc basis - reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 403KB
141 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. C.V. Shanthy, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner at NVS RO Hyderabad- reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 359KB
142 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. C. Kannamma, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner at NVS Hqrs - reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 365KB
143 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri O.P. Mudgal, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner at NVS Hqrs- reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 359KB
144 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri M. Laxmanan, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner at NVS RO Bhopal- reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 371KB
145 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Beena Bhattacharya, Principal to the post of Assistant Commissioner at NVS RO Patna- reg. 26-12-2022 pdf/ 386KB
146 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri C. Hari Babu deputy commissioner(Adhoc) to Deputy commissioner on regular basis in RO Patna 26-12-2022 pdf/ 209KB
147 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Vidhu Bajpai Assistant commissioner NVS to Deputy commissioner RO Bhopal 26-12-2022 pdf/ 206KB
148 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Madhu Rana, JSA to the post of SSA 22-12-2022 pdf/ 519KB
149 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Umbarkar Dhananjay Janardan, Office Superintendent JNV Latur to the post of Section Officer on regular basis. 07-12-2022 pdf/ 587KB
150 Promotion order i.r.o Shri P. K. Narula, Personal Assistant, NVS Hq to the post of Private Secretary 01-12-2022 pdf/ 548KB
151 Office order regarding of promotion of Ms. D.P Kulshrestha, Prinicpal, JNV Hathras to the post of Assistant Commissioner 01-12-2022 pdf/ 378KB
152 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. C. V. Shanthy, Prinicpal, JNV Thrissur to the post of Assistant Commissioner on adhoc basis 01-12-2022 pdf/ 367KB
153 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Lakhan Singh Rajpoot to the post of Section Officer 18-11-2022 pdf/ 479KB
154 Office order regarding promotion of Shri K.M Vijay Krishnan to the post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis 11-11-2022 pdf/ 553KB
155 Office order regarding of Ms. D.P Kulshrestha to the post of Assistant Commissioner on adhoc basis 11-11-2022 pdf/ 521KB
156 Office order regarding promotion of Ms. Reena Shakuja, Junior Secretariat Asssistant , NVS RO, Lucknow 02-11-2022 pdf/ 534KB
157 Office order regarding promotion of Shri G.S. Khadbade, Audit Assistant , NVS RO , Hydrabad to the post of Section Officer 02-11-2022 pdf/ 502KB
158 Office Order regarding promotion of Dr. Rathnakaran K.O, Principal JNV Mahe to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 27-10-2022 pdf/ 461KB
159 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Surrendra Nath Pathak Principal JNV Buxar to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 27-10-2022 pdf/ 468KB
160 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri K. M Vijay Krishnan , Principal JNV Kasargod to the post of Assistant Commissioner 27-10-2022 pdf/ 452KB
161 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Saket Swami Gupta to the post of Section Officer 12-10-2022 pdf/ 486KB
162 Office order for the post of Senior Seceretariat Assistant 12-10-2022 pdf/ 555KB
163 Office Order for the post of Deputy Commissioner of Smt. R. Anuradha. 12-10-2022 pdf/ 520KB
164 Officer Order to the post of Deputy Commissioner of Ms. Mridula Tripathia 12-10-2022 pdf/ 460KB
165 Office order to the post of Deputy Commissioner Shri C. Haribabu 12-10-2022 pdf/ 530KB
166 Office order Promotation to the post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) 12-10-2022 pdf/ 595KB
167 Shri Manoj Kumar, Section officer, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, RO Hyderabad is promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn). On Promotion, he is posted at RO Pune 10-10-2022 pdf/ 501KB
168 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Y.V.S. Murthy, ASO, NVS, RO Hyderabad to the post of Section Officer. 05-08-2022 pdf/ 458KB
169 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri H.S. Bhandari, Audit Assistant, NVS, RO Lucknow to the post of Section Officer. 05-08-2022 pdf/ 462KB
170 Office Order regarding promotion of Sri Ashok Kapoor, ASO working as Section Officer (on Adhoc basis), NVS, RO Chandigarh to the post of Section Officer. 05-08-2022 pdf/ 471KB
171 Office Order regarding promotion of Ms. Anita Kumari, Assistant Commissioner(Incharge), NVS, RO Chandigarh) to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 29-04-2022 pdf/ 175KB
172 Office Order regarding promotion of Mr. K. Sanjay, principal JNV Vishakhapatnam to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 29-04-2022 pdf/ 183KB
173 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri Sushil P Shakya, Assistant Commissioner (I/C), NVS, RO Lucknow to the post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis. 29-04-2022 pdf/ 170KB
174 Office order(Consequent upon the recommendation of the departmental promotion) 21-04-2022 pdf/ 380KB
175 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri S K Maheshwari, Assistant Commissioner, NVS, RO Jaipur to the post of Deputy Commissioner on Adhoc basis. 17-03-2022 pdf/ 692KB
176 Office Order regarding promotion of Shri K K Gaur, Assistant Commissioner (Adm.) [on Adhoc basis], NVS Hqrs. NOIDA to the post of Assistant Commissioner(Adm.) on regular basis. 03-03-2022 pdf/ 439KB
177 Office Order (Extension of period of deputation in respect of Sh. Gyanendra Kumar, JC, NVS Hqrs.) 07-02-2022 pdf/ 449KB
178 Shri Janardhan Upadhyay, Principal (presently working as Assistant Commissioner (incharge), NVS, RO Lucknow) is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis in level 12 in the pay Marix of 7th CPC and posted at NVS RO Lucknow 04-01-2022 pdf/ 464KB
179 Ms. Anita Kumari, Principal (presently working as Assistant Commissioner(Incharge), NVS, RO Chandigarh) is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner on adhoc basis in level 12 in the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC and posted at NVS,RO Chandigarh. 04-01-2022 pdf/ 484KB
180 Shri A. Vinaythan, Principal (presently working as Assistant Commissioner (Incharge), NVS, Hqrs. NODIA) is hereby promoted to the Post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis. 04-01-2022 pdf/ 432KB
181 Shri Mukesh Namdeo, Senior Secretariat Assistant is promoted to the post of Assistant Section Officer at RO Bhopal 02-12-2021 pdf/ 501KB
182 Promotion of Ms Najuma Mowthoh, Junior Secretariat assistant to the post of senior Secretariat Assistant, RO Shillong 02-12-2021 pdf/ 505KB
183 Ms. R. Anuradha, Assistant Commissioner, NVS RO Pune is hereby transferred to NVS RO Hyderabad on request basis. 24-11-2021 pdf/ 227KB
184 Shri S K Jha, Principal, JNV Dhanbad is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner posted at NVS RO Shillong. 24-11-2021 pdf/ 305KB
185 Shri. K. V. Subha Reddy, Principal, JNV Krishna is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner. He is Posted at NVS RO Hyderabad 24-11-2021 pdf/ 328KB
186 Ms. C. V. Shanthy, Principal, JNV Thrissur is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner, She is posted at NVS RO Pune. 24-11-2021 pdf/ 342KB
187 Ms. Santosh Sharma, Assistant Commissioner (Adhoc), NVS, RO Chandigarh is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 24-11-2021 pdf/ 363KB
188 Shri S K Tyagi, Assistant Commissioner (Adhoc), NVS, RO Jaipur is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner 24-11-2021 pdf/ 301KB
189 Office Order (Sh. K. Subba Reddy, Principal, JNV Krishna) 20-09-2021 pdf/ 394KB
190 Office Order for Ms. Geeta Gauri, Audit Assistant (Presently on deputation with National Bal Bhawan, Delhi 06-08-2021 pdf/ 926KB
191 Office Order for Y. V. S. Murthy, ASO, NVS RO Hyderabad 06-08-2021 pdf/ 888KB
192 Office Order for Shri M. B. Parmar, Audit Assistant, NVS RO Pune 06-08-2021 pdf/ 927KB
193 Office Order for A K Paswan, ASO, NVS RO Patna 06-08-2021 pdf/ 913KB
194 Office Order for Shri Nelson Singh, Audit Assistant, NVS RO, Bhopal 06-08-2021 pdf/ 906KB
195 Office Order for Shri Raj Kumar, Audit Assistant, NVS RO Lucknow 06-08-2021 pdf/ 898KB
196 Office order Shri K. Koteshwar Rao, ASO, NVS RO Hyderabad 06-08-2021 pdf/ 903KB
197 Office order Shri U. K. Das, Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) [on Adhoc basis], NVS, RO Pune 04-08-2021 pdf/ 245KB
198 Office order Shri K. K. Gaur, Incharge Assistant Commissioner (Admn.), NVS, Hqrs. NOIDA 04-08-2021 pdf/ 251KB
199 Office Order Shri M. K. Sahu, Section Officer, NVS, RO Hyderabad 04-08-2021 pdf/ 240KB
200 office order Ms. Pratibha Kamble, Section Officer, NVS, RO Pune 04-08-2021 pdf/ 244KB
201 Sh. Jayanta Chaudhary, JE, NVS Hq has been promoted to the post of Assistant Engineer 01-07-2021 pdf/ 368KB
202 Shri K K Gaur, Section Officer is deputed as Assistant Commissioner (Admn) I/c at NVS HQ w.e.f. 01.07.2021 01-07-2021 pdf/ 348KB
203 Shri V.K Tyagi, AC Incharge RO Jaipur has been promoted to the post of AC 18-06-2021 pdf/ 514KB
204 Shri K. Subba Reddy, Principal, JNV Krishna promoted to the post of AC 18-06-2021 pdf/ 583KB
205 Sh T Surya Prakash, AC (Admn)(Adhoc) has been promoted to the post of AC (Admn) and posted at NVS RO Shillong 11-06-2021 pdf/ 304KB
206 Shri Kailash Maheshwari, AC (Fin), NVS HQ has been assigned additional charge of AC (Admn), RO Jaipur 11-06-2021 pdf/ 783KB
207 Shri U K Das, SO, NVS RO Hyderabad has been promoted to the post of AC (Admn) on Adhoc basis 11-06-2021 pdf/ 822KB
208 Shri M. Laxmanan, Principal, JNV Prabhani has been deputed as Incharge AC, NVS RO Bhopal 11-06-2021 pdf/ 491KB
209 Smt. D.P. Kulshreshtha, Principal, JNV Hathras has been debarred for promotion to the post of AC in Samiti for one year 11-06-2021 pdf/ 550KB
210 Ms. Geetika Sharma is hereby Change from RO Lucknow to RO Bhopal. 08-06-2021 pdf/ 492KB
211 Shri B.K. Mandal, Assistant Commissioner (Adhoc), NVS, RO Lucknow is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner. 08-06-2021 pdf/ 544KB
212 Dr. A. Sawant, Principal, JNV Sholapur (Maharashtra) is Deputed as Incharge Assistant Commissioner at NVS, RO Chandigarh 08-06-2021 pdf/ 475KB
213 Sh. R.T. Lad, Principal, JNV Satara (Maharashtra) is Deputed as Incharge Assistant Commissioner at NVS, RO Lucknow 08-06-2021 pdf/ 448KB
214 Sh. B.C. Pant, Principal, JNV Shamli is Deputed as Incharge Assistant Commissioner at NVS, Hqrs. Noida 08-06-2021 pdf/ 435KB
215 Shri T Surya Prakash, Section Officer,NVS, RO Pune is promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn) 08-06-2021 pdf/ 850KB
216 Shri M.K. Sahu, Section Officer,NVS, RO Hyderabad is promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn) 08-06-2021 pdf/ 780KB
217 Shri D. Sathyan, Assistant Commissioner (Admn) (Adhoc), NVS, RO Pune is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn) 08-06-2021 pdf/ 744KB
218 Shri B. D. Ram, Assistant Commissioner (Admn) (Adhoc), NVS, RO Lucknow is hereby promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn). 08-06-2021 pdf/ 787KB
219 Shri Ajay Kumar has joined NVS to the post of Assistant Commissioner on regular basis w.e.f. 09.07.2020 28-08-2020 pdf/ 54KB
220 Sh N K Patel, AC NVS RO Bhopal promoted to the post of DC. On Promotion, he is posted as DC NVS RO Jaipur 10-08-2020 pdf/ 330KB
221 Promotion Order i.r.o Sh.M Dravidamani, Assistant Commissioner, NVS RO Hyderabad to the post of Deputy Commissioner, NVS RO Patna 10-07-2020 pdf/ 667KB
222 Consequent upon the recommendation of the DPC held on 08.02.2019 in pursuance of LDE-2018, Sh. Ashish Dubey, LDC and Sh. Shailandra Kumar, LDC have been promoted to the post of UDC (Sr. SA) 06-12-2019 pdf/ 176KB
223 Shri S K Singh, Section Officer (Adhoc), RO Lucknow has been promoted to the post of Section Officer on regular basis 02-12-2019 pdf/ 137KB
224 Consequent upon the recommendation of the DPC, Shri G L Meena, Audit Assistant has been promoted to the post of Section Officer, NVS 02-12-2019 pdf/ 149KB
225 Select and Reserve Panel for promotion to the post of Principal on recommendations of DPC held on 30.10.2019 31-10-2019 pdf/ 781KB
226 Office Order regarding promotion of the LDCs to the post of UDC 25-10-2019 pdf/ 212KB
227 Consequent upon the recommendation of the DPC, Shri Gyanendra Kumar (AC), Shri Vikram Joshi (AC), Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh (AC-on lien), Shri T Gopalakrishna (AC), Shri Zuber Ahmed (AC), Shri Ambesh Kumar (AC), Ms. S Deka (AC), Shri R L Mali (AC) and Ms. G Anusuya (AC) have been promoted to the post of Deputy Commissioner, NVS 27-05-2019 NA/ NA
228 Office Order regarding joining of Sh Sateesh, Office Superintendent, JNV to the post of Section Officer, NVS (HQ) on promotion w.e.f. 05.03.2019 11-03-2019 pdf/ 177KB
229 Office Order regarding promotion of Sh G. Arumugam, Deputy Commissioner, NVS (HQ) to the post of Joint Commissioner, NVS 11-03-2019 pdf/ 145KB
230 Office Order:- Ms Vidhu Bajpai joined the duties of Assistant Commissionerthe at NVS (HQ) on 04.01.2019 18-01-2019 pdf/ 190KB
231 Office Order:- Sh. T Sobhan Babu joined the duties of Assistant Commissioner at NVS (HQ) on 07.01.2019 18-01-2019 pdf/ 187KB
232 Sh. N K Pahwa, Assistant Commissioner (Admn) on his promotion joined NVS (HQ) as Deputy Commissioner (Admn) 04-09-2018 pdf/
233 Office Order i.r.o Sh. Uma Maheshwara Rao N. regarding his joining in the capacity of Deputy Commissioner and posting as Deputy Commissioner (Trg) at NVS (HQ) 28-08-2018 pdf/
234 Promotion / Transfer Orders of Deputy Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners 29-06-2018 / KB
235 Joining to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) and Assistant Commissioner (Fin.) on Promotion 22-06-2018 / KB
236 Notification regarding Promotion of Stenographers to the post of Personal Assistant 20-03-2018 / KB
237 Office Order for Promotion of PGTs to the post of Vice Principal 21-02-2018 / KB