Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

Construction Circulars

S.No. Title Publish Date File Type / File Size Download
1 Time period for new Construction and Special Repair works of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. 11-02-2025 NA/ NA
2 Inspection of Navodaya works by Junior Engineer. 12-11-2024 NA/ NA
3 Construction of MP Hall and Covered Court Yard in JNVs. 11-11-2024 NA/ NA
4 Streamlining of Funds release to CPWD for NVS works and minimizing delay in release of funds. 01-10-2024 NA/ NA
5 Office Order regarding Maintenance and Repair of Infrastructure in JNV Campus. 19-09-2024 NA/ NA
6 Standardization/Streamlining of Colour Scheme for NVS/JNV Buildings. 10-09-2024 NA/ NA
7 Planning Guidelines and General Specifications for New and Special M&R works of NVS. 10-09-2024 NA/ NA
8 Provision of Basic Furniture as part Construction of Permanent Campus for JNVs. 05-09-2024 NA/ NA
9 Revised Guidelines for Provision of Standby Electric Supply through DG set in the JNVs. 04-09-2024 NA/ NA
10 Streamlining of processing of Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and issue of AA/ES for NVS Works 02-09-2024 NA/ NA
11 Precautions / Preventive measures by JNVs during rains. 05-07-2024 NA/ NA
12 Office Order regarding Extension of validity of the notified service charges. 03-07-2024 NA/ NA
13 setting up of Solar/ Electric water heating system in 331 Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas reg. 16-05-2024 NA/ NA
14 Potable Piped Water Supply from PHE / State drinking water supply authorities under Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) "HAR GHAR NAL SE JAL" scheme. 22-03-2024 NA/ NA
15 Setting up of Solar/Electric water Heating System in 331 JNVs reg. 05-02-2024 NA/ NA
16 Setting up of Solar/Electric water Heating System in 331 JNVs reg. 05-02-2024 /
17 Technical Circular-05/2023: Provision of Basic Furniture as part Construction of Permanent Campus for JNVs 31-10-2023 pdf/ 430KB
18 Compensation for delay in Completion of works due to slow performance by Construction Agencies/Contractors-reg. 27-10-2023 pdf/ 177KB
19 Proforma of work done statement for special M&R works. 11-10-2023 pdf/ 155KB
20 Use of Liqui-Deionization (LDI) technology based water purifier in JNVs. 11-10-2023 pdf/ 120KB
21 Region-wise service charges for "providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair(M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings" (Bid No. 01/NVS/Const./2022-23) 05-10-2023 pdf/ 182KB
22 Submission of cases for Extension of Time (EoT) by Construction Agencies for JNV/NVS works. 17-07-2023 pdf/ 72KB
23 Provision of infrastructure accessible for Divyangjan in all JNVs 23-06-2023 pdf/ 239KB
24 Region-wise service charges for providing PMC services for construction and maintenance & repair(M&R) works of JNVs and other building - Approval of construction agency: M/s NBCC(India) Ltd. 16-05-2023 pdf/ 92KB
25 Provision of steel beds over the existing RCC beds to resolve the issues of accommodation shortage. 11-05-2023 pdf/ 189KB
26 Office order regarding Timelines for processing of M&R Estimates. 11-04-2023 pdf/ 50KB
27 Execution of various Phase-A & Phase-B works - regarding execution of Horticulture works 28-10-2022 pdf/ 143KB
28 Execution of various Phase-A, Phase-B & M&R works - regarding provision of Water Treatment Plants 28-10-2022 pdf/ 182KB
29 Execution of various construction & M&R works - regarding payment of contingencies in RA bill. 28-10-2022 pdf/ 151KB
30 Region-wise Service Charges for Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) 29-09-2022 pdf/ 373KB
31 Compensation for delay in completion of works due to slow performance by construction agencies / contractors 29-09-2022 pdf/ 499KB
32 Reimbursement of increased cost due to increase in GST from 12% to 18% due to amendment in rates of Goods and Service Tax on Works contracts w.e.f. 01.01.2022 27-09-2022 pdf/ 164KB
33 Technical Circular-03/2022- compensation for delay in completion of works due to slow performance by construction agencies/contractors-regarding . 27-09-2022 pdf/ 1644KB
34 Region-wise Service Charges for Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Construction & Design Services, UP Jal Nigam (Urban) 20-09-2022 pdf/ 375KB
35 Region-wise Service Charges for Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Manipur Trival Development Corporation Limited (MTDC) 09-09-2022 pdf/ 259KB
36 Shortage of Accommodation and Urgent M&R issues - reg. 22-08-2022 pdf/ 2045KB
37 Prioritisation of maintenance works for Planning and Execution of M&R works. 18-08-2022 pdf/ 431KB
38 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works ofJNVs and other buildings-Approval of Construction Agency: M/s Manipur Industrial Development Corporation Limited (MANIDCO). 03-08-2022 pdf/ 310KB
39 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s WAPCOS Limited. 03-08-2022 pdf/ 394KB
40 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works ofJNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s UP Projects Corporation Limited. 03-08-2022 pdf/ 408KB
41 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works ofJNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s National Projects Construction Corporation Limited (NPCC). 03-08-2022 pdf/ 408KB
42 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and otlher buildings - Approval of Construction Ageney: M/s Hindustan Steel Works Construction Limited (HSCL). 03-08-2022 pdf/ 401KB
43 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construetion and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s IRCON Infrastructures & Services Limited. 03-08-2022 pdf/ 353KB
44 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JJNVs and other buildings Approval of Construction Agency: M/s Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited. 03-08-2022 pdf/ 389KB
45 Safety Precautions for having water bodies inside the JNV campus or nearby JNV Campus. 23-06-2022 pdf/ 202KB
46 Notification of Region-wise Service Charges for �Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings� (Bid No. 01/NVS/Const./2022-23) 16-06-2022 pdf/ 828KB
47 Consequent upon of opening of eligibility bids on dt: 20.05.2022 and on its scrutiny for the work of "service Charges for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) for Construction & Maintenance Project of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (Bid Document No. 01/NVS/Const./2022-23)" 13-06-2022 pdf/ 215KB
48 Revised Financial Ceiling and Budget under the head M&R (Building) With effect from 01.04.2022 10-06-2022 pdf/ 1739KB
49 Bid for Service Charges for project management consultancy (PMC) for Construction & Maintenance Project of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 07-06-2022 pdf/ 157KB
50 Bids for Service charges for project management consultancy (PMC) for Construction & Maintenance Project of Navodaya Vidyalaya Smiti. 26-05-2022 pdf/ 244KB
51 Minutes of Pre-Bid Meeting- Bid No-01/NVS/Const./2022-23 18-05-2022 pdf/ 2453KB
52 Corrigendum - Bids for Service charges for project management consultancy (PMC) for Construction & Maintenance Project of Navodaya Vidyalay Samiti 05-05-2022 pdf/ 228KB
53 Execution of Small & essential works like water supply, DG Set etc. at Regional office level 22-03-2022 pdf/ 185KB
54 Execution of Small & essential works like water supply, DG Set etc. at Regional office leave 16-03-2022 pdf/ 661KB
55 Corrigendum for PMC for Construction & Maintenance Project of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. 14-03-2022 pdf/ 396KB
56 Office Order for Lowest service charges region wise. 14-03-2022 pdf/ 391KB
57 Proposal for dismantling of old damaged Over Head Tank (OHT) at various JNVs under Jaipur Regional Office. 19-01-2022 pdf/ 206KB
58 Execution of various urgent works at JNVs under M&R funds available with JNVs and ROs. 13-12-2021 pdf/ 1276KB
59 JNVs functioning from temporary site - Increase of limit for M&R works at temporary site 08-12-2021 pdf/ 655KB
60 Construction of Phase- A work at JNV, Kishtwar (J & K)" - Provisional Administrative Approval & Expenditure Sanction 09-09-2021 pdf/ 5189KB
61 Priority of M & R works of building at JNV 27-07-2021 pdf/ 4200KB
62 Norms for fund released for annual maintenance & repair for NLIs and ROs 24-06-2021 pdf/ 402KB
63 Protecting buildings & allied structure of JNVs against lightning associated with thunderstorm 11-06-2021 pdf/ 851KB
64 Protection of buildings & allied structure of JNVs against lightning associated with thunderstorm 28-05-2021 pdf/ 487KB
65 Action plan for protecting building & allied structure and creating awareness against Lightning at JNVs 28-05-2021 pdf/ 1605KB
66 Services Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings" - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Bridge And Roof Co. (India) Ltd. 12-03-2021 pdf/ 527KB
67 Extension of Validity of Service Charge 10-03-2021 pdf/ 368KB
68 Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other buildings 18-02-2021 pdf/ 910KB
69 Office Order - Region-wise Services Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works for JNVs and other buildings" - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Manipur Tribal Development Corporation Ltd. 18-01-2021 pdf/ 497KB
70 Region-wise Services Charges for "Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works for JNVs and other buildings" - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s. Construction & Design Services, U.P. Jal Nigam 22-10-2020 pdf/ 609KB
71 Construction of Ph-A works at JNV Mamit, Mizoram 21-10-2020 pdf/ 320KB
72 Execution of Construction and M&R works at JNVs - Signature on photographs by Principals of JNVs 08-10-2020 pdf/ 48KB
73 Office Order - Extension of validity of the notified service charges for further period of six month i.e. upto 10.03.2021 vide Notification no. 2(002)/EE (HQ)Chd/2017-NVS (W)/1086 dated 11.03.2019 , Order No. 1395 dated 13.08.2019 17-09-2020 pdf/ 133KB
74 Office Order - Extension of validity of the notified service charges for further period of six month vide Notification no. 2(002)/EE (HQ)Chd/2017-NVS (W)/1086 dated 11.03.2019 and Order No. 1395 dated 13.08.2019 11-03-2020 pdf/ 275KB
75 Implementation of Grid connected Roof top PV system in JNVs - SH: O&M activities, Bill/invoice clearance etc 05-03-2020 pdf/ 1115KB
76 Implementation of Grid connected Roof top PV system in JNVs - SH: O&M activities, Bill/invoice clearance etc 05-03-2020 pdf/ 1129KB
77 Region-wise Service Charges for "Providing PMC Services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M & R) works of JNVs and other buildings - Approval of Construction Agency: M/s Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL) 03-03-2020 pdf/ 510KB
78 Transfer of 0.5 Acre Land of JNV Gachibowli, District Ranga Reddy in favour of Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE) 24-02-2020 pdf/ 442KB
79 Provision of contingency Technical Circular 27-01-2020 pdf/ 149KB
80 Implementation of Grid connected rooftop PV system in various JNVs - SH: Declaration of Commercial Operation Date (COD) & Start-up of O&M period of 25 years 23-09-2019 pdf/ 515KB
81 Implementation of Grid connected rooftop PV system in various JNVs- SH: Signing of Joint Commissioning Report (JCR) 23-09-2019 pdf/ 266KB
82 Technical Circular-05/19 -Monitoring mechanism of various JNV Projects 23-09-2019 pdf/ 318KB
83 Office Order - Distribution of works of construction wing amongst EEs & AE of NVS (HQ)/RO 04-09-2019 pdf/ 314KB
84 Office Order - Region-wise Service Charges for Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other Buildings"- (Bid No. 01/NVS/2018-19) 13-08-2019 pdf/ 636KB
85 Office Order - Distribution of works of Construction Wing amongst EEs and AE of NVS (Hq) 06-08-2019 pdf/ 194KB
86 Implementation of Grid connected rooftop PV system in JNVs - Initiating commercial operation without net metering for JNVs 15-07-2019 pdf/ 589KB
87 Office Order:- Relieving of Shri Surender Kumar Maggu, Executive Engineer, NVS 11-07-2019 pdf/ 286KB
88 Office Order - Write off of the amount spent to the Construction of 8nos. Type-III Quarters at JNV Distt-Shimla (HP) 25-06-2019 pdf/ 238KB
89 Technical Circular -04/19 :- Guidelines on soil investigation in various JNV projects of NVS 12-06-2019 pdf/ 579KB
90 Circular :- Guidelines for construction/maintenance of infrastructure in JNV campus through external funding 16-05-2019 pdf/ 469KB
91 Circular :- Formation of Allocation Committee for allocation of construction works 16-05-2019 pdf/ 223KB
92 Circular:- Regarding takeover of land by the JNV -Principal 29-04-2019 pdf/ 141KB
93 Circular :- Guidelines for construction/maintenance of infrastructure in JNV campus through external funding . 25-04-2019 pdf/ 3439KB
94 Notification No-1/2018-Modification in the norms of infrastructure in JNVs 25-04-2019 pdf/ 283KB
95 Circular:- Priority in execution of "Special M&R repair works in various JNVs" 12-04-2019 pdf/ 374KB
96 Minutes of the Meeting:- Development of GIS based work monitoring system for Construction monitoring in NVS 28-03-2019 pdf/ 322KB
97 Notification of Service Charges for PMC of Construction and Maintenance Projects 11-03-2019 pdf/ 633KB
98 Office Order:- List of Eligible Bidders for opening of financial bids 24-01-2019 pdf/ 182KB
99 Corrigendum: Postponement of Financial Bid Opening 22-01-2019 pdf/ 246KB
100 Extension of validity of the notified service charges for award of work 02-01-2019 pdf/ 236KB
101 Technical Circular-01/19: Timelines to be observed for execution of Special M & R works 02-01-2019 pdf/ 199KB
102 Office Order - Rectification of improper office work procedure adopted by EEs / AE 02-01-2019 pdf/ 207KB
103 Technical Circular-02/19: Mile stones for important buildings / components in Phase-A works 02-01-2019 pdf/ 221KB
104 Technical Circular - 03/19- Inspection of works by EE/JE at site 02-01-2019 pdf/ 1612KB
105 Corrigendum to Bids for service charges for project management consultancy (PMC) for Construction and Maintenance project of NVS 19-12-2018 pdf/ 242KB
106 MINUTES OF THE PRE-BID MEETING 2018 15-12-2018 pdf/ 719KB
107 Bidding for Services Charges for Project Management Consultancy of Construction & Maintenance Projects of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti 04-12-2018 pdf/ 536KB
108 Implementation of 18.78 MW Grid connected Roof top PV system inJNVs located in different states / union territory of India under RESCO model 26-11-2018 pdf/ 363KB
109 Revised procedure and guidelines for Estimation, calling of Tenders and Acceptance of tenders 22-11-2018 pdf/ 2716KB
110 Visit of Executive Engineer level officer in case of Special M & R works 07-08-2018 pdf/ 150KB
111 Regarding progress of all ongoing constructions works in each Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas 03-08-2018 pdf/ 178KB
112 Distribution of work of Construction Wing amongst EE's and AE's of NVS(HQ) 31-07-2018 pdf/ 445KB
113 Region-wise Service Charges for Providing PMC services for Construction and Maintenance & Repair (M&R) works of JNVs and other Buildings" 21-06-2017 pdf/ 711 KB