Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government of India

भोपाल क्षेत्र

Bhopal Region

LDE Results

S.No. Title Publish Date File Type / File Size Download
1 Result of LDCE-2023 for promotion to SSA (HQ / RO cadre) 28-08-2024 NA/ NA
2 Office Order regarding promotion to the post of SSA from JSA in NVS RO Hq Cadre through LDCE 2023 23-08-2024 NA/ NA
3 Objection redressal management on objection raised by Departmental candidates in LDCE 2023 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts. 21-08-2024 NA/ NA
4 Result of LDCE-2023 for promotion to various posts (HQ/ RO cadre) 10-07-2024 NA/ NA
5 Result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2023 (CBT held on 27.03.2024) for promotion to the posts of Office Superintendent and SSA (JNV cadre) . 03-07-2024 NA/ NA
6 Office order regarding promotion of Shri Jayanta Moran to the post of Section Officer (Admn.) through LDCE-2023 27-06-2024 NA/ NA
7 Office Order regarding promotion to the post of Section Officer (Finance & Accounts) through LDCE-2023. 27-06-2024 NA/ NA
8 List of selected candidates for promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner(Acad) through LDCE 2023. 21-06-2024 NA/ NA
9 Post wise list of qualified candidates under LDCE-2023 (Non-Teaching posts) 02-05-2024 NA/ NA
10 Notice regarding promotion to the post of Vice-Principal under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2022 01-08-2023 pdf/ 59KB
11 Select and Reserve Panel for promotion to the post of Vice-Principal under LDCE-2022 07-06-2023 pdf/ 993KB
12 Select and Reserve Panel for promotion to the post of PGTs under LDE-2022 06-06-2023 pdf/ 1883KB
13 Result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2022 for promotion to the post of Vice-Principal 06-06-2023 pdf/ 6499KB
14 Notice / Schedule of Personal talk for Promotion to the post of Principal (LDCE-2022) 20-03-2023 pdf/ 340KB
15 Display of result of Skill Test (Typing) for promotion to the post of JSA (HQ/RO Cadre) & JSA (JNV Cadre) under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination-2022 17-03-2023 pdf/ 114KB
16 List of candidates shortlisted for appearing in Skill Test for promotion to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre) and Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 31-08-2022 pdf/ 670KB
17 Notice regarding display of Result (Score Card) for all posts [except JSA (HQ/RO Cadre) & JSA (JNV Cadre)] for which Computer Based Test (CBT) was held on 11.05.2022 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) 26-08-2022 pdf/ 118KB
18 Link to display of Result (Score Card) for all posts [except JSA (HQ/RO Cadre) & JSA (JNV Cadre)] for which Computer Based Test (CBT) was held on 11.05.2022 for promotion to various Non-Teaching posts under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) 26-08-2022 NA/ NA
19 Consequent upon the recommendation of the DPC held on 08.02.2019 in pursuance of LDE-2018, UDCs and Computer Operators have been promoted to the post of Assistant (ASO) 03-12-2019 pdf/ 306KB
20 Roll Number wise result (CBT Marks + Personal Talk Marks) and result of all appeared candidates in LDCE-2019 (CBT) for promotion to the post of Principal under LDCE-2019 02-12-2019 pdf/ 510KB
21 Notice / Schedule of Personal talk for Promotion to the post of Principal (LDCE-2019) 30-10-2019 pdf/ 813KB
22 Result of LDCE-2019 for promotion to the post of Vice Principal 22-10-2019 pdf/ 2414KB
23 List of candidates qualified in LDCE- 2019 for promotion to the post of Principal 22-10-2019 pdf/ 306KB
24 Select and Reserve Panel for promotion to the post of PGTs-LDE 2018 26-08-2019 pdf/ 726KB
25 LDE-2018- Result for Promotion to the post of Principal 11-02-2019 pdf/ 307KB
26 Result of LDE (September 2018) for teaching posts 27-11-2018 pdf/ 1840KB
27 Result of LDE (September 2018) for non-teaching posts 27-11-2018 pdf/ 1630KB
28 Personal Talk for promotion to the post of Principal i.r.o. Vice-Principals appeared in L.D.E. 20-11-2018 pdf/ 486KB