Teaching Staff
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नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय नैचाना, रेवाड़ी (हरियाणा)

PM SHRI School Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Naichana, Rewari (Haryana)

Teaching Staff


S.no. Name of the Teacher Post Qualification Date of Birth Date of Joining in Samiti Date of Joining in JNV Rewari Category DIR/ DEP./CONT. PROB. Cleared (Yes/No) Home District Email Id
1 Mr. Surendra Kumar Principal M.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed  02.02.1978   22.11.2003 19.08.2021 OBC Direct  Yes Churu (Rajasthan)  surendrapgtchem@gmail.com 
2 Mrs. Poonam Passi Vice Principal MA(Eco), B.Ed  15.04.1966  03.12.1992  29.03.2012  Gen Promotion  Yes Delhi (U.T.)  poonampassi2@gmail.com 
3 Mr. Subhash Chand PGT (Hindi) M.A.(Hindi), B.Ed  02.04.1977  25.05.2006  08.05.2017   OBC Direct  Yes  Mohindergarh (Haryana)   subhashbla@gmail.com 
4 Mrs. SUNITA YADAV PGT(Eng) M.A(Eng.), B.Ed 21.11.1981  07.01.2008 02.05.2023  OBC Direct No JHUNJHUNU (RAJ.) ashsonu2004@gmail.com
5 Mr. DESHRAJ PGT (Maths) M/Sc/ MATHS 12.06.1970 12.09.2003 10.07.2023 OBC    Direct Yes Mohindergarh (Haryana)  yadavdeshraj.pgt126@gmail.com
6 Mrs. Poonam Yadav PGT (Chemistry)  M.Sc Chem. B.Ed 10.06.1991 24.08.2020   24.05.2023 OBC  Direct  Yes  Mohindergarh (Haryana)  



7 Mrs. Mamta  PGT (Physics)  M.Sc(Physics), B.Ed, NET 11.11.1993 25.08.2020  19.06.2024   OBC  Direct Yes  Alwar (Rajasthan)  mamtay86@gmail.com 
8 Mr. Tarachand Saini  PGT (Biology) M.Sc. Botany, B.Ed 25.07.1977  14.09.2001  28.07.2015  OBC  Promotion Yes  Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan)  tcssaini@gmail.com 
9 Mr. Mukesh Kumar PGT (History) M.A.(History), B.Ed 


31.08.2004   06.10.2019 OBC  Direct  Yes  Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) mukeshjinvs@gmail.com
10 Mr. Subhash Chandra PGT(Geog) M.A(Geo.)B.Ed  01.03.1978 30.06.2005  17.08.21 F.N. OBC Direct  Yes  NALANDA(BIHAR) subhash1378@gmail.com 
11 Mr. Suresh Kumar PGT(Economics) M.A.(Eco), B.Ed., B.Com DCGC Ajmer NCERT  05.06.1966  06.09.2003   01.09.2017  SC Direct  Yes   South Delhi ksuresh050666@gmail.com 
12 Mrs. Sushma Yadav PGT (Computer Science)   MCA  11.03.1983  05.04.2013  15.06.2024  OBC  Direct   Yes  Mohindergarh (Haryana)     sushma.yadavjnv@gmail.com
13 Mrs. Neeta Lamba TGT (Hindi) M.A.(Hindi), B.Ed  10.09.1979  27.10.2003 10.08.2022  GEN Direct  Yes  Jhajjar (HR)  neetasaty79@gmail.com 
14 Mr. Sulekh Chand TGT (Hindi)   M.A.(Hindi, Pol Sci.), B.Ed 10.12.1969 19.11.1992  02.06.2017   SC Direct  Yes  Hapur (UP)  sulekhchand63@gmail.com 
15 Mrs. Savita Kumari TGT (English)  M.A.(Eng.), B.Ed 24.12.1978  11.07.2005  30.07.2016   OBC Direct  Yes  Mohindergarh (Haryana)    savitamgarh@gmail.com 
16 Ms. Teena Vinayak TGT (English)  M.A Eng. B.Ed  21.08.1986  20.10.2021  16.06.2024  Gen  Direct Yes  Mewat (Haryana)  teenavinyak6@gmail.com
17 Mr. Lokesh Kumar  TGT (Science) B.Sc., B.Ed  15.08.1971   19.07.1995 08.08.2016  SC  Direct   Yes Bulandshahar (UP)  lokeshnvs@rediffmail.com 
18 Ms. Poonam Kaur TGT (S.St.)  M.A(His.) B.Ed  24.07.1967   13.09.1993 21.09.2017  Gen  Direct   Yes  Hisar (Haryana)  punamkaur67@rediffmail.com 
19 Mrs. Sarita Singh TGT (Maths) M.Sc.(Maths)B.Ed   19.09.1974 01.07.2008  11.09.2017  Gen  Direct    Yes Bharatpur (Rajasthan)  saritasingh19974@gmail.com 
20 Mr. Suresh Kumar TGT (Maths) B.Sc. B.Ed., M.A.(Eco)   25.04.1971 24.07.1995  01.08.2016  Gen  Direct   Yes  Delhi  sks_tarang@rediffmail.com 
21 Mrs. Diksha Verma TGT (Punjabi)  M.A.(Punjabi, Eng.), B.Ed   05.12.1983 25.11.2013  10.05.2017 OBC  Dierct  Yes Jind (Haryana)  meenuverma69823@gmail.com 
22 Mr. Prakash Chand Gangani Music Teacher M.A.(Kathak  Dance) 07-08-1964 20-08-1992 08.08.2022 SC  Direct  Yes MEERUT prakashgangani1964@gmail.com 
23 Mr. Madhav Chandra Sharma  Art Teacher M.A., M.Ed  10.10.1990 23.10.2018 23.08.2022 GEN Direct Yes Goverdhan (Mathura) UP madhavsharma684@gmail.com
24 Mr. Satish Kumar PET (Male)  MP.Ed  02.11.1969 16.02.1993 05.06.2024 SC Direct Yes Buland Shahar (UP) contactwithsatish@gmail.com
25 Mrs. Roopa Rani PET (Female) B.P.E.IIIrd year  01.08.1978  29.06.2005  24.04.2018   OBC Direct   Yes  North Delhi  rooparani1978@gmail.com 
26 Mr. Hajari Lal Dhanka Librarian M.Com, M.Lib & information   05.07.1965 05.07.1990  01.05.2018  ST  Direct    Yes  Jaipur (Rajasthan) hlal5765@gmail.com 
27 Mrs. Renu TGT (Punjabi) MA. PUN., B.Ed 18.02.1989  17.08.2023 17.08.2023 GEN  Direct   NO  AMBALA (HR.)  renudhaliwal100@gmail.com


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