Club Activities
Thu Mar 13 2025 , 7:10:18

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री.स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय,नंदुरबार-I

PM Shri School Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,NANDURBAR-I

Club Activities



All-round development means mental, physical, psychological, spiritual and vocational development. We cannot achieve this all-round development by following mere class room teaching-learning procedures. Here the relevance of Club Activities becomes prominent. It is one of the co-curricular activities that are gaining much importance these days. These activities are mostly voluntary for students.


Every student of the JNV is to be a member of at least one club. Similarly every teacher will be attached to any one of the clubs. Vidyalaya will  give provision for conduct of club activities in the monthly calendar. Last two periods, preferably, on any one of the days, once in fort night will be exclusively reserved for club activities. All the in-charge teachers and associated teachers will sit together with all the club members for planning their activities on the first club activity day of the year. Accordingly activities will be organized on the subsequent club activity days. All teachers after considering the interest of the students and discussing with each student will finalize the club members.

   The following clubs are working in our vidyalaya and the list of proposed activities and their 



    Incharges are given as below:


Art Club: ( ART TEACHER I/C )


Proposed Activities:

  1. Exhibition of students’ art works.
  2. Preparation of poster, banners and painting.
  3. Beautification of Vidyalaya Campus.
  4. Screen printing workshop.
  5. Maintaining of art display board.
  6. Conducting painting competition.

Music Club ( MUSIC TEACHER  I/C )


Proposed Activities:

  1. Active participation in important day celebrations.
  2. Training to students in musical instruments.
  3. Participation in local level competitions.
  4. Preparation of life sketch of eminent musicians.
  5. Conducting of Solo song, Group song and dance competitions.
  6. Practice of patriotic songs.

Science Club

  1.  PGT PHY – I/C


  2.  PGT BIO

Proposed Activities:

  1. Conducting quiz competitions in Science .
  2. Organizing lectures, debates , seminars and symposia etc.
  3. Celebrations birthday of eminent scientist.
  4. Preparation of charts and models for school level exhibition and further participation at regional and national level exhibition.
  5. To show scientific movies to inculcate scientific values among the students.
  6. participating in science fairs.
  7. Publication of Science articles in Vidyalaya magazine.


  1. TGT-MATHS Member
  2. TGT MATHS Member

Proposed Activities:

  1. Conducting quiz competitions in Maths.
  2. Preparation of Biological sketches of eminent mathematicians.
  3. Preparation of charts and models for school level exhibition and further participation at regional and national level exhibition.
  4. Making mathematical models using clay and wood.
  5. Maintaining of a display board.
  6. Preparation of slides.
  7. Collection of locally available lab equipments
  8. Publication of Science & Maths articles in Vidyalaya magazine


  1. PGT HISTORY Member
  2. TGT SST. Member



  • It will create interest and makes the students active in the subject.
  • It will encourage intellectual curiosity among the students.
  • It will provide practical knowledge of the subject.
  • It creates power for thinking and fosters imagination and creativity among the students.
  • Club activities inculcate various democratic values and qualities like tolerance, equality

freedom and leadership etc among the children.


Proposed Activities.


  • Putting up of social Science exhibition
  • Preparation of Project report on different topics.
  • Conduction of Cultural Heritage Quiz, History Quiz and G.k Quiz.
  • Decoration of display boards on current issues and other topics.
  • Celebration of British Anniversaries of historical figures.
  • Celebration of Road Safety week
  • Presentation of Mock Parliament and skits on burning topics.
  • Motivation of students to get their driving licenses.
  • Participation in the rallies to awaken the masses.
  • Taking students on Excursions and Educational Tours.
  • Preparation of question bank
  • Presentation of drills like fire drill, evacuation drill and first aid to deal with the situations in a disaster.



  1. TGT ENGLISH Member
  2. TGT ENGLISH  Member



For multi-faceted development of students as well as to supplement or to say to ensure the application of the content/subject taught there are some activities in every subject which are termed as the club activities. Like other clubs, English club also exists in the vidyalaya with its set of activities implemented in a very innovative manner. Acting upon the departmental guidelines or the CCA calendar, the vidyalaya English club conducts/organizes the following activities:

  1. Poem recitation competition
  2. Declamation
  3. Extempore speech competition
  4. Debates
  5. Quizzes
  6. Essay writing competitions

All these activities/events in pure literal sense aim at eliciting the latent intellectual spark of students as well as sustaining and developing it. Students are expected to acquire gift of gab through these activities. And above all they mean to imbibe and develop a residential culture in students.


All the language teachers along with the in-charges concerned assist one another for the fruitful and successful conduct of these activities.



  1.  PET (F) – MEMBER
  2.  PET (M ) MEMBER

    Proposed Activities:

  1. Regular Health checkup of students.
  2. Monitoring PT, Exercise, Yog.
  3. Allotting the students proper time for using Gym.
  4. Conducting Health Camps
  5. Maintenance & supervision of Health cards.
  6. Conducting regular Battery tests
  7. Guiding the students for suitable games as per their ability
  8. Conducting various sports & games meet.

 Readers Club (LIBRARIAN   I/C)

  1. Celebrations of national book week from 14th to 20 Nov 2018.
  2. Arranging lecture from professional counselor on guidance and career counseling.
  3. Preparing the book review .
  4. Organizing mobile library in the nearby schools.
  5. Maintaining a bulletin board.
  6. Subscribing selected periodicals in addition to regular ones.
  7. Conducting workshops on book binding ,classification of articles published in various news papers.
  8. Conducting seminars.

            ICT  CLUB:


The main aim of the computer club is to bring awareness and education on the importance of computer literacy among students and faculty members.  The club will aim to help increase the level of ease on using basic computer applications to both staffs and students.


A detailed layout of the different activities that can be performed by this club is attached.


 What is the Computer Club for?


Educating, Training basic computer knowledge, applications which are not in the regular school curriculum

  • Organizing computer related activities and support to such activities
  • Basic computer lab maintenance viz. shut down of computer, cleanliness, charts, lab equipments etc
  • Forming a special interest group to help other students
  • Dissipation of computer knowledge to the whole school community

 Why we need the Computer Club?


  • To have advanced and updated knowledge besides the regular computer curriculum
  • To reduce the “Digital Divide” among the school community
  • To increase the pace of gaining computer knowledge though peers and tandem learning
  • To stay competitive and updated in this digital age

How the Club will work?



    • Every day for at least 1hours under strict guidance (FCSA/PGT/STAFF etc)
    • At least one awareness program a month (Display of Chart/ Model etc)
    • Presentation of report of the club to the principle or selected authority once a month