Principal's Desk
Tuesday March 12 2019 , 18:50:16

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नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पी एम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, करीमगंज


Principal's Desk


As a Principal of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Harinagar District- Karimganj, I extend hearty welcome to our Vidyalaya Website.Jawahar Navodaya Harinagar, Karimganj has been a proved beacon in providing good citizen to the society and above all good human beings with the help of a dedicated team of teaching and Non-teaching staff members who uses the supreme art to awaken joy among young learners in creative expression and knowledge. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Harinagar Karimganj works on student centric approach which offers rewarding educational experiences to all who choose to focus on excellence. It addresses the contemporary needs of the learners by successfully creating a dynamic environment to trigger learning experiences and awakening the natural curiosity of the young minds and thereby facilitating the art of teaching. It aims at the commitments to nurture and equip young learners with the uncommon ability to become confident, sensitive, socially committed and to develop as an all round individuals.


JNV, Harinagar started functioning in the year 1993 as the first Vidyalaya in Assam with 54 students. At first it started functioning at a temporary site at R.K Nagar and shifted to the permanent site in the year 1998. The school has completed 29 years of meritorious service in Human Resource Development. Most of the students are coming from poor and rural background. The school has enough reasons to be proud of, as there are many alumni who have reached greater heights in the corporate and social life. There are 28 batches which have pass out from schools, consisting of 2100+ students.
Our commitment on holistic approach where each learner finds identity, meaning and purpose through connection to the natural world with spiritual values, keeps the flame of learning alive.