Terms & Conditions
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, बेलगाम

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, BELGAUM KARNATAKA

Terms & Conditions

Title Publish Date Expiry Date File Type / File Size Download
TENDER FOR OUTSOURCING SERVICES-24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 740842KB
Tender for Bakery Items aug 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 715395KB
Tender for BRICKS,SAND,CEMENT 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 409902KB
Tender for ELECTRICAL &Plumbing Items 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 562990KB
Tender for Grocery 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 725551KB
Tender for Hair Cutting 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 191210KB
Tender for Laundry Services 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 402438KB
Tender for office stationery items 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 547230KB
Tender for Painting Labour Contract 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 514585KB
Tender for Paints 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 428885KB
Tender for STUDENTS stationery items 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 541462KB
Tender for Toiletries 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 632967KB
Tender for Vegetables & Fruits 24-25 06/10/2024 04/30/2025 pdf/ 529788KB