Ground Rules
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

नवोदय नेतृत्व संस्थान,अमृतसर

Navodaya Leadership Institute, Amritsar

Ground Rules for Training Programme

For Hostel:

  • Make your bed every day and keep the room neat and clean.
  • Chewing tobacco, smoking and drinking is strictly prohibited.
  • Don’t leave the premises without permission.
  • Don’t leave cash or valuable items in the rooms.
  • Don’t visit hostel during tea break.
  • Don’t visit NVS HQ During the session
  • Switch off the A.C., fans, light and close water taps while leaving the room.
  • Contact NLI staff in case of any difficulty.
  • Don’t allow outsiders / relative in the hostel.

For Training Session:

  • Follow the time schedule strictly.
  • Participate actively and contribute.
  • Do the assignment timely.
  • Attack ideas not People
  • Only one person will speak at a time
  • Practice active learning
  • Keep discussion relevant
  • No side talking
  • No Cellular Phones
  • Find reasons to appreciate others.
  • Participants will not download any material from NLI computer without permission. They may use designated computer for trainees.
  • Avoid passing judgments and killer phrases Like, “We already tried that” and “it will never work” and “Yes, but…….,”
  • Maintain personal daily Learning Log book daily in following format: -
Date Session Topic My implementable action/learning