Written Exam/ Interview/ Skill Test Notice
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government of India

जयपुर क्षेत्र

Jaipur Region

Written Exam/ Interview/ Skill Test Notice of Headquarter

S.No. Title Publish Date File Type / File Size Download
1 Schedule of examination for various Non-Teaching posts under Direct Recruitment Drive 2024 . 20-03-2025 NA/ NA
2 Notice regarding NVS Direct Recruitment Drive 2024 for various Non-Teaching Posts. 02-01-2025 NA/ NA
3 Warning : Fake call letters regarding. 24-07-2024 NA/ NA
4 Notice regarding Help Desk phone numbers/e-mail for various Non-Teaching posts under NVS Direct Recruitment Drive 2024 27-03-2024 pdf/ 49KB
5 Schedule for document verification i.r.o. further shortlisted candidates for document verification to the post of Junior Translation Officer and Audit Assistant under Direct Recruitment Drive - 2021-22 10-10-2023 pdf/ 160KB
6 Schedule for document verification i.r.o. absentee candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Assistant Section Officer and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 21-08-2023 pdf/ 137KB
7 Schedule for document verification i.r.o. additional candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Assistant Section Officer, Junior Translation Officer and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive - 2021-22 06-06-2023 pdf/ 237KB
8 Notice regarding interviews for the post of TGT (Science) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 held at JNV Satara (Maharashtra) w.e.f. 13-02-2023 to 20-02-2023 11-04-2023 pdf/ 119KB
9 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of PGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 & Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 27-02-2023 NA/ NA
10 Schedule of verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates who remained absent during the document verification which was held from 15.02.2023 to 25.02.2023 (except on 19.02.2023 being Sunday) at NVS HQ for the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22" 25-02-2023 pdf/ 814KB
11 Schedule of interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Post Graduate Teachers(PGTs) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 21-02-2023 pdf/ 5794KB
12 Schedule of interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Post Graduate Teachers(PGTs) under Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs of North Eastern Region 21-02-2023 pdf/ 5738KB
13 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend scheduled Document Verification for the post of Stenographer under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 20-02-2023 NA/ NA
14 Schedule of Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Stenographer under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22" 18-02-2023 pdf/ 387KB
15 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Principal under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 & Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 16-02-2023 NA/ NA
16 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview/document verification i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview/document verification to the posts of TGTs (including Third Language Teachers)/Misc. Category of Teachers under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 & Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 09-02-2023 NA/ NA
17 Schedule of interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Principal under Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs of North Eastern Region 09-02-2023 pdf/ 714KB
18 Schedule of interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Principal under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 09-02-2023 pdf/ 670KB
19 Changed schedule of interview for the post of Third Language Teachers(TGT Urdu) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 01-02-2023 pdf/ 724KB
20 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend scheduled Document Verification for the post of JSA (HQ/RO Cadre) and JSA (JNV Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 31-01-2023 NA/ NA
21 Schedule of Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. 42 PwBD shortlisted candidates who have sought exemption from Skill Test for the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 25-01-2023 pdf/ 338KB
22 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Misc. Category of Teachers (Music, Art, PET Male and PET Female) alongwith schedule of interview and list of candidates shortlisted for verification of documents/ eligibility criteria for the post of Misc. Category Teachers (Librarian) alongwith schedule of verification under Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs of North Eastern Region 24-01-2023 pdf/ 2966KB
23 Schedule of Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of JSA (HQ/RO Cadre) and JSA (JNV Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 24-01-2023 pdf/ 4777KB
24 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Third Language Teachers alongwith schedule of interviews under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 23-01-2023 pdf/ 5849KB
25 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Studies) alongwith schedule of interview under Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs of North Eastern Region 23-01-2023 pdf/ 2943KB
26 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Misc. Category of Teachers (Music, Art, PET Male and PET Female) alongwith schedule of interview and list of candidates shortlisted for verification of documents/ eligibility criteria for the post of Misc. Category Teachers (Librarian) alongwith schedule of verification under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 20-01-2023 pdf/ 3178KB
27 List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, Social Studies) alongwith schedule of interview under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 19-01-2023 pdf/ 3602KB
28 List of shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of PGTs under Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for North Eastern Region 13-01-2023 pdf/ 4611KB
29 List of shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of PGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 13-01-2023 pdf/ 4734KB
30 List of shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Principal under Special Recruitment Recruitment Drive 2022-23 fo North Eastern Region 13-01-2023 pdf/ 545KB
31 List of shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Principal under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 13-01-2023 pdf/ 464KB
32 Notice regarding conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT) for post of Principal & PGTs notified under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23 / Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 and for the post of Principal and Vice-Principal notified under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2022-23 07-12-2022 pdf/ 142KB
33 Notice regarding Schedule of Skill Test for the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) and Stenographer under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 as well as Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre) and Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) 30-11-2022 pdf/ 132KB
34 Notice regarding conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT) for various Teaching posts notified under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23, Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs in North Eastern Region and Limited Departmental Examination/ Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2022-23 28-11-2022 pdf/ 90KB
35 Mock Test Link for familiarization of candidates with CBT Interface 23-11-2022 NA/ NA
36 Notice regarding Dedicated Email to resolve issues faced by candidates regarding CBT scheduled from 28- 11-2022 to 30-11-2022 22-11-2022 pdf/ 82KB
37 Notice regarding submission of issues by candidates on dedicated Email regarding scheduled CBT 22-11-2022 pdf/ 75KB
38 Notice regarding tentative schedule for Skill Test for the posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) and Stenographer under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 as well as Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre) and Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) under Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) 21-11-2022 pdf/ 116KB
39 Notice regarding conduct of Computer Based Test (CBT) for various Teaching posts notified under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23, Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs in North Eastern Region and Limited Departmental Examination / Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2022-23 19-11-2022 pdf/ 614KB
40 Notice regarding tentative schedule for Computer Based Test (CBT) for various Teaching posts notified under Direct Recruitment Drive 2022-23, Special Recruitment Drive 2022-23 for JNVs in North Eastern Region and Limited Departmental Examination / Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2022-23. 03-11-2022 pdf/ 123KB
41 Select Panel for the post of Audit Assistant of the eligible candidates on the basis of CBT subject to final verification of eligibility criteria 22-10-2022 pdf/ 351KB
42 Schedule of Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates having Trade Test center at Chandigarh and Lucknow and who are shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Electrician cum Plumber under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 20-10-2022 pdf/ 1995KB
43 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Electrician cum Plumber under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 06-10-2022 NA/ NA
44 Notice for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of Lab Attendant i.r.o candidates who remained absent during verification held w.e.f. 26.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 held at NVS (RO) Patna and at NVS (HQ) NOIDA under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 04-10-2022 pdf/ 854KB
45 Notice for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of Catering Assistant i.r.o candidates who remained absent during verification held w.e.f. 26.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 held at NVS (RO) Lucknow under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 04-10-2022 pdf/ 360KB
46 Schedule of Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates having Trade Test center at Bhopal and Hyderabad and who are shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Electrician cum Plumber under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 30-09-2022 pdf/ 2167KB
47 Schedule of Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates having Trade Test center at Lucknow and Patna and are shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Mess Helper under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 30-09-2022 pdf/ 5281KB
48 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Mess Helper under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 29-09-2022 NA/ NA
49 Schedule of Trade Test / Verification of documents & eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for Trade Test to the post of Mess Helper under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 27-09-2022 pdf/ 6687KB
50 Notice regarding Trade Test for recruitment to the post of Electrician cum Plumber under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 23-09-2022 pdf/ 170KB
51 Notice regarding Trade Test for recruitment to the post of Mess Helper under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 23-09-2022 pdf/ 165KB
52 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Lab. Attendant under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 20-09-2022 NA/ NA
53 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Catering Assistant under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 19-09-2022 NA/ NA
54 Schedule for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Catering Assistant under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 13-09-2022 pdf/ 1275KB
55 Schedule for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Lab Attendant under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 13-09-2022 pdf/ 2152KB
56 Interview Schedule for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) under Direct Recruitment Drive-2021-22. 08-09-2022 pdf/ 627KB
57 Notice for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of Female Staff Nurse i.r.o candidates who remained absent during verification held w.e.f. 22.08.2022 to 26.08.2022 under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 08-09-2022 pdf/ 482KB
58 Schedule for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Third Language Teacher - TGT(Bengali) under Direct Recruitment Drive 2016 02-09-2022 pdf/ 343KB
59 Shortlisted Candidates for interview to the post of Assistant Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) under Direct Recuritment Drive 2021-22 is fixed on 01.09.2022. 25-08-2022 pdf/ 1532KB
60 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 08-08-2022 NA/ NA
61 Notice for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Computer Operator and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) i.r.o candidates who remained absent during verification held w.e.f. 01.08.2022 to 04.08.2022 under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 08-08-2022 pdf/ 240KB
62 Schedule for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 02-08-2022 pdf/ 1056KB
63 Link for downloading E-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Computer Operator and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive- 2021-22 20-07-2022 NA/ NA
64 Schedule for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for document verification to the post of Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Computer Operator and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) under Direct Recruitment Drive - 2021-22 14-07-2022 pdf/ 903KB
65 Notice for CBT for the post of Female Staff Nurse and Catering Assistant scheduled on 08.03.2022 at iON Digital Zone iDZ 2 Duhai (R D Engineering college, Ghaziabad (UP) 08-03-2022 pdf/ 84KB
66 Notice for rescheduled date of CBT which is cancelled at iON Digital Zone iDZ 2 Duhai (R D Engineering college, Ghaziabad (UP) 08-03-2022 pdf/ 86KB
67 Mock Test Link for familiarization of candidates with CBT Interface 04-03-2022 NA/ NA
68 Schedule for examination /Computer Based Test for various Non-Teaching posts in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti under Direct Recruitment Drive 2021-22 22-02-2022 pdf/ 120KB
69 Notice for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of LDCs i.r.o candidates not reported during verification held w.e.f. 27.12.2021 to 31.12.2021 under Recruitment Drive-July 2019 10-01-2022 pdf/ 198KB
70 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 21-12-2021 NA/ NA
71 Schedule for verification of documents for the post of Lower Division Clerk under RD July, 2019 in respect of candidates qualified the skill test. 03-12-2021 pdf/ 1063KB
72 Notice regarding Biometric Verification under Direct Recruitment Drive- July 2019 18-11-2021 pdf/ 161KB
73 Link for opting medium of skill(typing) test for the post of LDC under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 18-08-2021 NA/ NA
74 Conduct of Skill (typing) Test i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for Skill Test for the post of LDC under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 16-08-2021 pdf/ 66KB
75 Schedule for Verification of documents for the post of Catering Assistant i.r.o candidates not reported during verification held on 27-29th May 2021 and 08-09th July 2021 under Recruitment Drive - July 2019 22-07-2021 pdf/ 214KB
76 Schedule for verification of documents for the post of Female Staff Nurse i.r.o candidates not reported during verification held on 10-13 May 2021 and 05-07 July 2021 under Recruitment Drive-July 2019 22-07-2021 pdf/ 411KB
77 Schedule for Verification of documents for the post of Catering Assistant i.r.o candidates reported and not reported during verification held on 27-29 May 2021 under Recruitment Drive - July 2019 22-06-2021 pdf/ 270KB
78 Schedule for verification of documents for the post of Female Staff Nurse i.r.o candidates not reported during verification held on 10-13 May 2021 under Recruitment Drive-July 2019 18-06-2021 pdf/ 517KB
79 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Catering Assistant under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 17-05-2021 NA/ NA
80 Schedule for Document Verification / Eligibility to the post of Catering Assistant i.r.o. candidates shortlisted under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 05-05-2021 pdf/ 494KB
81 Notice regarding verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 03-05-2021 pdf/ 464KB
82 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend verification of documents/eligibility criteria i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 27-04-2021 NA/ NA
83 Schedule for Document Verification / Eligibility to the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 16-04-2021 pdf/ 693KB
84 List of candidates shortlisted for verification of documents to the post of Female Staff Nurse under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 09-04-2021 pdf/ 478KB
85 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview/document verification i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Miscellaneous Category of Teachers {Art, Music, PET (M) and PET (F)} and for document verification to the post of Miscellaneous category of Teachers (Librarian) under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 01-03-2021 NA/ NA
86 Schedule of Interview for the post of Misc. Category Teachers (Music, PET-Male, PET-Female & Art) and schedule of verification of documents/ eligibility criteria for the post of Misc. Category Teachers (Librarian) i.r.o. shortlisted candidates under Direct Recruitment Drive July 2019 11-02-2021 pdf/ 3905KB
87 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 30-12-2020 NA/ NA
88 Schedule of interview i.r.o absentee candidates for the post of TGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 21-12-2020 pdf/ 179KB
89 Rescheduling of deferred Interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science & Social Studies) under Direct Recruitment Drive July- 2019 15-12-2020 pdf/ 3384KB
90 List of candidates shortlisted for Skill / Trade test for the post of LDC under Direct Recruitment Drive- July, 2019 15-07-2020 pdf/ 1115KB
91 List of candidates shortlisted for Interview /Personal Interaction to the post of Miscellaneous Category of Teachers (Music, Art, PET- Male, PET-Female and Librarian) under Direct Recruitment Drive- July, 2019 18-05-2020 pdf/ 1687KB
92 Notice regarding deferment of interviews for the post of TGTs 19-03-2020 pdf/ 303KB
93 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science & Social Studies) under Direct Recruitment Drive July- 2019 26-02-2020 pdf/ 3330KB
94 List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of TGTs (Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social Studies) under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 21-02-2020 pdf/ 2921KB
95 Notice for rescheduling of Interview for the post of Assistant Commissioner under Direct Recruitment Drive - July 2019 30-01-2020 pdf/ 243KB
96 Notice regarding Final Opportunity to candidates for verification of documents (Misc. Category of Teachers - NVS RO Bhopal Recruitment Drive-2012) 24-01-2020 pdf/ 250KB
97 Notice regarding verification of original documents for the post of Misc. Category of Teachers (NVS RO Bhopal Recruitment Drive- 2012) 30-12-2019 pdf/ 159KB
98 Notice & schedule of document verification to draw fresh merit list for the post of Misc. Category of Teachers (NVS RO Bhopal Recruitment Drive 2012) 23-12-2019 pdf/ 1870KB
99 Postponement of interview for the post of Assistant Commissioner under Direct Recruitment Drive-July,2019 09-12-2019 pdf/ 32KB
100 Link for downloading e-call letter to attend interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of PGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 30-11-2019 NA/ NA
101 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Assistant Commissioner under Direct Recruitment Drive-July, 2019 29-11-2019 pdf/ 128KB
102 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of PGTs under direct recruitment drive July- 2019 20-11-2019 pdf/ 3451KB
103 List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of PGTs under Recruitment Drive July-2019 18-11-2019 pdf/ 4040KB
104 List of further shortlisted candidates (DR-2017) scheduled for verification of documents / eligibility criteria for the posts of Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant & Lab Attendant 01-10-2019 pdf/ 2565KB
105 Notice and List of Facilitation Centers for Computer Based Test (CBT) to be held on 03.10.2019 for the post of Miscellaneous Category of teachers 30-09-2019 pdf/ 1604KB
106 Notice Counsellor Provisional merit list 26-09-2019 pdf/ 396KB
107 Schedule for examination /Computer based test for the posts of Miscellaneous Category of Teachers (Art, Music, PET Male, PET Female and Librarian)-NVSRE -Jul 2019 20-09-2019 pdf/ 52KB
108 Notice for Facilitation Centers for Online Examination / CBT to be held from 16th to 20th September, 2019 13-09-2019 pdf/ 143KB
109 Notice for rescheduling of interview for the of AC (Admin) 07-09-2019 pdf/ 49KB
110 Schedule for examination /Computer based test for the posts of Assistant Commissioners, PGTs, TGTs, Legal Assistant, Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant and Lower Division Clerks 02-09-2019 pdf/ 1312KB
111 Schedule of personal interaction for engagement of counsellor on contract basis 29-08-2019 pdf/ 8980KB
112 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn.) under direct recruitment drive - 2019 28-08-2019 pdf/ 116KB
113 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. Candidates Shortlisted for the Post of PGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive 09-08-2019 pdf/ 464KB
114 Corrigendum - Schedule of Interview i.r.o. Candidates Shortlisted for the Post of Principal under Direct Recruitment Drive 08-08-2019 pdf/ 40KB
115 Schedule of Interview i.r.o. Candidates Shortlisted for the Post of Principal under Direct Recruitment Drive 06-08-2019 pdf/ 4504KB
116 List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) under Recruitment Drive - 2019 02-08-2019 pdf/ 9148KB
117 List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Principal under Recruitment Drive - 2019 01-08-2019 pdf/ 2690KB
118 List of candidates shortlisted for verification of documents/eligibility criteria to the post of Assistant and Computer Operator under Recruitment Drive 2019 15-07-2019 pdf/ 116KB
119 List of candidates shortlisted for interview to the post of Assistant Commissioner (Admn) under Recruitment Drive 2019 04-07-2019 pdf/ 511KB
120 Notice for verification of documents / eligibility criteria i.r.o candidates shortlisted for the post of Third Language Teachers under Recruitment Drive 2016 28-06-2019 pdf/ 162KB
121 List of further shortlisted candidates (DR-2017) scheduled for verification for the post of Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant, LDC/Store Keeper (JNV Cadre) & Lab Attendant 27-05-2019 pdf/ 262KB
122 Schedule for Computer Based Test for the post of Principal & PGTs under Direct Recruitment Drive-2019 24-05-2019 pdf/ 334KB
123 Link of Mock Test of CBT to be held on 25.03.2019 and 26.03.2019 22-03-2019 NA/ NA
124 Notice for Link of Mock Test of CBT to be held on 25.03.2019 and 26.03.2019 22-03-2019 pdf/ 43KB
125 Facilitation Centres for CBT on 25th & 26th March 2019 22-03-2019 pdf/ 289KB
126 Scribe Decalaration Form : Direct Recruitment 20-03-2019 pdf/ 667KB
127 Schedule of examination for the posts of AC(Admn.), Assistant & Computer Operator on direct recruitment. 08-03-2019 pdf/ 158KB
128 Document Verification i.r.o. shortlisted candidates for the post of Stenographer 15-02-2019 pdf/ 382KB
129 Document Verification i.r.o absentee candidates for non-teaching posts under Direct Recruitment Drive-2017 18-12-2018 pdf/ 3063KB
130 Schedule of document verification for the post of LDC (HQ / RO Cadre) and LDC / Storekeeper (JNV Cadre) 18-10-2018 NA/ NA
131 Final opportunity for document verification to the absentee candidates shortlisted for the post of TGTs(Third Language Teacher) under Direct Recruitment Drive-2016 13-10-2018 NA/ NA
132 Mercy chance for document verification to the absentee candidates shortlisted for the post of TGTs/Librarian under Direct Recruitment Drive-2016 13-10-2018 NA/ NA
133 Submission of exemption certificate by PwD candidates appeared in Skill Test for the post of LDC & LDC/Storekeeper under Recruitment Drive-2017 26-09-2018 pdf/ 579KB
134 Final opportunity for document verification to the absentee candidates for the post of TGTs/Librarian under Direct Recruitment Drive-2016 19-09-2018 pdf/
135 Notice:- Verification of documents / Eligibility in respect of candidates shortlisted for non-teaching posts - Recruitment Drive 2017 06-06-2018 / KB
136 Notice for document verification / eligibility criteria i.r.o candidates shortlisted for the post of Third Language Teachers under Recruitment Drive 2016 04-06-2018 / KB
137 Notice for document verification i.r.o of absentee candidates during verification held on 29.05.2018 30-05-2018 / KB
138 Notice for document verification i.r.o. absentee candidates during verification held in the months of July/Sept. 2017 for the post of TGTs/Misc -Librarian 25-05-2018 / KB
139 Schedule for verification of documents/eligibility criteria for the post of TGTs i.r.o. absentee candidates during verification held on 12-13 March, 2018 18-05-2018 / KB
140 Notice for schedule of verification of documents alongwith list of shortlisted candidates for the post of TGTs / Misc.-Librarian under Recruitment Drive-2016 16-02-2018 / KB
141 Notice for candidates (TGTs & Librarian) not reported for verification from 18.07.2017 to 20.07.2017 11-09-2017 / KB
142 Notice regarding dispatch of call letter for verification of documents / eligibility criteria in r/o shortlisted candidates for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, SSt) & Misc-Librarian on registered e-mail address. 07-07-2017 / KB
143 Notice regarding dispatch of call letter for verification of documents / eligibility criteria in r/o shortlisted candidates for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, SSt) & Misc-Librarian on registered e-mail address. 07-07-2017 / KB
144 List of shortlisted candidates called for verification of documents / eligibility criteria for the posts of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, SSt) & Misc-Librarian alongwith venue, subject, date & time schedule. 06-07-2017 / KB
145 Notice: Documents required for verification purpose/determining eligibility criteria in respect of shortlisted candidates for the post of TGTs and Misc.-Librarian 06-07-2017 / KB
146 Notice regarding verification of documents / eligibility criteria in r/o shortlisted candidates for the post of TGTs (English, Hindi, Maths, Science, SSt) & Misc-Librarian. 05-07-2017 / KB

    Written Exam/ Interview/ Skill Test Notice of Regional office