About JNV
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय, माध्यमिक एंव उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग, स्कूली शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग, भारत सरकार / An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Department of School Education and Literacy Government Of India)

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, मोहनपुर, पश्चिम त्रिपुरा

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Tripura


Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) West Tripura is a prominent educational institution located in the West Tripura district of the northeastern state of Tripura, India. It is part of the national network of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) under the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, which operates over 600 such schools across the country. These schools are known for offering free, high-quality education to students, especially from rural and economically disadvantaged backgrounds.JNV West Tripura stands as an excellent example of quality education in the rural areas of India, dedicated to nurturing young minds and preparing them for future challenges. 


1. Name of the School with Address Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Tripura, Tripura, Pin-799211
(ⅰ) E-Mail jnvwesttripura2020[at]gmail[dot]com
(ⅱ) Ph. No.  7005572289
(ⅲ) Fax No.  
2. Year of establishment of school  2020
3. Whether NOC from State / UT  or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained?  YES
(ⅰ) NOC No.  F.15 (101-3)-SE/Navodaya/2022
(ⅱ) NOC issuing date  09/06/2022
4. Is the school recognized , if yes by which Authority YES, By CBSE
Status of affiliation
(Permanent/Regular/Provisional)  Paermanent
(ⅰ) Affiliation No.  2040101
(ⅱ) Affiliation with board since  01/04/2022
(ⅲ) Extension of affiliation upto  31/03/2027
Name of Trust /Society /Company Registered under section 25  of the Company Act,1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is Valid Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, B-15, Institutional Area, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201307
List of Members of School Managing Committee  https://navodaya.gov.in/nvs/nvs-school/WEST-TRIPURA/en/administration/Vidyalaya-Management-Committee/
Name and official address of the Manager /President/ Chairman  Dr. Vishal Kumar, IAS, West Tripura, Tripura
Area of School Campus
(i) In Acres 20 Acres
(ii) In sq. mtrs. 80937 Mtrs.
(iii) Built up area(sq.mtrs) 45000 Sq. Mtrs
(iv) Area of playground in sq. mtrs 200 SqMtr
Other Facilities
(i) Swimming Pool  NA
(ii) Indoor Games  NA
(iii) Dance Room  NA
(iv) Gymnasium  NA
(v) M.P. Hall  NA
(vi) Music Room  NA
(vii) Atal Tinkering Lab.  NA
(viii) Samsung Smart Class  NA
(ix) Hostels Separate Accommodation for Boys &Girls Available
(x) Dining Hall  Free meal facility for students and staff members
(xi) Health and Medical check up Periodical by Vidyalaya Doctor/Staff Nurse
Details of fee (monthly total fee)
(i) VI to VIII N.A
(ii) IX to XII 600/- per montd for boys under General & OBC category only (Except BPL)
1500/- per montd for wards of Govt. Employee for boys under Gen. category only (Except BPL)
Transport Facility
(i) Own Vehicle NIL
(ii) Vehicles hired on contract basis Yes
(iii) Details of transport charges  27000
Numbers of teaching staff (to be upadated from time to time)
Designation Total No.14
Principal 1
Vice-Principal VACANT
PGT 02
TGT 09
Misc. Teachers NA
Librarian 1
Counsellors  VACANT
Details of Salary being paid by the school to Teaching Staff /Non- teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation Total Emoluments (at the time of Entry as per 7 CPC)
Principal 78800/- (Level-12)
Vice-Principal 56100/- (Level-10)
PGT 47600/- (Level-8)
TGT 44900/- (Level-7)
Misc. Teachers 44900/- (Level-7)
TGT CS Fixed remuneration as per NVS circulars 
Counsellor Fixed remuneration as per NVS circulars 
Librarian 44900/- (Level-7)
Office Supdt. 35400/- (Level-6)
Staff Nurse 44900/- (Level-7)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
LDC/Store Keeper/ECP 19900/- (Level-2)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
Driver NA
Mess Helper/Lab Attendant/ Chowkidar/Sweeper cum Chowkidar 18000/- (Level-1)
Mode of payment of salary
(i)Name of Bank through  which salary is drawing centralized banks
(ii) through single cheque transfer advice  NA
(iii) Individual cheque  NA
(iv) Cash  NA
Library facilities
(i)Size of library in sq. feet :  140
(ii)No. of periodicals: 00 
(iii)No. of Dailies: 03 
(iv)No. of Reference Books : 1880 
(v)No. of Magazine: 03 
(vi)Others NIL 
Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer/ PIO witd E-mail, Ph. No., Fax No.  Sh. Shankar Kataria, Principal, JNV Mohanpur, West Tripura, Pn- 7005572289
Members of Gender Harassment Committee  :
Gender Harassment Committee  Vidyalaya Level Committees
Class wise enrolment of the Vidyalaya for current session
Class Section Enrolment Staff Ward
VI 1 40  0
VII 1 39
VIII 1 39 
IX 1 39 
X 1 39 
XI Science 0  0
XI Humanities 0
Voc (Hospitality & Tourism) 0
XII Science 0
XII Humanities 0
Voc (Hospitality & Tourism) 0
Total  196
19. Academic session period From April to March
Vacation period
1. Summer Break From 01 May, 2024 to 21 June, 2024
2. Autumn Break From 07 October, 2024 to 03 November, 2024
3. Winter Vacation From 26 December, 2024 to 04 January, 2025
21. Admission period From July to August