Everybody knows cleanliness is next to godliness.In our school JNV JESSAMI UKHRUL-II every Sunday morning is cleaning day.Students of every classes VI to XII do cleaning in their respective houses and surroundings.
In keepin mind by the Vidyalaya family where school is a place one can learn so many things.it helps the students to grow up in to a responsible person and they are role modal for others to keep cleanliness.Beside these Teaching and Non-Teaching encourage to put waste in appropriate bins so that they develop a habit of disposing of waste properly.
Lastly our school followed do's and Dont's-
=>Put the waste material in appropriate dustbin in order to dispose the waste properly.
=>Take care to use the school properties such as chairs, tables,duster and chalk properly.
=>Keep the classroom and school premises clean.
=>Maintain personal hygien properly.
=>Maintain the toilets clean and hygienic.
=>Dont break the school properties.
=>Donts write on the walls of the school.
=>Donts pluck the flowers and leaves from the school garden.
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