Principal's Desk
Thu Mar 27 2025 , 4:10:37

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय, माध्यमिक एंव उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग, भारत सरकार / An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Government Of India)

पीएम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय,गोइंदवाल साहिब, तरनतारन, पंजाब

PM Shri School Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Goindwal Sahib, TarnTaran, Punjab.

Principal's Desk

As a Principal of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Goindwal Sahib District- Tarn Taran (Punjab), I extend hearty welcome to our Vidyalaya Website.Jawahar Navodaya Goindwal Sahib,Tarn Taran  has been a proved beacon in providing good citizen to the society and above all good human beings with the help of a dedicated team of teaching and Non-teaching staff members who uses the supreme art to awaken joy among young learners in creative expression and knowledge. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Goindwal Sahib works on student centric approach which offers rewarding educational experiences to all who choose to focus on excellence. It addresses the contemporary needs of the learners by successfully creating a dynamic environment to trigger learning experiences and awakening the natural curiosity of the young minds and thereby facilitating the art of teaching. It aims at the commitments to nurture and equip young learners with the uncommon ability to become confident, sensitive, socially committed and to develop as an all round individuals.

Sh. Rambir Singh


Special feature of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, TaranTaran.

Goindwal (Punjabiਗੋਇੰਦਵਾਲ), also known as Goindwal Sahib, is located in Taran Taran district in the Majha region of the state of Punjab in India about 23 km from Tarn Taran Sahib. In the 16th century it became an important center for the Sikh religion during the Guruship of the Guru Amar Das. Goindwal is on the banks of the river Beas and is one of the focal points of small scale industries of Tarn Taran district.

Guru Amar Das (the third Guru or the third Nanak) stayed in Goindwal for 33 years where he established a new centre for preaching Sikhism. A Baoli (stepwell), paved with 84 steps was constructed there. Some devout believe that by reciting Japji Sahib, the divine Word revealed to Guru Nanak Dev at each of the 84 steps after taking a bath in the Baoli provides Moksha, liberation from 84,00,000 cycles of life of this world and unity with God (mukhti). Goindval is where Guru Amar Das met Guru Ram Das, the next Guru. Guru Arjan Dev was also born there on 15 April 1563. It is called axis of Sikhism as it was the first center of Sikhism.