Fri Mar 28 2025 , 21:37:32

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय, माध्यमिक एंव उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग, भारत सरकार / An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Government Of India)

पी एम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, नारायणपुर

PM SHRI School Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Narayanpur,



  1. Availability of separate toilets/urinals for boys & girls, their cleanliness & maintenance is to be ensured at all times.
  2. To ensure safe & adequate potable water in the campus.
  3. Health & hygiene of student’s viz. medical care, health records, regular bathing, washing of clothes, proper turn out is to be taken care at all times.
  4. Visit of houses everyday by the HM/AHM/Staff Nurse & formal inspection once a week by the Principal/Vice-Principal & associated staff to ensure proper cleanliness, sanitation & turn out. The minutes of the inspection is to be recorded & made available to RO/HQ’s
  5. Cleanliness & maintenance of entire Vidyalaya campus as per guidelines issued.
  6. The cleanliness & maintenance of internal roads, drainage system, sewer lines, septic tank, overhead tank, disposal of waste etc. must be periodically carried out as per guidelines issued & report made available to RO/HQ’s.
  7. The efforts should be made to promote the awareness of Swachchhta campaign at the cluster/community/district level as pace setting activity & minutes recorded.
  8. To arrange a quarterly meeting with VMC, VAC to seek their cooperation and to tap the resources for further improvement of cleanliness, sanitation & hygiene in the campus.
  9. A comprehensive report pertaining to self- awareness & change in behavioural aspects of students & staff towards the sensitization & institutionalization of Swachhta campaign should be submitted.
  10. Any suggestion/assistance/guidelines required, if any, at the level of RO’s/HQ’s for further improvement towards the swachhta campaign may be sought in the further course of action.

Potable Drinking Water

  • Availability of sufficient potable drinking water at all the places in the campus from external /internal sources.
  • Availability of feasibility report for potable drinking water from District/State authority.
  • To check the leakages in water supply lines & to protect the same from soak pits/leach points/garbage etc.
  • Updated record of cleaning, chlorination/bleaching of potable drinking water being supplied through Overhead tank (OHT) or any other source of water.
  • Availability of RO water in different parts of campus.
  • Safe handling & storage of drinking water should be practiced.
    • Operations & Maintenance

(a) Classrooms:



  • Daily cleaning/dusting of classroom furniture, black boards & available teaching aid material.
  • To check whether class notice board contains the display of duty roster, schedule of organizing weekly/fortnightly activities/any other relevant information.
  • To check whether SMART classroom, computer lab, Art room, Music room etc. are all operational.
  • To ensure proper & systematic maintenance of devices so as to keep the classroom lively & a source of effective curriculum transmission in the teaching learning process.
  • (b) Library/Labs./other activity rooms

To check whether students & staff are making optimum use of library/labs/other activity rooms for promoting reading habits, scientific temper & adopting innovative practices in their day to day teaching/learning interaction.

  • Computerization of catalogue of books & its issuance.

  • To check whether equipments, chemicals, apparatus etc. are all adequately available as per CBSE norms & are being utilized judiciously under the supervision of concerned teaching faculty.
  • The practical notebooks are available & updated record of practicals conducted is maintained & checked by the respective teachers.
  • The cleanliness & maintenance of laboratories/library & other activity rooms are superb at all times.