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Visit of staff nurse to three near by schools and donating them first-aid boxes and lecture on first-aid & its importance.
Visit of two near by primary schools to our vidyalaya to learn how a residential school works & their visit to science labs and computer labs.
Visit of our teachers to neighbourhood schools on 5th September (Teacher’s Day) with sweets and candies for children.
Visit of our teachers to Prabh Asra Gurudwara 2nd October to donate old clothes and shoes from staff families.
Free Dental check-up camp by Rayat Bahra university in our vidyalaya.
Visit of PET (Female) to teach warm-up exercises to govt. middle school students.
Free eye check-up camp in vidyalaya premises. Village people and students of rakoli village will be invited to take advantage of this camp.
Swachhta Rally in two near by villages by NCC students.
Awareness Rally for Blood Donation in village Rakoli.
Nukkad Natak on topic Drug Abuse.
AIDS awareness Rally on 1st December.
Plantation in Two near by schools.
Fun games for primary school children in JNV rakoli .
Science Day celebration on 28th Feb involving community.