Teaching Staff
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, मोहाली


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Teaching Staff

Teaching Staff

S.no. Name of the Teacher Post Qualification Date of Birth Date of Joining in Samiti Date of Joining in JNV Mohali Category DIR/ DEP./CONT. PROB. Cleared (Yes/No) Home DistDipti 
  Mrs. Dipti Bhatnagar Principal    30-09-1966  07-08-1989  05-06-2024  Gen.  Direct  YES  Chandigarh
2 Mr. Rajender Kumar Vice Principal M.Sc. B.Ed 10-12-1978 29-06-2006 09-05-2023 Gen. Direct  Yes Mandi( H.P)
3 Ms. Anita Kanwar PGT-Geography M.A, M.Ed. 03-07-1971 30-11-1998 06-08-2022 Gen. Direct Yes Chandigarh
4 Ms. Hemlata Singh PGT History  MA, B.Ed  05-11-1976  08-10-2003  04-10-2019  Gen.  Direct  Yes



5 Mr. Atul Sharma PGT Maths  Msc, B.Ed  29-12-1976  31-05-2006  03-05-2017  Gen.  Direct  Yes



6 Ms. Sunita Gulia PGT Hindi  MA, B.Ed  09-09-1970  30-06-2008  20-08-2014  Gen.  Direct  Yes  Sonipat (Haryana)
7 Mr. Manoj Kumar PGT Biology  M.Sc, B.Ed  13-12-1978  03-06-2006  08-07-2016  Gen.  Direct  Yes



8 Mr. Gian Chand PGT Chemistry  M.Sc, B.Ed  07-09-1982  21-11-2009  06-11-2019  SC  Direct  Yes



9 Ms. Mandeep Kaur PGT Physics  M.Sc., B.Ed, M.Ed  18-05-1982  28-01-2013  29-11-2014  SC  Direct  Yes  Ambala (Haryana)
10 Ms. Archana PGT Engllish  MA, M.Phil, B.Ed  27-05-1979  04-11-2009  23-06-2016  Gen.  Direct  Yes  Nawashar (Punjab)
12 Ms. Kamlesh Uttam PGT Economics   01.07.1981 01.08.2007 03.06.2024 OBC      
13 Dr. Anita Verma TGT Hindi MA, M.Ed, Ph.D 20-09-1971 09-09-2003 01-09-2018 OBC  Direct Yes Suratgarh (Rajasthan)
14. Mr. Rajesh Kumar TGT-Hindi  M.A., M.Ed  30.10.1970 14.10.1997 03.05.2023 Gen. Direct Yes Yamunanagar, (HR)
14 Ms. Pooja Pelan TGT- English MA, B.Ed 28.06.1992 16.12.2024   OBC     Mohali (S.A.S Nagar)
15 Mr.Sanjay Kumar TGT English   20.01.1972 28.11.1998 01.06.2024 SC Direct    
16 Ms. Ansu Sharma



 M.Sc. B.Ed. 27-08-1987 21-08-2012 08-07-2023  Gen.  Direct Yes Kangra (H.P)
17 Ms. Ruchi Sharma  TGT Maths    18.07.1985  01.09.2012  31.07.2023  Gen. Direct     
18 Ms. Rohina Singh

TGT  Sci

 M.Sc, B.Ed  19-06-1979  11-10-2004  03-05-2017  OBC  Direct  Yes  Kangra (H.P)
19 Ms. Sushma Rani


 M.A History, M.Ed. 17-04-1968 02-11-2002 13-08-2021 Gen. Diredt Yes Gurdaspur (PB)
20 Ms. Manjeet Kaur TGT Punjabi  BA, B.Ed  22-02-1969  29-09-1993  02-08-2012  SC  Direct  Yes  Ferozepur (Punjab)
21 Mr.Amandeep Singh TGT Punjabi  MA, B.Ed, 29-12-1976 05-02-2004  05-09-2022  Gen.  Direct  Yes  Amritsar (P.B)
22 Ms. Shalini Chuhan

Music Tr.

   16.12.1981  02.11.2019  05.06.2024  Gen.      
23 Mr. P.K. Parida

Art Tr.

BFA in Painting 01-04-1971 05-02-1999 14-08-2021  OBC  Direct  Yes  Cuttack (Odisha)
24 Mr. Yashpal Grewal PET (M)                
25 Ms. Thokchom Sila Devi PET (F) MP.Ed. 01-03-1975 01-03-2004 13-09-2021  OBC  Direct Yes  Vishnupur (Manipur)
26 Ms. Pallavi Sharma PGT-Comm.  M.com, B.Ed,  03.06.1994  05.07.2024  05.07.2024  Gen.  Contract   Narot Jaimal Singh Distt. (Pathankot)
27 Ms. Rinku Bala Librarian    04.10.1974   01.10.2004  03.06.2024  OBC      
28 Ms. Angrej kaur Staff Nurse  +2, GNM  01.10.1975  12.09.2002  05.06.2024  SC  Direct  Yes  Vill. Ghaggar Teh. Panchkulla
29 Mr. Sanjay Counsellor M.A. Psychology, PGDCP 07-08-1994 19-12-2023 19-12-2023 Gen.  Contract   Bathinda 
 30  MS. Amanjot kaur  TGT CS  MCA,B.Ed,  20.02.1997  17.08.2024  17.08.2024  SC  Contract   Mohali (S.A.S Nagar)
31 Mr. Suvajit Roy Yoga Teacher B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed. PGDYE 02-12-1994 09-12-2023 09-12-2023 SC Contract   West Bengal
32 Ms Renu Bala PGT CS MCA ,B.Ed. 24-03-1982 20-09-2024 20-09-2024 Gen. Daily Basis   Rupnagar Punjab




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