About JNV
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, हदगढ़, केओन्झार, ओडिशा

PM SHRI Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Hadagarh, Keonjhar, Odisha


PM SHRI Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are unique educational institutions in India, imparting quality education to students mainly from rural background. This system, unlike others, aims at producing future citizens, with a sound moral character and updated knowledge for the service of the society in a global learning environment. Almost all the states of India is having Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas running to a national total of 544. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are financed by the Central Government under Human Resources Development (HRD) Department of Education directly and function under Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti with its head Quarter at New Delhi. There are eight regional offices.

Navodaya Vidyala Samiti is an autonomous organization which has been set up to establish and manage co-educational, residential School covering VI to XII known as Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas with the following aims.

  • To provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family’s socio-economic condition.
  • To ensure that all students of JNV’s   attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in the three language formulae.
  • To serve, in each district, as focal point for improvements in quality of school education in general through sharing experience and facilities.

The National policy on education 1986 envisaged establishment of Navodaya Vidyalaya in each district of the country. The first two schools were started in 1985-86 on experimental basis One at Amaravati (Maharastra) and other at Jhajjar(Hariyana) . The numbers of schools have now grown to 544 spread over 34 union states and Union territories (except Tamilnadu). Navodaya Vidyalayas are fully residential and co-educational schools covering class VI to XII. Education in these Vidyalayas are free for all enrolled students including Lodging, Boarding, Textbooks, uniforms etc. The Vidyalayas seek to promote and develop talented, bright and gifted children predominantly from rural areas who may otherwise be denied of good educational opportunities.

These Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVS) function under the ministry of HRD Dept.of Education Govt. of India and are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Admission to Vidyalayas is done at the class VI level through an open test conducted at District level by the CBSE. About 80 students are admitted in each JNV which ensure all-round development of the personality of children by providing good academic guidance apart from input in other non-scholastic areas by providing good facilities for sports, NCC, Scouts & Guides adventure activities , Computer education etc.

One of the salient features of the Navodaya Vidyalayas is migration under which 30% of children studying in class IX from Navodaya Vidyalaya in a Hindi belt gets shifted for studies in a JNV of Non-Hindi area and vice-versa and thus helps to promote National integraion.

Details about PM SHRI JNV Keonjhar


1. Name of the School with Address PM SHRI Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Hadagarh,Keonjhar Odisha
At/Po- Hadagarh,
Dist- Keonjhar, Orissa
Pin Code – 758023
Name of the principal P. Manikandan, Principal
Name of the senior most teacher Dr. Rajendra Kumar Dhal (PGT MATH)
(ⅰ) E-Mail jnvkeonjharodisha[at]gmail[dot]com
(ⅱ) Ph. No. +91-6372412022
(ⅲ) Fax No. +91-6372412022
2. Year of establishment of school 1987(17.12.1987)
3. Whether NOC from State / UT  or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Yes
(ⅰ) NOC No. N.A
(ⅱ) NOC issuing date N.A
4. Is the school recognized , if yes by which Authority Yes, By CBSE
Status of affiliation
(Permanent/Regular/Provisional) PROVISIONAL(To be renewed every year)
(ⅰ) Affiliation No. 1540002
(ⅱ) Affiliation with board since 1987
(ⅲ) Extension of affiliation upto March 2028
Name of Trust /Society /Company Registered under section 25  of the Company Act,1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is Valid Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida
List of Members of School Managing Committee Visit Vidyalaya Management Committee Web page
Name of the Chairman, VMC, with complete postal address with PIN code Telephone No, Fax No, E-mail address and etc. Mr.Ashish Thakre(IAS)
District Magistrate
Pin- 758001, Ph No-06766-254298
Area of School Campus
(i) In Acres  
(ii) In sq. mtrs.  
(iii) Built up area(sq.mtrs)  
(iv) Area of playground in sq. mtrs  
Other Facilities
(i) Swimming Pool N.A
(ii) Indoor Games Available
(iii) Dance Room Available
(iv) Gymnasium Available
(iv) Gymnasium Available
(v) Music Room Available
(vi) Hostels Separate Accommodation for Boys & Girls Available
(VII) Health and Medical check up Periodical by Vidyalaya Doctor/Staff Nurse
Details of fee (monthly total fee)
(i) VI to VIII N.A
(ii) IX to XII 600/- per montd for boys under Gen. category only (Except BPL)
1500/- per montd for wards of Govt. Employee for boys under Gen. category only (Except BPL)
Transport Facility
(i) Own Vehicle No
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis 1
(iii) Details of transport charges NIL
Numbers of teaching staff (to be upadated from time to time)
Designation Total No.
Principal 01
Vice-Principal 01
TGT 10
Misc. Teachers 04 PET 02 ( 1 Male, 1 Female) , MUSIC 01, ART 01
Librarian 01
Details of Salary being paid by the school to Teaching Staff /Non- teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation Total Emoluments (at the time of Entry as per 7 CPC)
Principal 78800/- (Level-12)
Vice-Principal 56100/- (Level-10)
PGT 47600/- (Level-8)
TGT 44900/- (Level-7)
Misc. Teachers 44900/- (Level-7)
Counsellor 44900/. 
Librarian 44900/- (Level-7)
Office Supdt. 35400/- (Level-6)
Staff Nurse 35400/- (Level-6)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
LDC/Store Keeper/ECP 21700/- (Level-3)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
Driver 21700/- (Level-3)
Mess Helper/Lab Attendant/ Chowkidar/Sweeper cum Chowkidar 18000/- (Level-1)
Mode of payment of salary
(i)Name of Bank through  which salary is drawing PFMS
(ii) through single cheque transfer advice N.A
(iii) Individual cheque N.A
(iv) Cash N.A
Library facilities
(i)Size of library in sq. feet :  
(ii)No. of periodicals:  
(iii)No. of Dailies:  
(iv)No. of Reference Books :  
(v)No. of Magazine:  
Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer/ PIO witd E-mail, Ph. No., Fax No. Principal, PM SHRI JNV keonjhar Ph No 6372412022
Members of Gender Harassment Committee  :
Gender Harassment Committee Sh P.Manikandan Principal Chairman Dr. R K Dhal PGT Math Senior Most Teacher Member  Smt Greeshma V.G. staff nurse Member Smt Sita Kumari Murmu Senior Teacher Female,Member
Class wise enrolment of the Vidyalaya for current session
Class Section Enrolment Staff Ward
VI 2 79 1
VII 2 78 2
VIII 2 79 1
IX 2 80 2
X 2 78 0
XI Science 1 40 0
XI Humanities 1 26 2
XII Science 1 40 2
XII humanities 1 40 0
Total 1 540 10
19. Academic session period From April to March
Vacation period
1. Summer Break From 01.05.2025 to 29.06.2025
2. Autumn Break From 27.09.2025 to 26.10.2025
3. Winter Vacation -------
21. Admission period From March To January
22. Name of District Head Quarter & its distance from the Vidyalaya Keonjhar,110 kms
23 Climate condition of the District Moderate hot and cold
24 Name of nearest Railway station and its distance from the Vidyalaya Bhadrak Railway Station, Charampa
52 Kms.
25 Name of the nearest Bus Stand and its distance from the Vidyalaya Chhenapadi , 15 Km.,Agarpada,18Km
26 Name of the nearest Air port and its distance from the Vidyalaya Biju Pattanayak International Airport, Bhubaneswar
170 Kms
27 Name of the Nearest Police Station and its distance from the Vidyalaya (please indicate the telephone no.) Soso Police Station, Soso Distance
12 Kms.
Ph No- 06731-278167
28 Name the nearest Hospital and its distance from the Vidyalaya (please indicate the telephone no.) Sub Divisional Hospital, Anandapur
33 Kms.
29 Mode of Transport facility available to reach the Vidyalaya and its frequency Hire Auto,Bus (One Time in  the Afternoon)
30 Name of the nearest JNV and its distance from the Vidyalaya JNV,Panikoili ,Jajpur-70KMsJNV, Bagudi
100 Kms,JNV,Bhadrak 105 Kms