A sub-committee - under the committee of "Miscellaneous Activities Committee" is constituted for the effective implementation of pace setting activities.The following pace setting activities are suggested to be undertaken during the year.
1.Extension Programme of Population Education related subjects like Pulse Polio Drive,HIV/AIDS Awareness,etc
2.Arrange Guest Lectures/Seminars on various syllabus related and General Subjects - particularly on Career Guidance of the students.
3.Tree plantation and beautification of campus.
4.Adopt the neighbouring village/locality for health and hygeine And other Awareness campaigns like:
a.Literacy Programme.
b.Encourage reading habits among the children through "Mobile Library "scheme.
c.Organize matches/athletic activities involving other schools in the district.
d.Organize "Science Model Exhibition" involving other schools of the district.
5.Road Safety Awareness Programme/Anti Tobacco Awareness Program.