About JNV
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय, माध्यमिक एंव उच्चतर शिक्षा विभाग, भारत सरकार / An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education, Government Of India)

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, झाबुआ-१ (म.प्र)

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, JHABUA-I (M.P)

About JNV Jhabua-I

To provide good quality modern education to the talented children coming from rural areas, irrespective of their economic conditions. To ensure that all students of this Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya have the appropriate level of qualification in the three language formula.

Vision: -

  • To facilitate the strategic and educational planning processes of schools.
  • All-round development of a child.
  • To manage the update of academic structure
  • Motivational attitude towards co-educational activities.
  • Professional Counseling of Students.
  • To focus on supporting learners and especially on Mathematics and English subject
  • To strengthen English communication
  • To provide adequate opportunities for students to nurture in the playground and arts sector.
  • Full utilization of available resources in the school.
  • Professional Counseling and Guiding

 Strength -

  • Being a dynamic and visionary Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner
  • Dedicated and supportive parents with their disciplined wards
  • Use of scarce resources - time, talent and material
  • Adopt modern methods of teaching and assessment
  • Intensive use of available facilities
  • Readiness of employees though all are in new or contractual positions.


Details About JNV


Year of Establishment




Complete address of the Vidyalaya with Pin code




Telegraphic Address




Telephone No, Fax No, with STD code



E-mail ID






Is the school recognized , if yes by which Authority

Yes, by CBSE


CBSE Affiliation No.




Name of the Principal

Ms. Mandakini Sharma Principal I/c


Name of the Vice Principal

Ms. Mandakini Sharma


Name of the Chairman, VMC, with complete postal address with PIN code Telephone No, Fax No, E-mail address and etc.

Ms. Neha Meena

 Collector and District Magistrate, District Collectorate, Jhabua-457661
E-mail :-dmjhabua@nic.in Contact no - 07392-243401, 7392243401


Geographical Location of the Vidyalaya



Name of District Head Quarter & its distance from the Vidyalaya

Jhabua, 7 KM


Climate condition of the District

Moderate climatic condition-semi arid


Name of nearest Railway station and its distance from the Vidyalaya

Megh Nagar 18 km away from Jhabua.


Name of the nearest Bus Stand and its distance from the Vidyalaya

Jhabua Bus Stand (at a distance of 7 KM from school)


Name of the nearest Air port and its distance from the Vidyalaya

Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport ,Indore 150 KM away from Jhabua.


Name of the Nearest Police Station and its distance from the Vidyalaya (please indicate the telephone no.)

Jhabua Police Station  

07392 243412


Name the nearest Hospital and its distance from the Vidyalaya (please indicate the telephone no.)

District hospital 6 KM away from Vidyalaya

07392-243315, 07392-243312


Mode of Transport facility available to reach the Vidyalaya and its frequency

Buses and Trains 


Name of the nearest JNV and its distance from the Vidyalaya

JNV Thandla @distance of 35 KM from Vidyalaya


Shortest route for reaching the Vidyalaya from Regional Office: (in Kms)

(a) By Rail

(b) By Road

(c) By Air

Rail:Bhopal to Meghnagar by train and by bus to school

Road: Bhopal to Indore and then from Indore to Jhabua

Air: Bhopal to Indore and by bus from Indore to Jhabua


Shortest route for reaching the Vidyalaya from NVS (HQrs.) Delhi(in Kms)

(a) By Rail

(b) By Road

(c) By Air

Rail:Delhi to Meghnagar by train and from there by bus to school

Road: Delhi to indore and then from Indore to Jhabua

Air: Delhi to Indore and by bus from Indore to Jhabua