About JNV
Sat Mar 29 2025 , 10:0:59

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री स्कूल

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय,हरिद्वार


Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Haridwar

About JNV Haridwar

About 21 Yrs ago in 1993 a place in Distt. Haridwar was blessed with a temple of education where the student of this comparatively less educated, less known and undeveloped arena could get excellent education facilities for their successful career formation and all round development of their personalities. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Roshnabad, Haridwar is an innovative, Teah.-savvy, dynamic in all modern approaches towards education and whole heartedly committed to the cause of society. It was established under the national policy on education, 1986 under the ministry of human resource development, Govt. Of India through an autonomous body Navodaya vidyalaya Samiti, Noida , U.P.

The co-educational residential setup is completely devoted and dedicated to the cause of nourishing the talent of the young generation up to the fullest extent. Ever since its existence, it has become a role model and a pace setter for the whole district. With adequate infrastructure, highly trained, efficient and well qualified teachers and also blessed with the dynamic and inspiring leadership of the principal, this Vidyalaya is a paradigm of modern education escalating  the modern spheres of the educational firmament.

The benchmark performances produced by the Vidyalaya for the last two decade can only vouch for the safer, securer and successful careers for those wards whose parents have shown their faith in this institution. The academic result of this Vidyalaya is always going high almost touching the institution. The academic result of this Vidyalaya is going high almost touching the Zenith. It has always a venue for cluster and regional level sports and cultural meet. The heavenly green campus of this Vidyalaya looks like a heaven on earth.

It is a facilitating and a sager heaven for students in all aspects. It has well-equipped labs for the subjects physics, Chemistry, Biology, Bio-technology, Mathematics and Computer Science. It has well-maintained ground for all sports and games. There are 24 x7 hrs availability of water, electricity and first aid medical facilities.

The well qualified and experienced faculty working with team spirit, dedication and devotion is whole heartedly striving to provide maximum time and opportunities to students to show their creativities and potentialities in their own way. The migration of the Vidyalaya with Navodaya Vidyalaya, JNV, Mandya(Karnataka) acting as an effective medium to abridge the cultural, social and language barrier between the two states by bringing closer the students of both Vidyalaya. The teaching of Kannada Language to our students is helping in promoting national integration .3140 students registered in JNVST ENTRANCE EXAM 2017 for class VIth. Many of our products are selected every year in various professional institutes and many have got high profile jobs in the fields of medicines, engineering, armed forces, education and other services. In AISSC Exam 2018-19 Ms Bhawana Panwar got 98.6% and secure highest average among all Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in country.

While fulfilling its aim, Vidyalaya is performing its duties effectively to promote and encourage talents, predominantly from the rural areas and to prove up to the expectations to Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.

Details about JNV Haridwar


1. Name of the School with Address Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Haridwar District Haridwar, Uttarakhand PIN -249402
(ⅰ) E-Mail jnvharidwar[at]gmail[dot]com, jnv_haridwar[at]rediffmail[dot]com
(ⅱ) Ph. No. 01334-239910
(ⅲ) Fax No. 01334-239910
2. Year of establishment of school 1993
3. Whether NOC from State / UT  or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Yes
(ⅰ) NOC No. N.A
(ⅱ) NOC issuing date N.A
4. Is the school recognized , if yes by which Authority Yes, By CBSE
Status of affiliation
(Permanent/Regular/Provisional) PROVISIONAL(To be renewed every year)
(ⅰ) Affiliation No. 3540006
(ⅱ) Affiliation with board since 1997
(ⅲ) Extension of affiliation upto March 2025
Name of Trust /Society /Company Registered under section 25  of the Company Act,1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is Valid Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida
List of Members of School Managing Committee Visit Vidyalaya Management Committee Web page
Name and official address of the Manager /President/ Chairman Sh. C.Ravishankar, IAS, District Majistrate, Haridwar (U.K) Phone: 01334-239952 Email: dmhdr[at]nic[dot]in
Area of School Campus
(i) In Acres 10-08- 25 Hectares
(ii) In sq. mtrs. 102790.2 Sq Mtrs.
(iii) Built up area(sq.mtrs) 2000.00 sq. mtrs
(iv) Area of playground in sq. mtrs 150*100 mtrs (15000 sq. mtrs)
Other Facilities
(i) Swimming Pool N.A
(ii) Indoor Games Table Tennis
(iii) Dance Room N.A
(iv) Gymnasium Available
(iv) Gymnasium Available
(v) Music Room Available
(vi) Hostels Separate Accommodation for Boys &Girls Available
(VII) Health and Medical check up Periodical by Vidyalaya Doctor/Staff Nurse
Details of fee (monthly total fee)
(i) VI to VIII N.A
(ii) IX to XII 600/- per month for boys under Gen. category only (Except BPL)
1500/- per month for wards of Govt. Employee for boys under Gen. category only (Except BPL)
Transport Facility
(i) Own Vehicle NO
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis No
(iii) Details of transport charges NIL
Numbers of teaching staff (to be upadated from time to time)
Designation Total No.
Principal 01
Vice-Principal 01
PGT 11
TGT 10
Misc. Teachers 04, PET 02 ( 1 Male, 1 Female) , MUSIC 01, Art 01
Librarian 01
Details of Salary being paid by the school to Teaching Staff /Non- teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation Total Emoluments (at the time of Entry as per 7 CPC)
Principal 78800/- (Level-12)
Vice-Principal 56100/- (Level-10)
PGT 47600/- (Level-8)
TGT 44900/- (Level-7)
Misc. Teachers 44900/- (Level-7)
Counsellor 44900/ Fixed
Librarian 44900/- (Level-7)
Office Supdt. 35400/- (Level-6)
Staff Nurse 35400/- (Level-6)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
LDC/Store Keeper/ECP 21700/- (Level-3)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
Driver 21700/- (Level-3)
Mess Helper/Lab Attendant/ Chowkidar/Sweeper cum Chowkidar 18000/- (Level-1)
Mode of payment of salary
(i)Name of Bank through  which salary is drawing   Union Bank Of India, through PFMS
(ii) through single cheque transfer advice N.A
(iii) Individual cheque N.A
(iv) Cash N.A
Library facilities
(i)Size of Library in sq. feet : 800 sqft
(ii)No. of Periodicals: 16
(iii)No. of Dailies: 09 (02- English, 07-Hindi)
(iv)No. of Reference Books : 9000
(v)No. of Magazine: 16
(vi)Others 6582 books including Encyclopedias
Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer/ PIO with E-mail, Ph. No., Fax No. Principal, JNV Haridwar, jnvharidwar@gmail.com, Ph.No. 01334- 239910
Members of Gender Harassment Committee  :
Gender Harassment Committee Sh S C Joshi Principal, Chairman, Sh Shalabh Mittal  PGT Chem Senior Most Teacher, Member Secretary  Smt Vishnupriya Singh PGT-Biology, Female Member, Sh R K Pandey Senior Teacher Male
Class wise enrolment of the Vidyalaya for current session
Class Section Enrolment Staff Ward
VI 2 79 01
VII 2 79 02
VIII 2 73 01
IX 2 81 01
X 2 76 01
XI Science 1 42 02
XI Humanity 1 42 01
Voc (Hospitality & Tourism) 0 0 0
XII Science 1 40 01
XII Humanity 1 30 03
Voc (Hospitality & Tourism) 0 0 0
Total 0 542 13
19. Academic session period APRIL TO MARCH
Vacation period
1. Summer Break From 16 June 2021 to 31 July 2021 (46-days)
2. Autumn Break From 11 Oct 2021 to 11 Nov 2021 (32-days)
3. Winter Vacation From 27 Dec 2021 to 07 Jan 2022  (12-days)
21. Admission period From JULY To AUGUST