Morning Assembly, a formal gathering of heterogeneous class is intended as mini scale of activities throughout day leading for concentration, dedication, acquiring knowledge & information, creativity, alertness, raising self-confidence of students to face the audience. The House Masters/Mistresses and Associate House Masters/Mistresses will ensure that a proper training and rehearsal in modulation of words and sentences to be spoken in the morning assembly are prepared and presented properly. A moral talk is presented by MOD of the day everyday to inculcate values among the students. Even a speech by one student of class XI on rotation basis is included to enhance the communication skill. A book’s review can be organized once in a week so as to enhance language skill.
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस के अवसर पर हमारा विद्यालय सी.वी. रमन की जयंती मनाता है