About JNV
Sun Mar 02 2025 , 9:27:19

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under MHRD ) Government Of India

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय पाकयोंग पूर्व सिक्किम

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Pakyong East Sikkim

About JNV Pakyong

नवंबर 2005 का 05 वां दिन सबसे शुभ दिन था जब जेएनवी पाक्योंग  को प्योंगॉन्ग में अपने अस्थायी भवन में स्थापित किया गया था। इसे मई 2017 में रायगाँव पाक्योंग जिला: पूर्वी सिक्किम में अपने स्थायी स्थल पर स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया। स्कूल परिसर अपनी इमारतों के साथ लगभग 09.38 एकड़ पहाड़ी को कवर करता है जो हर मोड़ पर शानदार दृश्य प्रस्तुत करता है। इमारत में आधुनिक सुसज्जित प्रयोगशालाएं, स्मार्ट क्लास रूम, कंप्यूटर लैब और कई कक्षाएं शामिल हैं। ईमेल और इंटरनेट प्रणालियों का व्यापक उपयोग दूरी को कम करता है और कर्मचारियों, छात्रों और प्रशासन को एक दूसरे के साथ तीव्र और सहज संपर्क में रखता है।


विद्यालय पाक्योंग एयर पोर्ट के पास पहाड़ियों की गोद में प्राकृतिक पेड़ों की गब्र से घिरा हुआ है और राजधानी गंगटोक से लगभग 29 किलोमीटर दूर है।


The 05th day of November 2005 was the most auspicious day when JNV Pakyong was established in its temporary building in Pakyong.  It was shifted in its permanent site in May 2017 at Raigaon Pakyong Distt: East Sikkim.  The school campus covers around 09.38 acres of hillside with its buildings which is offering spectacular views at every turn.  The building comprises modern equipped Laboratories, Smart Class Room, Computer Lab, and several classrooms.  The widespread use of email and internet systems reduces the distance and keeps staff, students, and administration in fast and smooth contact with one another.


The Vidyalaya is surrounded by the grave of natural trees in the lap of hills near Pakyong Air Port and about 29 Km away from the capital city Gangtok.

(c) sdag

Details about JNV Pakyong


1. Name of the School with Address Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pakyong, Distt: East Sikkim, Sikkim 737106
(ⅰ) E-Mail jnvpakyong@rediffmail.com
(ⅱ) Ph. No.
(ⅲ) Fax No. 03592-257431
2. Year of establishment of school 2005
3. Whether NOC from State / UT  or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Yes
(ⅰ) NOC No. N.A
(ⅱ) NOC issuing date N.A
4. Is the school recognized , if yes by which Authority Yes, By CBSE
Status of affiliation
(Permanent/Regular/Provisional) PROVISIONAL(To be renewed every year)
(ⅰ) Affiliation No. 1840004
(ⅱ) Affiliation with board since 2008
(ⅲ) Extension of affiliation upto March 2025
Name of Trust /Society /Company Registered under section 25  of the Company Act,1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is Valid Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida
List of Members of School Managing Committee Visit Vidyalaya Management Committee Web page
Name and official address of the Manager /President/ Chairman Sh. Tashi Chopel, IAS, Deputy Magistrate, East Sikkim (Sikkim) Phone: 03592-284444
Area of School Campus
(i) In Acres 9.38 Acres
(ii) In sq. mtrs. 37959.51 Sq Mtrs.
(iii) Built up area(sq.mtrs) 21043.7 Sq. Mtrs
(iv) Area of playground in sq. mtrs 6474.97 Sq. Mtrs
Other Facilities
(i) Swimming Pool No
(ii) Indoor Games No
(iii) Dance Room Available
(iv) Gymnasium No
(iv) Gymnasium No
(v) Music Room Available
(vi) Hostels Separate Accommodation for Boys &Girls Available
(VII) Health and Medical check up Periodical by Vidyalaya Doctor/Staff Nurse
Details of fee (monthly total fee)
(i) VI to VIII N.A
(ii) IX to XII 600/- per Month for Boys under Gen. Category only (Except BPL)
1500/- per Month for Wards of Govt. Employee for boys under Gen. Category only (Except BPL)
Transport Facility
(i) Own Vehicle 0
(ii) Vehicls hired on contract basis 1
(iii) Details of transport charges NIL
Numbers of teaching staff (to be upadated from time to time)
Designation Total No. 
Principal  01
Vice-Principal VACANT
PGT 09
TGT 06
Misc. Teachers FCSA - 01 , PET - 02 ( 1 Male, 1 Female),01 Art Teacher,01 Music
Librarian 01
Details of Salary being paid by the school to Teaching Staff /Non- teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation Total Emoluments (at the time of Entry as per 7 CPC)
Principal 78800/- (Level-12)
Vice-Principal 56100/- (Level-10)
PGT 47600/- (Level-8)
TGT 44900/- (Level-7)
Misc. Teachers 44900/- (Level-7)
Counsellor 44900/-
Librarian 44900/- (Level-7)
Office Supdt. 35400/- (Level-6)
Staff Nurse 35400/- (Level-6)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
LDC/Store Keeper/ECP 21700/- (Level-3)
UDC/ Catering Assistant 25500/- (Level-4)
Driver 21700/- (Level-3)
Mess Helper/Lab Attendant/ Chowkidar/Sweeper cum Chowkidar 18000/- (Level-1)
Mode of payment of salary
(i)Name of Bank through  which salary is drawing Joint Web Portal of NVS through UBI PFMS
(ii) through single cheque transfer advice N/A
(iii) Individual cheque N/A
(iv) Cash N/A
Library facilities
(i)Size of library in sq. feet : 880 sq. ft.
(ii)No. of periodicals: 11
(iii)No. of Dailies: 11
(iv)No. of Reference Books : Please Click Here to See Details
(v)No. of Magazine: 11
(vi)Others 4955 books including Encyclopedias
Name of the Grievance Redressal Officer/ PIO witd E-mail, Ph. No., Fax No. Senior Most Teacher,  JNV Pakyong
Members of Gender Harassment Committee  :
Gender Harassment Committee Senior Most Teacher Incharge, Staff Nurse, TGT-S.St, Counsellors (Male and Female)
Class wise enrolment of the Vidyalaya for current session
Class Section Enrolment Staff Ward
VI 1 25 -
VII 1 37 0
VIII 1 38 2
IX 1 37 1
X 2 40 2
XI Science 1 17 0
XI Humanities 1 25 0
XII Science 1 39 0
XII Humanities 1 23 0
Total 11 282 5
19. Academic session period From April to March
Vacation period
1. Summer Break From 1 May 2023 to 29 Jun-2023
2. Autumn Break NIL
3. Winter Vacation From 19 Dec 2020 to 18 Jan 2024
21. Admission period From JULY To AUGUST