Vidyalaya Level Committees
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, चम्बा

PM Shri Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Chamba

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Vidayalaya Level Committees


1 ACADEMIC Principal / Vice Principal
Mr. Pratap Singh
Sh. Ravinder Kumar
Mrs. Ranju Devi
Preparation of Institutional Plan,.
Act as Coordinator of all activities committee related to academic /CCA and will supervised all preps daily and submit the report of teachers not taking classes
2 TIME TABLE Mr. Vinod Tripathi, VP
Mr. Pratap Singh
Mr. Mandeep Singh
Preparation of Vidyalaya Time table, Arrangement of teachers on leave/ duty. preparation of roster for ICT Classes
Roster of MOD duties/Sunday/Holiday duties, Verification of attendance well in time during academic hours, 
3 (A) Exam Smt. Tanzin Bodh I/C
Sh. Dinesh Kumar
To conduct all exam of class VI To XI as per PAP schedule, , and maintain all records, w.e.f. April 2014, and display result on the notice board 9 am as on the II Saturday of each month. CBSE circulars effective implementation. To complete all record related CCE. Timely submission of result of Migrated students vice- versa
  (B) CBSE Mr. Ankit Gupta I/C

CBSE Circulars effective implementation.
To complete all records timely
upload marks on CBSE wbsite
To Conduct CBSE Examination class XII Effectively.
  ( C ) NTSE and other
Competitive exams
Mr. Mandeep Singh
Mr. Dinesh Kumar
To monitor the conduct and record the conduct of competitive exams
To tie up with other subject teachers for the conduct of competitive exam
related to their subjects
4 Mess. Mr. Vinod Tripathi, VP
Mrs. Jyoti Williyam ( S /N)
Mr. Sandeep sharma  (CA)
Store Keeper
MesCaptains 01 Boy & 01 Girl
To Conduct mess meeting monthly in time.
Implementation of mess menu, management of mess stores properly
Roster of mess duty of teacher’s maintenance of cleanliness & hygiene and discipline in mess..
To ensure that duty teacher must dining with students in dining hall.
MS. RUMA (Music Tr)
MS. Hansika (Art Tr)
To conduct CCA activities effectively as per the annual calendar.
To organize other celebration / festivals.
Managing classwise / house wise CCA inter house competition. Smooth conduct of morning assembly daily.
Managing schedule for watching TV in mess Holiday / Sunday
6 Pace Setting  Mrs. Garishma Rai
Mr. Joginder Kumar (TGT S.St)
Mrs. Kamna Thakur (TGT Sci)
Mrs. Hansika (Art TR)
Mrs. Santosh Negi (PET F.)
Prepare schedule for Pace setting activities. To conduct activities as PAP and Vidyalaya calendar 
7 Library Mrs. Balwinder Bawa (Lib) I/C
 Mrs. Pooja Goyal (PGT IP)
Mr. Rampal Sachan (PET M)
Managing proper distribution of newspaper in house, procuring useful magazines and periodicals. Timely display of latest arrivals & books Guiding and helping students for debates quizzes and other competitions by providing relevant notes and materials. 
8 Rajbhasha  Mr. Ravinder Kumar  P.G.T. Hindi  I/C
Smt. Kamlesh
Sh. Manoj Singh
Mrs. IndiraDevi (LDC)
As per NVS circulars follow up of instructions & ensuring maximum use of Hindi language in official correspondences.
Celebration of Hindi Pakhwara with Zeal And gusto & whole heartedly for the promotion of the Hindi language
9 Discipline
Mr. Pratap Singh (SMT  I / C)
Mr. Rampal Sachan (PET M I /C ) Boys
Mrs. Santosh Negi ( PET F I/C) Girls
All HMS (Male & Female)
To maintain discipline among students and teacher and managing counseling as and when required Guest counselors may be managed for disturbed and depressed cases.
All house master and AHM are responsible to maintained discipline of concern house. 
10 Medical   (Staff Nurse) I/C
All HMS (Male & Female)
To take proper care of students.To insure medical facility medicine for sick students as & when required. In sick cases the recommendation of staff nurse for leave is must and when the child returns after taking treatment the recommendation is also essential for entry.
11 Games & Sports Mr. AJAY KUMAR  (PET  M)  I/C
Mrs. Santosh  Negi (PET F)
Mr. Kulbhushan
Mr. Mandeep Singh
To insure that all the students are in proper uniform during P.T/ Yoga, games period & academic hours.To organize inter house games & sports activities and annual sports meet.
12 M&R Mr. Vinod Tripathi (I / C)
Sh. Ravinder Kumar
Sh. Mandeep Singh
Smt. Grishma Rai
The committee will survey the school building including academic, hostels mess, staff quarters and other areas damaged, repairable & recommend for the work done on priority basis.
13 I.C.T. MR RAVINDRA (PGT IP) I/C To facilitate all the subject teachers for the use of ICT and decorate the computer room. To maintain discipline and decorum in computer Lab.
14 Migration committee Ms. Manisha  (PGT Maths)
Class Teachers Classes
To prepare list of migrated students for JNV, Shegoan, MS as per NVS norms, category wise.To ensure collection of 05 passport size photographs each before going on migration to Shegoan. For class XI stream migration check records and other formalities.  
15 Tuck Shop Committee Mr. Pratap Singh (PGT Phy ) I/C
Mrs. Balwinder (Lib)
Mr. Joginder (TGT S.St.)
Mr. Rampal Sachan (PET M)
Monitoring system & rates of items of the shopkeeper & fix timing for girls & boys, separately. And check the quality of items as per requirements of students. Check Price list has been display by the owner
16 Admission Committee Smt. Ranju Devi
Smt. Anu Bala
Mr. Kulbhushan
Mr. joginder Kumar 
As per NVS rule follow up of instructions for allocation of stream ,  criteria & checking of documents properly before giving final admission for class Xith.
To Check all the documents pertaining the admission for class 6th and follow for admission as per NVS Norms
17 Safety & Security committee Ms. Manisha ( PGT Maths)
Mr. Rampal (PET M)
Mrs. Santosh Negi (PET F)
To find out danger prone areas of the Vidyalaya campus & follow up of action of 14 points circular received from NVS regarding safety & security.Ensuring danger prone areas for safety & security point of view. And submit their report on 28th of every month to Principal
18 Electricity/ Water Management Mr. Rampal (I/C)
Mr. Sharan Singh  (ECP)
Mrs. Jyoti Williams (S/N)
Mr. Gurunand 
In case of frequent electricity failure, the I/C may do some  efforts to approach the local/district authorities for the rectification & smooth run of the electricity in the Vidyalaya campus.
19 Eco club and jal Shakti
Mrs. Kamna Thakur (TGT Sci)
Mr. Anikt Gupta
Mr. Joginder (TGT S.St) 
Frame layout for plantation house wise. To form gropu of students for survival & maintenance of plants. Botanical garden.
20 Grievance Committee Mr. Kulbhushan PGT (Chem)
Mr. Ankit Gupta PGT (Geog)
Mr. Varun Thapa (TGT Eng)
To operate grievance box on second Saturday every month and maintain the record. 
21 Scout & Guide Committee Mr. Ravinder Kumar (PGT Hindi) I/C
Mrs. Santosh (PET F)
Mr. B. B. Bawa
Mrs. Balwinder 
To conduct scout and guide activities as per PAP schedule and form separate wing. 
22 NSS  Mr. Kulbhushan PGT (Chem)
Mrs. Anu Bala PGT (Eco)
To conduct NSS activities as per NSS schedule/calendar of Vidyalaya. 
23 NCC Mr. Joginder Kumar,TGT (SS)  To conduct NCC activities as per schedule of NCC/ Vidyalaya calendar
24 House Inspection Committee Mr. Vinod Tripathi (VP)
Mr. Dinesh Kumar TGT (Maths)
Mrs. Jyoti Williams (S /N)
Mr. Sharan Singh (ECP)
To Visit all houses every Monday after Morning Assembly. To Check layouts, surrounding and cleanliness part of each student and every corner of the house. Checking of Wash room and Toilets. To check all electric point are working properly and no electric point/wire is without Tape. The committee will submit the detail report house wise to Principal at 11 AM on the same day and result will announce on next day in the morning assembly by SMT/VP
25 Class room Inspection Committee Mr. Pratap Singh PGT (Phy)
Mr. Mandeep Singh TGT (Maths)
To visit all class room every Tuesday during Breaks time 10.30 to 11 AM for checking of cleanliness of classes and also the beautification part of class. Committee also checked  the broken areas like Desk, Door, Window pan etc.
26 AEP Mr. Joginder Kumar,TGT (SS)
Mrs. Kamna Thakur TGT (Sci)
Mrs. Balwinder (Lib.)
Mrs. Jyoti Williams (S /N)
To introduce its aims and objective among students by conducting meeting once in Month by performing Skit, group song and inter house competitions etc
27 Guide and counseling committee Mrs. Tanzin Bodh PGT (Eng)
Mr. Pratap Singh PGT (Phy)
Mr. Ravinder Kumar PGT (Hindi)
To give proper guidance and counseling to all Students. 
28 Morning assembly Evaluation committee Mrs. Grishma Rai TGT (Eng)
Mrs. Anu Bala PGT (Eco)
Mr. Manoj Singh TGT (Hindi)
Mr. Varun Thapa TGT (Eng)
To check the performance and presentation on daily basis and maintained the record in the register. To submit report to CCA (I/C) on completion of rotation of Houses to announced thereafter. The committee formed for Evaluation of morning assembly. Presentation 10 points Pronunciation 10 Point, Expression 10 Point, and Content 10 Points, Rotation basis participation of each & Every House and student. Days of week for participation of Sr & Jr House 1-3 Girls (Mon-Eng)(Tue-Hindi)(Wed –Hindi) 4-6 Boys (Thus-Eng)( Fri- Hindi)(Sat- Marathi). All the HM/AHMs will be responsible for performance of the students in the morning assembly
29 Notebook Checking Mrs. Tanzin Bodh (X-XII)
Mr. Mandeep Singh (VI-IX)
To ensure the time to time checking og notebook by principal
30 JNVST Committee Mr. Ravinder Kumar PGT (Hindi)
Mr. Manoj Singh
Mr. Varun Thapa 
To frame plan for increasing maximum registration
Checking for JNVST form with the help of other
Conduct of JNVST Exam.
31 Staff welfare
Mr. Rampal PET (M)
Mrs. Balwinder (Lib)
Mrs. Santosh PET (F)
To organize staff fuctions, Farewell, wlcome, Tea
Parties and other fuction in cordial manner and
take proper action for the welfare of the all
staff members.
32 Subject Committee of
varios subjects
Mr. Pratap Singh PGT (Phy)
Mrs. Manisha PGT (Maths)
Mrs. Tanzin Bodh PGT (Eng)
Mr. Ravinder Kumar PGT (Hindi)
Mrs Ranju Devi PGT (History)
All PGTs (Sr.) will be the head of their respecting subject
& conduct a monthly subject committee meeting and
finde out some ways & strategies to make the subject
content easy, enjoyable for the learners. To ensure qulitative result as per the expectations & target of the NVS.
33 Principal's Meeting with class monitor, house captains and vidyalaya appointments, matrons and care takers. Smt. Manisha PGT (Maths)
Smt. Kamlesh TGT (Hindi)
34 PTC Committee Mr. Vinod Tripathi Members Secretary
Mr. Bharat Bhushan (I /C)
35 Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee Smt. Ranju Devi PGT (History)
Smt. Balwinder (Lib)
36 Maintenance of Alumni Record  Mrs. Balwinder (Lib)
Mr. Bharat Bhushan Music (Tr)
37 Natural Disaster Management Committee Sh. Pratap Singh PGT (Phy)
Sh. Ankit Gupta PGT (Geog)
38 Museum Corner Mrs. Hansika Art Tr)
Mr. Joginder Kumar TGT (S.S)
39 SPC Mr. Rampal Sachan PET (M)
40 Vidyalaya Vehicle Mr. Ravinder  Kumar PGT (Hindi)
41 PISA MR. Pratap Singh PGT (Phy)
Mrs. Manisha PGT (Maths)
Mr. Mandeep TGT (Maths)
Mrs. Grishma Rai TGT (Eng)
3 (A) Exam
  (B) CBCE
  ( C ) NTSE and other
Competitive exams
4 Mess.
5 C.C.A
6 Pace Setting 
7 Library
8 Rajbhasha 
9 Discipline
10 Medical 
11 Games & Sports
12 M&R
13 I.C.T.
14 Migration committee
15 Tuck Shop Committee
16 Admission Committee
17 Safety & Security committee
18 Electricity/ Water Management
19 Eco club and jal Shakti
20 Grievance Committee
21 Scout & Guide Committee
22 NSS 
23 NCC
24 House Inspection Committee
25 Class room Inspection Committee
26 AEP
27 Guide and counseling committee
28 Morning assembly Evaluation committee
29 Notebook Checking
30 JNVST Committee
31 Staff welfare
32 Subject Committee of
varios subjects
33 Principal's Meeting with class monitor, house captains and vidyalaya appointments, matrons and care takers.
34 PTC Committee
35 Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee
36 Maintenance of Alumni Record 
37 Natural Disaster Management Committee
38 Museum Corner
39 SPC
40 Vidyalaya Vehicle