Annual Calendar
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

पीएम श्री जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, चम्बा

PM Shri Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Chamba

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Calendar of the Year

Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
 13-01-2025 Lohri Celeberation  All Staff members
16-01-2025 Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan All Class Tr..All HM/AHM's
26-01-2025 Republic Day Celeberation All Staff Members
15-08-2024 Independence day All Class Tr..All HM/AHM's
31-10-2024 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) All Non Teaching  Staff  Members   & Principal Sir  & Migration Students

                                                                                                                                                                               (VIKRAM SACHDEVA







Sl. No. Date Activity Participants Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
    No Event    
Sl. No. Date Activity Participants Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 25-Feb-18 Reporting Back of All Vacational staff All Principal
2 Last Week of Feb Requsition of Items by all Stock Holders for New Academic Session All Stock Holders Store keeper
3 28-Feb-18 Declaration Oof Results Non Board Class All Class Teacher Sh. Rajesh Morey
I/C Exams
4 1-Mar-18 New Academic Session Begins All Students and Teachers Sh Yogesh Kumar
Senior Most Teacher
5 1-Mar-18 Staff Meeting All Staff Members Principal
6 2-Mar-18 Celebration of Holi All Students All HMs
7 3-Mar-18 Distribution of books and other Stationary items All Students Sh NK Negi
Ms Santoshi
8 05/03/18 Board Exam Starts Board Students Sh. Rajesh Morey
9 07/03/18 Health Check-up Camp All Students Sh. Amit Kumar
Ms Gurpreet Kaur
10 08.03.2018


International Womens Days

Scouts & Guides & NSS Sh Rakesh Soni
Smt Neelkamal
11 10/03/18 PTC Meeting Distribution of Result Cards to Non Board Class PTC Committee Sh Rakesh Soni
12 12.03.2018 Physical erification/Condumnation procedure (School level) All Stock Holder Sh. Anil Musafir OS
13 15-21 Mar 2018 NSS Camp NSS Students Sh Rakesh Soni
Smt Neelkamal
14 15.03.2018 World Disabled Day All Students Smt. Darshna
15 15.03.2018 Openning of Annual Tender Office Staff Sh. Anil Musafir OS
16 17/03/18 Mess Meeting All Captains Cat Asstt.
17 21.03.2018 World Forest Day
(Lecture/ Quiz by Students)
All Students Sh Nawang
18 25.03.2018 Celebration of Ram Navami All Students MOD
19 25.03.2018 Preparation of Annual Account Office Staff Sh. Anil Musafir OS
Sh Vijay Kumar Sharma
20 28.03.2018 Monthly House Meetings All Houses All HMs
21 29/03/18 Celebration of Mahavir Jayanti All Houses MOD
22 30/03/18 Good Friday All Students MOD
23 31.03.2018 Meeting with House Captains/Class Captains All HMs/Class Teachers Sh Yogesh Kumar
Senior Most Teacher
24 31.03.2018 Completion of stock verification and listing of condemned articles Stock Holder/Store keeper Stock Verification committee
25 31.03.2018 Preparation listing of repairable items. Stock Holders Stock Verification committee
26 31.03.2018 Annual Account closing   Office Supdt. & UDC


* Mess Meeting will be held on 3rd Saturday of every month

* Parents and teacher meeting will be held on 2nd saturdy of every month

* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.

Yogesh Kumar

Senior Most Teacher

(Suman Kumar)


Sl.No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 02.04.2018 Beginning of New session Staff members,sports teachers, committee members
2 03.04.2018 Kabbaddi trails(Boys+girls) PET(MALE & FEMALE)
3 07.04.2018 World health Day Ms. Jyoti Staff Nurse
4 12.04.18 Volleyball Trial Mr. Rampal PET
5 13.04.18 Chess Trials Girls PET (F)
6 14.04.18 Bheem rao Ambedkar Jayanti Mr. Bharat Bhushan(Music Tr.), All HM & AHM
7 15.04.18 Distt Level Himachal Day Celeberation Mr. Bharat Bhushan(Music Tr.), All HM & AHM
8 18-Apr-18 Scout & Guide Activity Mr. Ravinder PGT Hindi, Mr. Sandip TGT Marathi
9 20.04.18 Table Tennis Trial Mr. rampal PET(M),PET (F)
10 21.04.18 NCC PARADE Mr. Joginder (TGT SS)
11 21.04.18 Poem recitation Mr. ravinder PGT Hindi
12 28.04.18 English Poem Recitaion Ms. Archana Sharma (PGT English)
13 29-Apr-18 Culture Evening Aravali House HM/AHM's


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.





Sl.No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 05-05-2018 group song competition house wise Mr. Bharat Bhushan,All HM/AHM
2 11-05-2018 NCC Parade Mr. Joginder TGT SST
3 12-05-2018 Poster Making Competition House wise Ms. hansika ART Tr.


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D.P Sharma)


Sl.No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
Sl. No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 16-07-2018 students reporting after vacation ALL HM
2 21-07-2018 NCC Parade Mr. Joginder TGT SSt
3 22-07-2018 English Language Quiz House Wise Ms. Archana PGT Eng,Ms. Garishma TGT English
4 28-07-2018 Maths Quiz House Wise Mr. Ashok PGT Maths,Ms. Madhu TGT Maths


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D P Sharma)


Sl.No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 04-08-2018 Science Quiz House wise , inter house kho-kho Mr. Rohit PGT Chem,Ms. Kamna TGT Sci , PET(F)
2 11-08-2018 Speech competition House wise Ms. Archana PGT Eng,Ms. Garishma TGT Eng
3 14-08-2018 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan All Class Tr. , All HM/AHM
4 15-08-2018 Vidyalaya and dist level celeberation of Independence day All Staff Members
5 17-08-2018 Poster Making House wise Art Tr., Ms. Balwinder Bawa Librarian
6 18-08-2018 Social Science Quiz House wise PGT Eco,PGT His
7 20-08-2018 Sadbhavna Divas(NSS) Pace setting activity(Plantation and rally) Ms. Archana PGT Eng,PGT Eco
8 25-08-2018 Scout and guide activity and rally Mr. Ravinder PGT Hindi,Mr. Sandeep TGT marathi
9 27-08-2018 Culture evening Nilgiri  House HM AHM's


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D P Sharma)


Sl No Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 03-09-2018 Play on the spot Jr. group TGT Eng
2 05-09-2018 Teacher's day Celeberation All Staff Member
3 07-09-2018 NCC Parade Mr. Joginder TGT SST
4 08-09-2018 Rangoli Making Mr. Surinder TGT Art
5 10-09-2018 Swachh bharat Abhiyan All Class Tr.,HM,AHM's
6 14 to 27-09-2018 Hindi pakhwada

Mr. Ravinder Kumar PGT Hindi,

TGT Hindi, TGT Hindi

7 22-09-2018 InterHouse Volley Ball Mr. Rampal PET(M)
8 24-09-2018 NSS Day PGT Eco
9 29-09-2018 Social Science Exhibition(Model Preparation) PGT Eco,Ms. Arijinder PGT His,PGT Geo,Mr. Joginder TGT SST


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D P Sharma)


Sl.No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 02-10-2018 Communal harmony Day(NSS),Gandhi Jayanti,Speech and bhajan Mr. B Bawa(Music Tr.),All Hm /AHM's
2 03-10-2018 Yoga interhouse Competition Mr. Rampal(PET M)
3 13-10-2018 Speech Competition Jr. Group TGT eng,Mr Asha TGT English
4 19-10-2018 Dussehra ALL HM/AHM's
5 20-10-2018 Lanscape TGT ART
6 24-10-2018 Chess Interhouse Competition(Boys and Girls) Mr. Rampal PET(M),PET (F)
7 27-10-2018 Culture Eveneing Udaigiri House HM/AHM's


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D  P Sharma)


Sl. No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 16-11-2018 youth AEP(Story writing) Competition Hindi and english,Jr. ANd Sr. National interrogation Day(NSS) Mr. Ashok PGT Maths, PGT eco
2 17-11-2018 Dance and song in Marathi Mr. Sandeep TGT Marathi,Mr. vijay TGT Marathi
3 21-11-2018 Chess interhouse Competition, Boys and girls  Mr. Rampal PET(M) ,PET (F)
4 23-11-2018 NCC parade Mr. Joginder TGT SST
5 24-11-2018 Computer quiz House wise PGT IP,FCSA
6 29-11-2018 English essay writing competition(Sr. and Jr.) TGT Eng
7 30-11-2018 Swachh Bharat abhiyan,debate All Class Tr. HM.AHM's, Ms. madhu TGT Maths,Ms. Archana PGT Eng


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.



(D P Sharma)


Sl. No. Date Activity Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator
1 1-12-18 Celebration of world AIDS Day Ms. Madhu(TGT Maths)
2 04/12/18 Nature Study ART Tr.
3 08-12-2018 NCC Parade Mr. Joginder TGT SSt
4 15-12-2018 Pace setting activity Ms. Madhu TGT Maths


* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.

(D P Sharma)
