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Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
13-01-2025 | Lohri Celeberation | All Staff members |
16-01-2025 | Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan | All Class Tr..All HM/AHM's |
26-01-2025 | Republic Day Celeberation | All Staff Members |
15-08-2024 | Independence day | All Class Tr..All HM/AHM's |
31-10-2024 | Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) | All Non Teaching Staff Members & Principal Sir & Migration Students |
Sl. No. | Date | Activity | Participants | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
No Event |
Sl. No. | Date | Activity | Participants | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 25-Feb-18 | Reporting Back of All Vacational staff | All | Principal |
2 | Last Week of Feb | Requsition of Items by all Stock Holders for New Academic Session | All Stock Holders | Store keeper |
3 | 28-Feb-18 | Declaration Oof Results Non Board Class | All Class Teacher | Sh. Rajesh Morey I/C Exams |
4 | 1-Mar-18 | New Academic Session Begins | All Students and Teachers | Sh Yogesh Kumar Senior Most Teacher |
5 | 1-Mar-18 | Staff Meeting | All Staff Members | Principal |
6 | 2-Mar-18 | Celebration of Holi | All Students | All HMs |
7 | 3-Mar-18 | Distribution of books and other Stationary items | All Students | Sh NK Negi Ms Santoshi |
8 | 05/03/18 | Board Exam Starts | Board Students | Sh. Rajesh Morey I/C CBSE |
9 | 07/03/18 | Health Check-up Camp | All Students | Sh. Amit Kumar Ms Gurpreet Kaur |
10 | 08.03.2018 |
Celebration International Womens Days |
Scouts & Guides & NSS | Sh Rakesh Soni Smt Neelkamal |
11 | 10/03/18 | PTC Meeting Distribution of Result Cards to Non Board Class | PTC Committee | Sh Rakesh Soni |
12 | 12.03.2018 | Physical erification/Condumnation procedure (School level) | All Stock Holder | Sh. Anil Musafir OS |
13 | 15-21 Mar 2018 | NSS Camp | NSS Students | Sh Rakesh Soni Smt Neelkamal |
14 | 15.03.2018 | World Disabled Day | All Students | Smt. Darshna |
15 | 15.03.2018 | Openning of Annual Tender | Office Staff | Sh. Anil Musafir OS |
16 | 17/03/18 | Mess Meeting | All Captains | Cat Asstt. |
17 | 21.03.2018 | World Forest Day (Lecture/ Quiz by Students) |
All Students | Sh Nawang |
18 | 25.03.2018 | Celebration of Ram Navami | All Students | MOD |
19 | 25.03.2018 | Preparation of Annual Account | Office Staff | Sh. Anil Musafir OS Sh Vijay Kumar Sharma |
20 | 28.03.2018 | Monthly House Meetings | All Houses | All HMs |
21 | 29/03/18 | Celebration of Mahavir Jayanti | All Houses | MOD |
22 | 30/03/18 | Good Friday | All Students | MOD |
23 | 31.03.2018 | Meeting with House Captains/Class Captains | All HMs/Class Teachers | Sh Yogesh Kumar Senior Most Teacher |
24 | 31.03.2018 | Completion of stock verification and listing of condemned articles | Stock Holder/Store keeper | Stock Verification committee |
25 | 31.03.2018 | Preparation listing of repairable items. | Stock Holders | Stock Verification committee |
26 | 31.03.2018 | Annual Account closing | Office Supdt. & UDC |
* Mess Meeting will be held on 3rd Saturday of every month
* Parents and teacher meeting will be held on 2nd saturdy of every month
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
Yogesh Kumar
Senior Most Teacher
(Suman Kumar)
Sl.No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 02.04.2018 | Beginning of New session | Staff members,sports teachers, committee members |
2 | 03.04.2018 | Kabbaddi trails(Boys+girls) | PET(MALE & FEMALE) |
3 | 07.04.2018 | World health Day | Ms. Jyoti Staff Nurse |
4 | 12.04.18 | Volleyball Trial | Mr. Rampal PET |
5 | 13.04.18 | Chess Trials Girls | PET (F) |
6 | 14.04.18 | Bheem rao Ambedkar Jayanti | Mr. Bharat Bhushan(Music Tr.), All HM & AHM |
7 | 15.04.18 | Distt Level Himachal Day Celeberation | Mr. Bharat Bhushan(Music Tr.), All HM & AHM |
8 | 18-Apr-18 | Scout & Guide Activity | Mr. Ravinder PGT Hindi, Mr. Sandip TGT Marathi |
9 | 20.04.18 | Table Tennis Trial | Mr. rampal PET(M),PET (F) |
10 | 21.04.18 | NCC PARADE | Mr. Joginder (TGT SS) |
11 | 21.04.18 | Poem recitation | Mr. ravinder PGT Hindi |
12 | 28.04.18 | English Poem Recitaion | Ms. Archana Sharma (PGT English) |
13 | 29-Apr-18 | Culture Evening Aravali House | HM/AHM's |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
Sl.No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 05-05-2018 | group song competition house wise | Mr. Bharat Bhushan,All HM/AHM |
2 | 11-05-2018 | NCC Parade | Mr. Joginder TGT SST |
3 | 12-05-2018 | Poster Making Competition House wise | Ms. hansika ART Tr. |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D.P Sharma)
Sl.No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
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Sl. No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 16-07-2018 | students reporting after vacation | ALL HM |
2 | 21-07-2018 | NCC Parade | Mr. Joginder TGT SSt |
3 | 22-07-2018 | English Language Quiz House Wise | Ms. Archana PGT Eng,Ms. Garishma TGT English |
4 | 28-07-2018 | Maths Quiz House Wise | Mr. Ashok PGT Maths,Ms. Madhu TGT Maths |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)
Sl.No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 04-08-2018 | Science Quiz House wise , inter house kho-kho | Mr. Rohit PGT Chem,Ms. Kamna TGT Sci , PET(F) |
2 | 11-08-2018 | Speech competition House wise | Ms. Archana PGT Eng,Ms. Garishma TGT Eng |
3 | 14-08-2018 | Swachh Bharat Abhiyan | All Class Tr. , All HM/AHM |
4 | 15-08-2018 | Vidyalaya and dist level celeberation of Independence day | All Staff Members |
5 | 17-08-2018 | Poster Making House wise | Art Tr., Ms. Balwinder Bawa Librarian |
6 | 18-08-2018 | Social Science Quiz House wise | PGT Eco,PGT His |
7 | 20-08-2018 | Sadbhavna Divas(NSS) Pace setting activity(Plantation and rally) | Ms. Archana PGT Eng,PGT Eco |
8 | 25-08-2018 | Scout and guide activity and rally | Mr. Ravinder PGT Hindi,Mr. Sandeep TGT marathi |
9 | 27-08-2018 | Culture evening Nilgiri House | HM AHM's |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)
Sl No | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 03-09-2018 | Play on the spot Jr. group | TGT Eng |
2 | 05-09-2018 | Teacher's day Celeberation | All Staff Member |
3 | 07-09-2018 | NCC Parade | Mr. Joginder TGT SST |
4 | 08-09-2018 | Rangoli Making | Mr. Surinder TGT Art |
5 | 10-09-2018 | Swachh bharat Abhiyan | All Class Tr.,HM,AHM's |
6 | 14 to 27-09-2018 | Hindi pakhwada |
Mr. Ravinder Kumar PGT Hindi, TGT Hindi, TGT Hindi |
7 | 22-09-2018 | InterHouse Volley Ball | Mr. Rampal PET(M) |
8 | 24-09-2018 | NSS Day | PGT Eco |
9 | 29-09-2018 | Social Science Exhibition(Model Preparation) | PGT Eco,Ms. Arijinder PGT His,PGT Geo,Mr. Joginder TGT SST |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)
Sl.No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 02-10-2018 | Communal harmony Day(NSS),Gandhi Jayanti,Speech and bhajan | Mr. B Bawa(Music Tr.),All Hm /AHM's |
2 | 03-10-2018 | Yoga interhouse Competition | Mr. Rampal(PET M) |
3 | 13-10-2018 | Speech Competition Jr. Group | TGT eng,Mr Asha TGT English |
4 | 19-10-2018 | Dussehra | ALL HM/AHM's |
5 | 20-10-2018 | Lanscape | TGT ART |
6 | 24-10-2018 | Chess Interhouse Competition(Boys and Girls) | Mr. Rampal PET(M),PET (F) |
7 | 27-10-2018 | Culture Eveneing Udaigiri House | HM/AHM's |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)
Sl. No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 16-11-2018 | youth AEP(Story writing) Competition Hindi and english,Jr. ANd Sr. National interrogation Day(NSS) | Mr. Ashok PGT Maths, PGT eco |
2 | 17-11-2018 | Dance and song in Marathi | Mr. Sandeep TGT Marathi,Mr. vijay TGT Marathi |
3 | 21-11-2018 | Chess interhouse Competition, Boys and girls | Mr. Rampal PET(M) ,PET (F) |
4 | 23-11-2018 | NCC parade | Mr. Joginder TGT SST |
5 | 24-11-2018 | Computer quiz House wise | PGT IP,FCSA |
6 | 29-11-2018 | English essay writing competition(Sr. and Jr.) | TGT Eng |
7 | 30-11-2018 | Swachh Bharat abhiyan,debate | All Class Tr. HM.AHM's, Ms. madhu TGT Maths,Ms. Archana PGT Eng |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)
Sl. No. | Date | Activity | Activity in Charge /Co-Ordinator |
1 | 1-12-18 | Celebration of world AIDS Day | Ms. Madhu(TGT Maths) |
2 | 04/12/18 | Nature Study | ART Tr. |
3 | 08-12-2018 | NCC Parade | Mr. Joginder TGT SSt |
4 | 15-12-2018 | Pace setting activity | Ms. Madhu TGT Maths |
* All Formative Test and Summative Test will be held as per PAP - 2018-19.
(D P Sharma)