1. To provide stress free educational environment.
2. To provide good ambience to students and humanize environment.
3. To empower teachers through orientation programmes, discussions, conferences, visits to institution of higher learning to enable them to contribute effectively.
4. To help students to discover their talents and mould them accordingly.
5. To make class room teaching vibrant by replacing procedure oriented teaching /instructive approach by constructivist approach where the student will be constructer of knowledge.
6.To replace competition by collaboration, compulsion by choice and comparison by feeling.
7. To adopt holistic approach towards evaluation to assess a student on all parameters.
8. To organize games and sports, co-curricular activities, outdoor activities to allow effective participation by one and all.
9. To enrich classroom teaching through educational technology.
10. To produce 100% first divisions and 75% distinctions to prepare students in board classes to enter life in a big way
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