विद्यालय स्तरीय समितियाँ
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education ) Government Of India

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, अलीराजपुर मध्यप्रदेश

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Alirajpur MP

Vidayalaya Level Committees









  Sh. Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -Principal

02. Mr. Zakir Hussain PGT- BIO

03. Mr. D R Meena TGT-Math

01. Preparation of time tables for the year.
02. Preparation of institutional plan.
03. Work arrangement of the teachers on leave/OD.
04. Result review meeting with teachers after the result declaration. Should meet once in a month for review and planning.



SH.  Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -Principal


01       Zakir Hussain  Pgt- Bio


02     Mr. Anand Ningoji


Preparation of the institutional Planning for session 2024-25 in all respect with the help of stakeholders  to include various activities for smooth functioning of the Vidyalaya


Pedagogy Planning


  SH.  Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -Principal

Mr. K K Kalarathi ( PGT-ENG)

Mr. navin Kumawat(PGT- PHY)

For better improvement of the school  in all field , fixed goal with the discussion and collaborations of all stockholders(parents,staff and students)  to achieve it .



Mrs. Rashmi Patel(TGT PET F)

01. Mr. Amit Malviya(TGT PET M.)

01. Selection of the Teams for cluster and other Journeys.
02. Conduct of inter house competitions.
03. Annual sports calendar and athletic meet conduct.

04. Conduction of FIT India activity as per the guideline of SAI.

05. Conduction of Annual Sports Day.
06.Should meet with the principal  monthly for discussion and planning.



Mr. S K Pataskar Librarian

1. Mr. Zakir Husain, PGT Bio.
2. Mr. K Kalarathi PGT-ENG

3. Smt. Kavita Sharma PGT Geo.
4. Sh. Jitendra Sikarwar- PET M.


01. Collection of career advertisements and display.
02. Development of career guidance corner.
03. Counseling to lateral entry students and class 6 students at the time of entry.
04. Arrangement of lectures on various topics.
05. A.E.P.  Programmes planning and execution.

06. to provide information via PPT and You Tube Vedio of Mohit Mangal.
07. Should meet with the Principal monthly for review and planning for next months.



Sh. Jitendra Singh Sikarwar- PET M.

Mrs. Sangeeta Daphola PET-F

All HM and AHM

01. Visiting the whole campus every fortnight to identify the safety and security threats.
02. Identifying the agencies and persons that campus threats to safety and security.
03. Reporting principal about the safety and security threats. Should meet monthly once to review the safety and security of the campus and finalization of modalities to prevent the untoward incidents.


COMMITTEE FOR JNVST-2024-25 and LEST-2024(Class 6th and 9th)

MR. K.K Kalarthi PGT- English

01. Jagdev Parmar PGT- Maths

02. Mr. S K Pataskar- LIB
03.Mrs. Kavita Sharma PGT- Eco

04 Mr. Tej singh Meena JSA

1. JNVST committee should meet,correspondence and  coordinate with DEO, BEO, School HM and all District Authorities.
2. Advertisements and planning for the increasement of registration.
3. formation of whatsapp group with all stakeholders and disseminate the information to increase the no of registration by using of all means.
4.  Smooth Conduction  of the test and post-test activities.
05. Should meet every month from the date of receipt of application for NVS.



Mrs. Ravi Patidar IC( for Conduction of the programme)

01Mr. Shivam Singh PGT-HIS

2. Mr.. Francis Damor  TGT- ENG  3. Music Teacher. &  Anamika singh  ART Teacher

01. Preparation of Annual CCA Calendar.
02. Conduct of activities as per Calendar.
03. To Maintain each and every CCA activities record house wise and points out best one for finalization of championship.
04. Press release and coordination with local news paper.

05. Inter House and Intra School competition should be conducted as per norms.
06. Completion of Any other work assigned by the Principal from time to time.

07 CCA IC will coordinate with ART and Music Tr. To Conduct the programme on every Wednesday as per PAP.


XI TH Class  Admission Committee

SH.  Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -Principal

01. Mr. N K Kumawat PGT- PHY

02. Mr. Zakir Husain, PGT Bio.
03. Mrs. Kavita Sharma PGT-Geo 

04.MR. R L Meena PGT Chemistry                                      

1. Distribution and Collection  of Option form to all the students of class X in Advance

02. To provide information to students and parents of Class X about stream allocation criteria as per NVS guideline.

03. After Declaration of Result of Class X Checking of their eligibility.

04. As per their willingness and eligibility approval of admission in class XI.

04. Coordination with different vidyalaya for mini migration process and proper care should be taken in this regard.




 MR.R L Meena  


01. Mr. Zakir Hussain, PGT Bio

02.Mr. Ashish Sharma, JSA/SK

03. FCSA









01. Preparation of local examination schedule and conduct of the test.
02. Preparation of the result analysis.
03. CBSE examination related works.
04. Result declaration and merit register maintenance.
05. Award of ranks and badges.
06. Preparation for progress report with the help of the class teacher.
07. Display of the  consolidates marks.



Examinations Branch

(Local Exam)

Smt. Kavita Sharma


1. Mr. Shivam Singh PGT- HIST
2.Mrs.Sangeeta Daphola  PET-F

1.Conduction of all the exams as per PAP and samiti guideline

2. Checking of examination paper as per samiti guideline.

3. Preparation of Question Paper as per Syllabus and Guideline.

4. Record keeping of marks of all the academic exams

5. Declaration and display of result on time.



SH. N.K. Kumawat

 PGT-Phy. (SMT)

1. Mr. Ravi Patidar TGT- So.Sci.
2. Mr. Rajkumar Meena, PGT Hindi
3. Smt.Kavita Sharma.

1. Organizing of PTC meeting on every second Saturday of the month.

2 to keep the meeting record in meeting minute register

3 take suggestion from PTC member and action thereof to benefit the Vidyalaya

4 provide Information about achievement and constraints.

4 completion of work as per discussion.


Health and AEP Committee

1. SMT. Sunita Nelson Ghorpade

Staff nurse

01. Mr. Zakir Husain, PGT Bio.

02. Mr. Jitendra Sikarwar PET-M

03.Mrs. Reena PatleTGT Science Teacher

01. Watch on Student's health and necessary measures.
02. Preparation of student’s health card. 
03. Maintenance of sanitation in the vidyalaya with the help of group-D staff.
04. Quarterly medical check-up of all students.
05. Vaccination of all students’.

06 To approach DHO for vaccination and other medical tests of the Students.

07 Organization of seminar and lectures on Health related issues by expert
08. Any other duties assigned by the Principal from time to time.
09. Should meet once in a month for the review of the existing situation in the Vidyalaya.


Discipline Committee

SH.  Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -Principal

1.Sh.N.K. Kumawat PGT-Physics

2. Smt. Sangeeta Dhapola PET F.
3. Sh. Jitendra Singh Sikarwar- PET M.
4. All HM and AHM

01. To Maintain Discipline of Vidyalaya.
02. Counseling of  students regarding the discipline.
03. Maintenance of discipline during official and dignitaries visit.

4. To Maintain discipline during of various events of Vidyalaya

5 If any kind of indiscipline noticed by anyone or any matter of indiscipline comes in to notice, committee should investigate the matter properly and will make a resolution with concern of Principal.

Action should be taken if it is required.
06. Meet in every month to discuss Vidyalaya discipline and reporting to the Principal for necessary action with suggestions.


Safety and Security Committee

Sh. Jitendra Singh Sikarwar- PET M.

01. Smt. Sangeeta Dhapola PET F.
03.  All HM and AHM

01. Should meet every month to discuss the possible safety and security threats to Vidyalaya.

02. if any shortfall come into the notice it should be corrected on priority basis.

And inform to the Principal immidietely to solve it.
03. Reviewing the HM's committee reports and take appropriate action in this regard.


Mess Committee

SH. Manish Dutt  Mishra

01. Principal
02. Vice Principal/Mess I/C
03. . One PGT (On Roation)(One lady Teacher is must)
04. One TGT (One lady Teacher is must).
05. School captain. 
06. School Vice captain (Girl)
07. Migrated students (One Boy and One Girl)
08. One child from each class.
09. Staff Nurse.
10. C.A. (Member Secretary)

01. Preparation of menu for every month.

02. committee will look after food is providing as per Menu.

03. committee also check the Nutritional Quality of menu food.
04. Conduct of  mess meeting every month for finalization of menu.
All other duties assigned by NVS HQ vide lr. No. f. 25-/99-nvs (Acad.)/Feb 2001.


Rajbhasha Committee

Mr. Rajkumar Meena, PGT Hindi

01. Mr. Rajesh Yadav TGT Hindi
02.Smt. Vijay Tomar, TGT Hindi

01. Reviewing the implementation of Rajbhasha in the official works.
02. Identifying the new areas for implementation and suggestions.

03. to Motivate the students to participate in Bhasha Sangam Activity and Hindi Club activity.
04.. Other duties as suggested by NVS.
Should meet quarterly to review.


Pace Setting Activities

Mr. S K Pataskar

01. Mrs. Sunita Nelson Ghorpade, Staff Nurse

01. Identification of pace setting activities in the beginning of the academic year.

02. To Conduct Pace Setting Activity in nearby Community and School and share their knowledge,resource ,CCA,Sports etc in all aspects.
03. Quarterly meeting to review the activities.
Preparation of reports for dispatch.


Annual day organising committee

Mr. Ravi Patidar

01.  Mr. Rajkumar Meena  
02.  Music Teacher
03. Ms. Anamika Singh

01. Planning of the programme and material arrangements.
02. Invitation of guests.
03. Safety and Security measures.
04. Other related activities.


Annual sports meet organizing committee

 Smt Sangeeta Dhopla PET

01.Sh. Jitendra Singh Sikarwar- PET M.
02.  Mr. Francis Damor


Grievance box opening committee

SH. Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -principal

01.   SH. N.K. Kumawat PGT-Phy.

02.   Jitendra Sikarwar

03.Mrs.Sangeeta Dhapola

04. Mrs. Sunita Nelson Ghorpade, Staff Nurse 

01. On 5th of every month the box should be opened and the found grievances should be listed.
02. All the grievances should be placed before the committee for necessary action.
03. Filling and recording of all documents.


Website Updation Committee

 Mr. Yogendra Parihar JSA

01. Mr.Aashish Sharma, JSA
02. Mr.Anand Ningoji TGT-Kan

03. MS. Akansha lodhi  FCSA

01. Collection of data from all departments every month before 15th.
02. Editing and preparation of Final Data.

03. Update information (JNVST, PPC, Exam Schedule, Cpompetency based lesion plan etc.) should be posted on Website regularly
04. Taking approval from the Principal for the prepared data.


Photography and Audio Visual recording of all activities.

  Ms. Anamika Singh, Art Teacher

01.   Mr. Rohit  Lab Attendant

02.   Akansha Lodhi FCSA

01. Covering all the events by photography/videography.
02. Preparation fo CDs.
03. Maintenance of Photo albums/records.

04. A seprate Google folder to keep all the record should be open and maintain by the incharge.


NVS RO Bhopal, Anti Ragging Committee

SH. Manish Dutt  Mishra

Vice -principal

01. All HMs and AHMs
02. PET Male and PET Female

01 The said Anti Ragging committee will look in to any grievance received from students  if any and report necessary action to be taken intimated to the Principal  and put up record of action taken  as per circular.


ECO club committee

Mr. Rajkumar Meena

01. Mr. Zakir Hussain Ansari PGT Biology
02. Mrs.Kavita Sharma PGT -Bio 03.Ms Anamika Singh ,ART Teacher.

 1. Plantation of new plant and their nurturing.

2 Beautification of vidyalaya campus

3.To check water properly provided to the plants or not .


EBSB Committee

Mr. Rajkumar Meena

1 Mr. Rajesh Yadav TGT-Hindi

 2 Mrs. Garima Giri TGT- ENG

 3 Ms. Anamika Singh

4 Mr. Anand  Ningoji


1. All the language teacher will conduct activity in morning assembly and class room.


Campus Cleaning Committee

Mrs. Sangeeta Dhapola PET-F

01.Mr. Jitendra Sikarwar PET-M

 All   HM/AHM & All  Class Teachers & Co- Class Teacher

1.To Observe the Cleaning work

2.To Observe the cleanliness of various Areas of Vidyalaya

03. Incharge  will divide all the vidyalaya area classwise and allot that area to a fixed Class for cleaning and maintaining the hyegine . Duties should be monitor by the Class Teacher and Co Class Teacher.

04. A separate Observing committee should observe the cleaning activity.

5. Committee will submit the report on Weekly basis.


Press & Information Committee

R K Meena


Mr. K K Kalarthi

Mr. Francis Damor

1.Covering of all the Vidyalaya Programmes

2. Prepration of Programmes Report

3. Co-Ordination to Media Person to Publish the Vidyalaya Reports in News Papers


NIOS  Committee

Mr.  Francis Damor  TGT- ENG

01.Mrs. Garima Giri TGT- Eng

1.Conduction of  NIOS Exams According to guideline of NIOS

2. Follow up the NIOS Letters time to time


NDMA Committee

Mrs. Kavita Sharma

01.Mr. Shivam Singh PGT-Hist

02.Mr. Ravi Patidar

03.Mrs.Sangeeta Dhapola

04  Mr Jitendra Sikarwar

1. As per the NDMA Guideline all safety Measures should be follow

2. To Conduct  NDMA Various Activity Time to time.

03. Monitoring the functioning of CCTV Camera and fire extinguishers .

04. filling of fire extinguishers when needed.


PISA Exam Committee

Mr. Francis Damor


01.Mr. Deepa Ram Meena

02. Mrs. Reena Patle Science Teacher


1. To Conduct the Weekly  PISA Practice on NSF Portal

2.Enrolment of new students on PISA portal

3. After completion of weekly Test submission of report to the principal on weekly basis


Ex Navodayan Foundation

Mr. Zakir Hussain

01.Mr. N K Kumawat

02.Mr. R L Meena

1. Organising the online ENF Classes in smart room.

2. To Follow the instruction received from the ENF


Furniture Committee

Mr. Yogendra  Parihar   JSA

1.Mr. Aashish Sharma

2.Mr. Tejsingh Mmeena

1. Look after the Condition of  the vidyalaya furniture

2. Purchasing  of New furniture of as per Requirements

3. Repairing of Damaged furniture

4. At the time of No Dues by students committee will see if any furniture broken by students then committee  will recommended to collect  the fine .


Other Exams Committee

Mr. Deepram Meena

Mr. Francis Damor


Mrs. Reena Patle

1. Conduction of other exams as per the information received via mail.

2. To inform the students for exams and their importance.

3. To keep the record of different exams.



Online Information & Monitoring   Committee

Mr. Zakir Hussain

1.All Office Staff

1 .To monitoring the online information & checking of correctness of the data

02 To Coordinate the concern person to fill the data in time.


Online Vidyalaya Daily Routine Format monitoring Committee

Mr.  Zakir Hussain

1. All Office Staff

2. F C S A

1.       Preparation of vidyalaya daily routine format.

02 Printing of all the format in advance and submission it to store of vidyalaya


CCTV Camera Monitoring Committee

Mr. Ravi Patidar

1. kavita Sharma PGT Geo


3. Yogendra Parihar

1. To Monitor the functioning of CCTV camera  

2.  To keep the record of CCTV Camera






Science  Olympad & Other Exams

Mr. D R Meena


01. . Mr. Francis Damor


02. Ms. Kushbhu TGT-Maths

1. Conduction of Science Olympiad  & Other related exams as the information received



Dakshana Foundation Exam

Mr. R L Meena


Mr. N K Kumawat


Mr. Zakir Hussain


1. Registration of eligible students on Dakshana Portal.

2. To Facilitate the Students for Dakshana exam


NCSC & Manak Award

Mr. R  L Meena


 All  Science Department

1. Preparation of the project on the given things.

2. Nomination of the students in advance

3.  To Facilitate the Students for Participation in science Exhibition


Science Congress & Science Exhibition 

Mr. N K Kumawat


All  Science Department

1 Exhibition of Science project and model on science day.

2 conduction of science related activity.

3 coordination with district level authority.


Vigyan Jyoti & Vigyan Manthan

Mr. Zakir Hussain


All  Science Department

1 to facilitate the desirable and eligible students for participation in the competition.



Mr.  K  K Kalarthi


1.       Naveen Kumawat

2.       Ramji Lal Meena

3.       S K Pataskar

1 To inform the students about registration

2 to motivate the students to appear in the exams in maximum number

3 to keep the record for future reference.





Mr.  Shivam Singh PGT-Hist

1. Francis Damor

1 opening of school level committee and participation in activity

2 list out the students to participate in NSS.

3 To maintain the record.


Alumni Committee

Mr. K.K.Kalarthi

1.       Naveen Kumawat

2.       Rajkumar Meena

3.       Kavita Sharma

4.       Yogendra parihar

1.       To keep the record of Alumni

2.       Conduction of Alumni meet

3.       Will work as bridge between students and School

4.       To keep record of admission of the students After XII


Weekly off  Time Table Committee

Mr. Zakir Hussain

Mrs. Sangeeta Dhopla


1.       To Prepare Weekly off time table  of upcoming month in advance

2.       On Monday and Saturday NO weekly off given to anyone on any ground.

3.       Date of Weekly off can’t be changed once it is fixed.


Morning Assembly Monitoring Committee

Mrs. Garima Giri  TGT- ENG

        1Mr. S K  Pataskar Lib

2         Mr. Anand Ningoji Tgt- KAN

       3 Mr.Rajesh Yadav TGT-Hindi                 4          Music Teacher

1 To conduct the morning assembly activity as per NVS Guideline.

2 Evaluation of Morning Assembly conducted by all the houses. Preparation and Publication of Result.







Monitoring Statue of Subhash Chandra Bose

Mr. Ravi Patidar

Ms. Anamika Singh

1.       To upkeep the statue and information  in well condition

2. To inculcate awareness among the students towards national Monuments and their upkeep.



Arrangement committee

SH. Manish Dutt Mishra


 Mr. Naveen Kumawat

Mr. Zakir Hussain Ansari

Mr. Anand Ningoji


1.       To make arrangement for teachers those who are on leave or not present in vidyalaya.





Food Distribution Monitoring committee

SH. Manish Dutt Mishra


All HM and AHM of all the houses

1.       To Look after proper food distribution to each and every students .

2.       To Ensure that each child has taken food or not.

3.       If any shortage is their it is responsibility of all the house masters to ensure proper supply of food to each and every students.


Surprise House Visiting Committee

SH. Manish Dutt Mishra


All HM And AHM

1.       All house masters/mistress will visit their houses during odd time with SMT to ensure discipline in vidyalaya.

2.       To capture banned article from the students if they found any.

3.       To take appropriate action if any Indiscipline found in houses.



Overall supervising committee

SH. Manish Dutt Mishra


All  PGTs  All TGT,s

1.       To Supervise the Proper Functioning of all the committee.

2.       To observe Cleanliness of Vidyalaya

3.       To observe Discipline in Vidyalaya

4.       To Inform the Principal if any shortfall noticed by them.