Art in Education
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नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

( An Autonomous Body Under Ministry of Education) Government Of India

पीएम श्री स्कूल जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, वलसाड

PM SHRI SCHOOL Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Valsad

Art in Education

The quality education in Jawahar Navodaya Vidayalayas is ensured through Art in Education Programme by linking community and the school. Art in Education within the context of the Residential Culture of NVS becomes the parennial source of flow of creative energy. Art in Education becomes an opportunity for students to learn and understand, express and interpret life. It is the cooperative effort latent in a residential school system as well as in the Art in Education Programme which provides a springboard for the advancement of students towards creative dimensions of their personality. Integration through art is a way of achieving unity in midst of diversity of tradition through the Art in Education Programme. In addition to developing values of national Integration, a strong component of culture has been provided for NVS students by organizing different kinds of performing art, craft, visual art, music and theatre workshops each year in the Art in Education programmes. Training is given to students in the performing art, craft, music and visual art forms that are prevalent in their area. The artists and experts who are invited to train the children in a JNV generally belong to the same area in which the JNV is located. Thus, both students and experts share cultural affinities as well as knowledge of local practices and customs. Often, this has resulted in not only acquainting with the cultural heritage of their area but has also helped preserve that heritage through the activities of the children.




                                          प्रतिवेदन                             दिनांक-०३.१२.१८


               समिति दवारा प्रेषित पत्रके अनुसार दिनांक १.१२.१८  एवं  २.१२.१८ को हिन्दी एवं अंग्रेजी की कार्यशाला का आयोजन ज. न. वि. अम्भेटी में किया गया I कार्यशालामें हिन्दी भाषा के लिए सुश्री संध्या मेरिया प्रोफेसर (हिन्दी) गवर्मेन्ट कॉलेज दमन को आमंत्रित किया गया जिसमें उनोह्ने पत्र, कविता, आत्मकथा रिपोर्ताज, निम्बंध आदि को किस तरह लिखना, अपने भाषों को किस तरह कविता में पिरोना, अपनी आत्मकथा में किस तरह अपने गुण एवं त्रुटी को निस्संकोच व्यक्त करना आदि का मार्गदर्शन बहुत ही सुंदर ढंगसे किया I इसी कार्यशाला के अन्तर्गत गवर्मेन्ट साइंस कॉलेज, भिलाड के  अंग्रेजी के प्रोफेसर श्री हिरेन पटेल सर दवारा अपनी लिखने के कौशल्य को किस तरह इम्प्रोव करे, किस तरह पत्र, निम्बंध, संस्मरण, रिपोर्ताज अपने स्तर पर’लिखे I इसका सुंदर मार्गदर्शन प्रोफेसर श्री हिरेन पटेल सर दवारा किया गया I चूँकि विद्यालय में केवल कक्षा छठी – सातवी एवं आठवी के ही विद्यार्थी होने के कारन उनके स्तर पर बच्चों ने किस तरह अपनी लेखन कला को विकसित करना आदि पटेल सर दवारा सुंदर मार्गदर्शन किया I इन दो प्रोफेसर्स के मार्गदर्शन ने विद्यार्थियों के साथ ही शिक्षकों के ज्ञान में भी अभिवृद्धि की I इस कार्यशाला में विद्यालय के अधिकतर विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया I दिनांक-०२.१२.१८ को सायं ५ बजे विद्यालय के प्राचार्य दवारा दोनों प्रोफेसर्स को धन्यवाद ज्ञापन के साथ कार्यशाला का समापन हुआ I







श्रीपप्पूलाल प्रजापत 

टी. जी. टी. हिन्दी

ज. न. वि. अम्भेटी,




                                                                                                                                    ज.न.वि- वलसाड



**Font used for Hindi Language is Google Input Tools Hindi**






 ‘Clean India Healthy India’ it is a slogan which means if India will be clean no one will fall sick. In India there is much place which is too dirty we have to clean it. Our Prim Minister Sh. Narendra Modi starts a movement which is ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ It is started from 2nd October 2014. The aim of this mission is to make India clean. From 2nd October 2014 to 2nd October 2019. We should help him in this. We should throw the garbage in the dustbin. There is much places in India which have mountains of garbage just beside the houses. It makes us sick. If one people throw his garbage on land, it is not good. But if one throw his garbage in dustbin, it will be good for us. After sometimes mountains of garbage will be mountains of disease will kill us. It makes the air and atmosphere dirty and polluted. If we want a clean and healthy India, we should stop this. It makes us sick and neighbour too. There is much factories in India which pollute air and water. This both are important for our life. Rivers are also polluted because of us, we throw all our garbage in river. Cleaning is not enough to clean outside it should also be follow in inside of our body and mind. We must keep our body clean. We should bath daily, brush our teeth twice in a day, we should wash our clothes daily mostly we should wash our innerwear nicely. We should wash our hand before and after a meal .If we want a clean India we want something which is to make toilets in every house, in public place like bus stands ,markets, parks, railway stations. ‘Be Clean Be Healthy’



Tanisha Singh , Girl, D.O.B :13/03/2008

Std. VI-B

JNV Ambheti

Valsad(Guj.)                                                                                                                              Principal

                                                                                                                                          JNV Valsad(Gujarat)





आओ प्यारे

आओ प्यारे गाने गाओ,

इस सुन्दर अभियान की I

हर गली-गली में चर्चा हैं,

स्वच्छ भारत अभियान कीI

 आओ बच्चों नमन करे,

इस भव्य दिव्य कारनामे को I

इधर-उधर न फेंको कूड़ा,

कूड़ेदान हैं रखा इधर-उधर I

तुम्हारे ही कंधो पर निर्भर,

सफलता इस अभियान की I

आओ मिलकर कार्य करे,

इस स्वछता अभियान की I

सफलता हैं कपडे की झोली,

असफलता पोलीथीन इस्तेमाल की I

सफाई का जो रखेगा ध्यान,

स्वच्छता उसकी बचाएगी जान I

स्वच्छता हैं तलवार हमारी ,

जो यह तलवार उठाए ,उसी महान की I

आओ निकलकर प्रचार करे,

स्वच्छ भारत अभियान की I

शौचालय का लाभ समझो,

जरुरत हर एक इन्सान की I

उचित प्रबंध से खाद हैं बनता

करता मदद किसान की I

आओ मिलकर याद दिलाएँ,

स्वच्छता हैं भारत के शान की I

न करो प्लास्टिक का उपयोग,

कुदरत को इससे होगा नुकसान I

भारत को प्रदूषण मुक्त करना हैं तो,

 खाओ शपथ इसे न जलाने की,

आओ सब मिलकर यश गाएँ,

इस महान अद्भुत काम कीI

आओ प्यारे गाने गाओ स्वच्छ्ता अभियान की ,

भारत भूमि को महान बनाएँ, तैयार करे इसके गाथा गान कीI


Harshit Gupta , Boy, D.O.B : 04/08/2005


JNV Ambheti

Valsad(Guj.)                                                                                                        Principal

                                                                                                                     JNV Valsad(Gujrat)




With reference to the letter no. F.NO .9 Art In Edu/NVS[PR]/2018-19/  workshop for “Creative Writing” was organised at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya Valsad on 1st December and 2nd December of 2018. For guidance in creative writing in English language Dr. Hiren Patel - Professor, Government Science College, Bhilad  and for hindi language Ms. Sandhya Meriya - Professor, Government College, Daman were invited. They both guided the students on various skills of writing such as story writing, poetry writing, Essay writing, Autobiography etc. They also guided them how to express their feelings in writing through story, essay and poetry. They discussed in detail how to keep balance of our emotions in writing and how to express our positive and negative points with politeness. They conducted different activities to make their point more clear to the students. As Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya – Valsad is newly started school, we had only 7th and 8th standard students so these junior students of our school were guided as per their level with different activities. The students participated in this two days workshop with full zeal and enthusiasm.

On 2nd December the workshop ended at 5 o’clock in the evening with vote of thanks and guidance by Respected Principal Sir Shri. A. B. Khandare.

After the workshop, the students were regularly guided by Ms. Anjali Raj TGT English and Mrs. Jyoti Shenoy TGT Hindi to develop their writing skill. Different exercises, practises regarding creative writing, were given to the students by both the language teachers, and regular guidance were provided to them.

The performance of the students was quite appreciable as they participated in different competitions with full enthusiasm. Essay writing competition in English language was conducted by Ms. Anjali Raj TGT English and Poetry writing competition was conducted by Mrs. Jyoti Shenoy TGT Hindi, at Vidyalaya level in which many students participated. Selected essay of Kum. Tanisha class VI, Master Aditya class VI and selected poems of Kum. Mariyam Choudhari class VIII, Kum. Krutika Padher class VIII, and Master Saif Ali class VII were sent to Regional Cultura Meet at Agriculture College, Vasantroa Naik wada Agriculturl University Parbhani.

In this regional level completion, English essay of Kum. Tanisha Singh won First prize and Hindi poem of Ku. Mariyam won second prize. The topic for their writing was “Hamara Bharat Swachh Bharat ” as suggested by Head Quarter.

Principal Sir Shri. A. B. Khandare had also guided the students and had provided full support and guidance in conducting different competitions, activities and successful workshop.


Reported By

Ms. Sandeep Pise TGT English

Mrs. Pappulal Prajapat TGT Hindi     

Selected Students for Art in National Integration Meet 2018-19

JNV Valsad(Gujarat)

Sr. No

Name of Students


Trainer Name (Teacher)

Name of Resource Person(Teacher)


Ma. Harshit Gupta


Mr. PappulalPrajapat (TGT Hindi)


Ms. Sandhya Meriya.

Hindi Proffessor

 Government College Daman


Ms. Tanisha Singh


Mr. Sanseep Pise

(TGT English)


Mr. Hiren Patel.

Professor, Government Science College Bhilad.

Mo. 8000230243






                                                                                                                     JNV Valsad(Gujarat)


Objectives of Art in Education in JNVs

  • Inculcation of time tested and enduring universal values.
  • Community integration through Arts.
  • Exploring the community environment, local history, geography and tradition for over all social perspective and preservation of community heritage.
  • Providing opportunities through Art in Education for Social and National Development in which Art Education Acts as catalyst.