Co-Curricular Activities
Thur Dec 7 2017 , 13:28:16

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

नवोदय विद्यालय समिति

(शिक्षा मंत्रालय भारत सरकार

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय

जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, हाफलोंग

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities (CCAs) are the components of non-academic curriculum  helps to develop various facets of the personality development of the  child and students. For all-round development of the child, there is a need of emotional, physical, spiritual and moral development that is  complemented and supplemented by Co-curricular Activities.

            Navodaya Vidyalaya more emphasis on the all-round development of the child which means mental, physical, psychological, spiritual & vocational development of the child. Mere classroom teaching-learning Process is not going to help in acheiveing the goal of all-round development of the children. In our vidyalaya co-curricular activities are the part & parcel of daily routine and functioning of the vidyalaya. Large number of co-curricular activities are oraganising in the vidyalaya through different types of competitions & activities like Literary activities, Performing arts, Music, Arts, ICT, Quizes, Celebration of important days, Inter-house competitions, Hindi-pakhwada activities & Swatchta Abhiyan. Sufficient time is given to the students for the preparation of these activites & the teachers also keep on guiding the children participating these CCA competitions. The CCAs are organised as per the institutional plan of the vidyalaya, and to ensure maximum participation among the students most of the competitons are organised House-wise and record of all the CCAs conducted in the vidyalaya is maintained in a seperate register.